Cataract Surgery

How Exactly is Cataract Treated?

Cataract is the clouding of the natural lens of the eye. Although there are many causes of cataract, the most common is due to aging. Symptoms of cataract include blurry cloudy vision, glare, halo, frequent change in eyeglasses and if a severe loss of vision.

The only definitive treatment of cataract is through a surgery called phacoemulsification. During phacoemulsification, ultrasound waves are used to break up the cataract into small pieces which are then vacuumed out. An intraocular lens (IOL) is then inserted replacing the old lens, improving the vision.

Cataract Surgery with a Nurse and Doctor

Here at Shinagawa, we have Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery (FLACS). In traditional Cataract Surgery, it is the surgeon who will divide the cataract into smaller pieces that can be later vacuumed out but in FLACS, this is done by the advanced laser machine producing better outcomes and increasing the safety of the cataract surgery.

How Exactly is Cataract Treated?

Once the natural lens is removed, an IOL must be placed. There are 3 main types of IOL (Monofocal, Multifocal, and Toric). The choice of IOL will be tailored to you depending on your visual needs and this will be discussed with you by your doctor.


Comparison of Normal Lens and Lens clouded by Cataract

A comprehensive eye screening will allow the doctor to determine which lens will be the best fit for a particular patient. The examinations will also indicate whether a patient is eligible for the surgery or not.

Cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure so patients will go home right after surgery. The procedure takes less than 1 hour and only one (1) eye is done at a time. Patients will be given protective eyewear and drops after the surgery.

Representation of Before and After Cataract Surgery

Vision will improve over the first few days while complete healing is expected around 1 to 2 months. Regular check-ups will also be scheduled by the doctor during the entire healing process.

Having problems with cataract or do you know some that are? Shinagawa is here to solve the problem and help fight off cataract for a regained vision.

For more information on how you can seek help for cataract, contact our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517

What Color of Braces Should You Wear?

What Color of Braces Should You Wear?

Wearing braces isn’t just all about the benefits that they give your teeth, it is likewise about style as well.

You can actually be hip by choosing a cool and fitting color for your braces. Get noticed and be a stand out as you can wear your braces with a colorful twist.

Some people actually start off with something quite low key before eventually getting more adventurous in terms of color.

Rubber Colors for Braces

For a start, here are some nice color ideas you might want to consider for your braces:

  • Complement your eye color
  • Match the clothing colors you like to wear
  • Choose bright colors in summer and cool blues on rainy days
  • Specific colors for certain occasions such as Christmas and Halloween seasons

You could also take a more scientific approach to finding the best color of braces for you. Different colors and shades look good against different skin tones, so you could pick some good braces colors that way instead.

It’s a matter of mixing and matching. It’s a matter of wearing the color that embodies your identity and personality.
Find out which specific braces best fits you and your teeth. Shinagawa’s dentists are in the know of what your teeth needs.

To book your free dental appointment, call our Patient Care Lines (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517

Making Your Deep Bite Right

Making Your Deep Bite Right

It eventually becomes a headache once deep bite interferes with the daily usage of the teeth and mouth aside from having an impact on overall facial aesthetics.
Malocclusion, an alternative term for a deep bite, should be prioritized as it is a misalignment problem that can ultimately lead to serious complications in your oral health. Worse, it can even lead to loss of the front teeth.

A deep overbite is certainly detrimental to the jaw joints as it causes positioning problems. In this case, the upper front teeth almost completely shadow and overlap the lower front teeth.
Hence, this should not be taken for granted.

Having a crowded tooth is not exactly the most comfortable thing to have but make no mistake about it, it can surely be fixed.
Not only will it improve the functionality of your teeth and mouth, correcting deep bite misalignment is also bound to maintain your teeth and keep them healthy.

Moloccusion and Normal Occlusion Comparison

Treatments for a Deep bite

The typical treatment for deep bite usually involves a disciplined approach requisite orthodontics and restorative dentistry. Through the advancement of the modern orthodontic treatment, an improperly aligned bite can be corrected by penetrating your front teeth or erupting your back teeth. Either way, it will get the job done.

Among the different types of orthodontics offered at advanced dentistry to serve as deep bite treatment are Conventional (labial) Braces, Hidden (Lingual) Braces, and Invisalign.
With this, you can have multiple effective options to weigh.

If you happen to have a deep bite, make sure to address it accordingly. Let us give you a helping hand.

Our dentists at Shinagawa can make the best recommendations specific to the needs of your teeth, further, they ensure your oral health as well through treatments and procedures.

To book your free dental appointment, call our Patient Care Lines (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517

The Importance of Using Sunscreen

The importance of sunscreen is one of the most underrated musts in terms of skin care. Some people underestimate the significance of using sunscreen on our skin. Little do they know that skipping sunscreen is a major sin in terms of taking care of our skin.

According to dermatologists, it is essential for us to use sunscreen every time we go outside, or even when we’re just indoors.

Skipping sunscreen can cause damage to your skin, particularly caused by the harmful UV rays. Plus, being exposed to the sun without any protection is one of the main causes of skin aging.

In terms of the specific types of sunscreen that can help us take care of our skin better, experts emphasize that it needs to be broad spectrum, water resistant and at least SPF 30.

The Importance of Using Sunscreen

Dermatologists strongly recommend putting sunscreen 30 minutes prior to an expected sun exposure and applying it again every after two hours. This way, the skin will remain protected from whatever harm sun exposure can give.

Avoid having an unhealthy skin and achieve optimum skin health!

Shinagawa offers the best treatments and practices for aesthetics and skin care. To know more, visit

For appointment:
Patient Care Line (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517