Adult Male Acne Treatment

The Most Effective Adult Male Acne Treatment

Men’s acne is hormone-related, so it’s treated differently and  Vice versa.

Women can balance hormones with birth control pills or spironolactone, which prevents testosterone from affecting the hair follicle.

The following are the most prevalent and important strategies:

Topical medications

Men and women typically use many of the same treatments, because men’s skin is a little oilier than women’s skin, doctors can often be a little more aggressive and use stronger topical treatments because their skin is a little more resilient. These could include over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide or prescription retinoids.


Antibiotics for acne are starting to lose favor. Doctors now know that “chronic courses” of antibiotics (three months or longer) increase your risk of bacterial resistance. When you get a serious infection like MRSA and need hospitalization and IV antibiotics, that becomes a problem. It’s advised to use the smallest amount of antibiotics for the shortest time.


If acne does not improve after one course of oral antibiotics, isotretinoin, drug that shrinks oil pores, is usually prescribed instead of more antibiotics.

Two common reasons men’s acne flares up

Lastly, it’s important to note that there are two common pitfalls that lead to worsened breakouts in men.


The use of corticosteroids, such as prednisone or dexamethasone, for anti-inflammatory purposes or to treat specific endocrine-type abnormalities can lead to exacerbations, To make matters worse, many athletes resort to anabolic steroids if they want to gain muscle mass or strength more quickly. Acne will surely worsen under those conditions.

Greasy skin products

If you use hair care products that get onto your face — whether on your hair or your facial hair — you can plug your hair follicles and invite acne to rear its ugly head. (That includes beard oils and waxes!)

More skincare companies are marketing men’s products.
Women always look for “non-comedogenic” or “pore-clogging” makeup and facial care products, but men don’t buy non-comedogenic products.

Our doctors can help you treat acne the proper way.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.


The Objectives Of Laser Treatments For Acne And Acne Scars | Shinagawa Blog

What Are The Objectives Of Laser Treatments For Acne And Acne Scars?

Laser offers an effective non-invasive method for acne and acne scar removal treatments.

A controlled laser beam producing an intense monochromatic light is targeted on your acne and acne scars. As a result, your deformed skin is removed ‘layer by layer’ while the production of collagen is stimulated.

The healing is complete with the new skin cells growing from beneath. All your dead skin is removed and your skin tightens and becomes clearer. This minimizes and removes the appearance of scars.

Lasers offer the most advanced procedures for addressing acne and scars.

At Shinagawa Aesthetics, laser treatments are effectively and safely performed by certified dermatologists at our fully equipped facilities.

Different options of laser treatments are available at Shinagawa for your skin. Your dermatologist will determine the best treatment method after an in-depth analysis of your skin type, the severity of the scar, the root cause of acne, etc.

Here are the objectives of our laser treatments at Shinagawa:

  • Laser treatments at Shinagawa are effective for all skin types.
  • You will see positive results almost a week after your treatment. However, it may take several months for your skin to heal completely.
  • Compared to surgical methods, laser acne treatments at Shinagawa require very little post-care.
  • Compared to dermabrasion, laser treatments are less prone to infections or wounds.
  • Laser treatment methods enhance the overall appearance of your skin. They remove your damaged skin cells, layer by layer, stimulate new collagen production, and firm up the internal layers of your skin.

Our advanced laser treatments are the answers to your skin problems are looking for. Let us take care of your beauty woes and skin problems.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, and appointments, or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

RevLite SI Laser Treatment For Glowing Skin | Shinagawa Blog

RevLite SI Laser Treatment For Glowing Skin

Collagen is a vital building block of your skin, muscles, bones, blood cartilage, and ligaments. This protein is responsible for your skin elasticity and provides structure to your tendons and joints. Collagen holds your muscles and bones together and protects your organs. It also helps in building muscle mass. It gives your muscles the fuel required to help you with your workouts. It also promotes gut health by supporting the protective lining of your digestive tract and thereby preventing inflammation.

Decrease of collagen causes fine lines, wrinkles, and loose dull or dry skin. As your cartilage weakens with age, you may even experience joint pain owing to stiff joints.

RevLite SI is a non-invasive laser treatment that uses light energy to gently stimulate natural collagen growth deep below your skin. This will restore your skin from large pores and pigmentation that were caused by sun damage.

It is a non-ablative process which means that it does not remove any skin. Laser skin treatment does not adversely affect the outer layers of your skin, so there is no healing or recovery process at all. A beam of light is applied as a high-energy pulse to pass harmlessly through the upper layer of your skin and disintegrate the unwanted melanin deposits.

The RevLite laser is suitable to remove any kind of scar or discoloration including acne spots, suntans, age spots, liver marks, sun freckles, tattoos, etc. The laser heat generated stimulates the growth of collagen beneath your skin. This new collagen continues to develop after the treatment.

In the course of time, your body will gradually and consistently fill in wrinkles and scars naturally. As the laser light penetrates your pigmentation such as age spots, these affected areas break apart and get absorbed into your skin. You will be delighted with clear, healthy skin with minimal imperfections.

RevLite SI removes all unwanted discoloration. Normally, the treatment has no side effects and the probability of infection is also low. The spots removed do not return, however, new spots may form with excessive sun exposure.

The RevLite Treatment is a befitting solution to the woes caused by pollution and over-exposure to the Sun. This improves your overall skin texture by shrinking large pores and dissolving deposits of melanin pigment with the natural production of collagen.

During your Revlite SI Treatment, as the new collagen is generated, your fine lines and wrinkles are decreased. The positive effects of your laser treatment continue even after your treatment. The laser process can be used to treat many areas of your body including your face, hands, neck, and chest. The laser rejuvenation procedure is appropriate for all skin types including tanned skin.

Shinagawa Aesthetics suggests that with this procedure, you can hope to decrease the oiliness of your skin and firm up your sagging skin. You can enjoy the benefits of an enhanced skin texture and a glowing complexion.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

Worried About Hyperpigmentation? | Shinagawa Blog

Worried About Hyperpigmentation?

Are you worried about sun-damaged or blotchy skin? Have you tried everything to treat your skin concerns and not been satisfied with the results? Now is the time to try RevLite SI treatment.

The use of the innovative technology of RevLite SI can treat various skin conditions. It’s a precise technique especially effective in treating hyperpigmentation, superficial vessels, and sun damage.

While it is mostly used to treat discoloration, it also helps stimulate collagen production making this treatment a great addition to anti-aging regimens!

RevLite SI is ideal for you if you have:

  • Skin with large pores, acne, or freckles
  • Fine lines or dark spots
  • Rosacea, skin flushing, or broken blood vessels
  • Hyperpigmentation

It is a quick and easy step to achieving all different types of skincare goals.

To schedule a RevLite SI consultation, reach out to our caring and knowledgeable professionals at Shinagawa Aesthetics.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

The Benefits of Skin Rejuvenation Treatments | Shinagawa Blog

Primary Benefits of Skin Rejuvenation Treatments

Skin Rejuvenation Treatments target the cells that lie beneath the upper layers of your skin. As the laser light penetrates your pigmentation such as age and sun spots, these areas break apart and are absorbed into the skin.

What are the Primary Benefits of Skin Rejuvenation Treatments?

  1. Skin Rejuvenation treatments enhance your overall skin tone and texture.
  2. Helps to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines on your entire face such as the forehead as well as the delicate skin around your eyes and mouth. It also gives good results on your neck. The results of this treatment cannot be expected from over-the-counter (OTC) products.
  3. Like all other laser treatments, Laser Skin Rejuvenation treatments help restore your skin’s ability to heal itself. Your fine lines and wrinkles are removed through natural processes of collagen regeneration stimulated by the application of laser energy beneath the surface of your skin.
  4. Treats different kinds of blemishes. Scars from an acne breakout usually linger for years. Acne may return after years of being in a dormant state. Laser Skin Rejuvenation treatments are convenient solutions for this common skin problem.
  5. Skin Rejuvenation treatments are minimally invasive procedures. The potential risks and complications are negligible.
  6. Reduces pore sizes and helps you maintain bright, youthful skin.
  7. Requires minimal downtime when compared to other surgical procedures. You could expect to resume routine activities within a week following your treatment. In contrast, surgical options take up to one year for the final results to show. Results are visible almost immediately after the procedure and they continue to manifest more prominently in the following days and weeks.
  8. Side effects of the procedure are few. The common ones reported may include redness or swelling which are short-lived.
  9. Is cost-effective compared to surgical treatment options?

Shinagawa Aesthetics presents advanced and effective Skin Rejuvenation treatments such as RevLite SI, Fractional C02 Laser, and Synchroderm Plus for you to achieve your most beautiful and healthy look!

Know what’s best for you! Schedule a derma consultation with us and get started! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.