Fixing A Cracked Tooth | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Fixing A Cracked Tooth

Knowing if you have a cracked tooth should be a concern for you if you love your teeth. A cracked tooth is most common on teeth in the back of your mouth where the majority of chewing happens. All degrees of a crack can be classified under the diagnosis of “Cracked Tooth Syndrome.” As we […]

Guide In Stopping Acne | Shinagawa Aesthetics Blog

Guide In Stopping Acne

Having acne, especially lots of it, is never good at all. Breakouts are bad enough as it is already, but anyone who suffers from post-pimple hyperpigmentation knows that dealing with the aftermath is even worse. While some people can be lucky as spots will clear up straight away right after, others are not. For the […]

Who Benefits From LASIK | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

Who Benefits From LASIK?

LASIK constantly helps millions of people worldwide enjoy the convenience and freedom that crystal-clear vision provides. How would your life be if you’re no longer held back by a blurry vision? How would your life change if you’re no longer limited by your glasses or contacts? Our LASIK patients at Shinagawa can answer that for […]

Problems Faced By People With Cataract | Shinagawa Cataract Blog

Problems Faced By People With Cataract

One condition that affects vision is cataract, which is very common among the elderly. With your eyes, you get to see things, you get to distinguish many colors and shapes even in the dimmest light. Still, things can go awry when your eyes happen to malfunction for whatever reason. Imagine yourself out in the open, […]

Foods To Avoid And Eat With Braces | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Foods To Avoid And Eat With Braces

People with braces know the struggle of picking the right foods to eat. They have to, of course, consider their health and then, they have to be conscious of their braces, too. Although braces have become sturdier with modern technology, it’s still important to be careful not to damage them. Certain foods can damage braces […]

Your 2020 New Year’s Skin Care Resolutions | Shinagawa Aesthetics Blog

Your 2020 New Year’s Skincare Resolutions

You’re probably conceptualizing all your resolutions for 2020. You might want to consider having some for the sake of your skin this year. Improving your skincare routine should be one of your New Year’s resolutions. Your skin needs some repair as well from the damage caused by sugar, alcohol, and rich food consumption from the […]

3 Easy Steps To Visual Freedom | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

3 Easy Steps To Visual Freedom

Most probably, your vision might be less than perfect now but your quality of life doesn’t have to be. If you’ve been dealing with a blurry vision, you can always see how you can stop your agony to have a better life ahead of you. LASIK is probably the key to a happier and more […]

New Year. New Vision | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

New Year. New Vision. New Life With LASIK.

With LASIK, you can start your 2020 with a 20/20 vision! New Year, new vision, new you. It’s a brand new year and for sure, you’re already planning your early goals. If your New Year’s Resolution is to see better and have a better life, Shinagawa can help you achieve both. The New Year presents […]

Couple and Vision Goals Robert Quenery & Jannica Palanca | Shinagawa Feature Story

Couple and Vision Goals: Robert Quenery & Jannica Palanca

The couple that sees brightly together, stays together. It’s as sweet and as bright as it gets for Robert Quenery and Jannica Palanca as they are bound to explore life and the world together with the brightest of visions. Robert, a LASIK success story himself, recently surprised Jannica with the gift of LASIK and a […]

Diana Krizia Bejo for LASIK | Shinagawa Feature Story

Tears Of Joy: The Bright Sight That Diana Never Thought Would Come

From surreal to real. It seemed like having a bright vision was surreal for Diana Bejo until it got real right before her very eyes. “I just had the most life-changing experience after having my LASIK eye procedure done at Shinagawa,” stated a jubilant Diana. “Still overwhelmed by the fact that I can see everything […]