Fixing A Cracked Tooth | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Fixing A Cracked Tooth

Knowing if you have a cracked tooth should be a concern for you if you love your teeth.

A cracked tooth is most common on teeth in the back of your mouth where the majority of chewing happens. All degrees of a crack can be classified under the diagnosis of “Cracked Tooth Syndrome.”

As we continue to age, our teeth can begin to have little lines or cracks on the surface. Although these may seem concerning, oftentimes they are simply what we call “craze lines.” These craze lines are in fact cracks in the tooth enamel, generally limited to the superficial outer layer of the tooth, that develop over time with normal wear and tear. Craze lines are not serious as long as they do not penetrate to the inner surface of the tooth called dentin.

If you have a cracked tooth, you may notice sensitivity or pain when biting and chewing food. In more severe cases, it will hurt consistently, especially around the gums if the tooth segment is loose. There are various types of cracked teeth, and depending on how deep the damage goes, certain treatment options are suggested based on your situation. Treatment can be as simple as a crown, but in more extreme cases removing the tooth completely is required.

Typically a cracked tooth will require more invasive treatment than a chipped tooth. If the crack extends beyond the surface of the tooth, a root canal is likely recommended and then places a crown to cover the entire tooth.

Here are the most common treatments for a cracked tooth:

Least severe: The tooth will require a dental crown to cover and restore the damage.

Medium severity: If the crack has extended a little deeper into the tooth, it is often treated by performing a root canal procedure, then placing a crown on the tooth to restore aesthetics and functionality.

Most severe: If the crack has extended deep into the tooth, a tooth extraction needs to be performed. This is the most extreme situation and dentists usually try their best to keep your natural teeth and repair the damage if possible. If an extraction is the best treatment plan, a dental implant can be used to replace your original tooth.

Let’s fix your cracked tooth. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule a FREE dental consultation.

Foods To Avoid And Eat With Braces | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Foods To Avoid And Eat With Braces

People with braces know the struggle of picking the right foods to eat. They have to, of course, consider their health and then, they have to be conscious of their braces, too.

Although braces have become sturdier with modern technology, it’s still important to be careful not to damage them. Certain foods can damage braces components like the rubber bands, wires, or even the bracket itself. Generally, avoid all foods that are sticky, hard, or chewy. Soft foods are most recommended for those who wear braces because they are gentler on braces hardware.

Here are some foods you should avoid when wearing braces:

  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Hard taco shells
  • Sticky and hard candy
  • Gum
  • Ice
  • Corn chips
  • Pretzels
  • Hard cookies or crackers
  • Sticky or hard chocolate

For some foods, you should try to avoid biting into hard foods with your front teeth. When possible, cut up these hard foods into smaller pieces:

  • Raw vegetables
  • Croutons
  • French/Italian bread
  • Fruit
  • Hard rolls
  • Thin crust pizza
  • Meat
  • Burgers
  • Sub sandwiches
  • Corn on the cob

Recommended foods when wearing braces:

  • Hull-less popcorn
  • Yogurt
  • Bananas, grapes, oranges, strawberries, and other fruits without pits
  • Light crackers or cookies
  • Cheese
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Ravioli, spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, and other noodle dishes

Maintaining a healthy, nutritious diet is important for oral health and overall health.

The healthier your body is, the better the results of your orthodontic treatment because a proper diet provides essential nutrients to bones and tissues undergoing significant change during braces treatment.

Want to know the best practices for your braces? Consult our expert dentists! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule a FREE dental consultation.

Knowing Gum Disease Better | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Knowing Gum Disease Better

Curious if you have healthy gums? You should be as your gums’ health is integral for your oral health as well. You should perhaps know if you have gum disease.

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Because gum disease is usually painless, you may not know you have it. Also referred to as a periodontal disease, gum disease is caused by plaque, the sticky film of bacteria that is constantly forming on our teeth.

Here are some signs that may signify that you might have gum disease:

  • Red, swollen, tender gums
  • Gums bleed easily
  • Constant bad breath or bad taste
  • Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Permanent teeth that are loose or separating
  • Any change in the fit of partial dentures
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth

Moreover, here are some factors that increase the risk of developing gum disease:

  • Crooked teeth that are hard to keep clean
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Genetics
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Diabetes
  • Medications, including steroids, certain types of anti-epilepsy drugs, cancer therapy drugs, some calcium channel blockers, and oral contraceptives

The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. If you have gingivitis, your gums may become red, swollen and bleed easily. At this stage, the disease is still reversible and can usually be eliminated by a professional cleaning, followed by daily brushing and flossing.

Advanced gum disease is called periodontitis. It can lead to the loss of tissue and bone that support the teeth and it may become more severe over time. If it does, your teeth will feel loose and start moving around in your mouth. This is the most common form of periodontitis in adults but can occur at any age. It usually gets worse slowly, but there can be periods of rapid progression.

Aggressive periodontitis is a highly destructive form of periodontal disease that occurs in patients who are otherwise healthy. Common features include rapid loss of tissue and bone and may occur in some areas of the mouth, or in the entire mouth.

Research between systemic diseases and periodontal diseases is ongoing. While a link is not conclusive, some studies indicate that severe gum disease may be associated with several other health conditions such as diabetes or stroke.

It is possible to have gum disease and have no warning signs. That is one reason why regular dental checkups and periodontal examinations are very important. Treatment methods depend upon the type of disease and how far the condition has progressed.

Good dental care at home is essential to help keep periodontal disease from becoming more serious or recurring.

See our dentists if you suspect you have gum disease. The sooner you get treatment, the better.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule a FREE dental consultation.

Reasons Why You Should Chew Your Food Properly | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Reasons Why You Should Chew Your Food Properly

When you’re super hungry, your tendency is to eat right away at a fast pace to fill up your aching stomach.

Think back to your last meal—did you give any thought to how long you chewed your bites of food for? Probably not.

For most of us, chewing is like a habit or reflex done without any conscious effort. However, the process of chewing is quite important to your overall health and serves as the first step of your digestion process.

Here are a few reasons to consider slower chewing at your next meal.

  1. Chewing longer helps you maintain a healthy weight. The longer you chew, the more time it takes you to complete a meal. This can help you eat less as opposed to chomping down dinner without even tasting it.
  2. You’ll absorb more nutrients and energy from your food. By slowing down your chewing habits, you’ll help to break food down more than you would by rushing through a meal.
  3. It’s great for your teeth. The bones and muscles in your mouth get a workout when you chew, which helps keep them strong.
  4. Increased saliva production. The more you chew, the more saliva forms in your mouth which help to clear food out of the crevices of your teeth and make swallowing easier.
  5. It helps you enjoy your food. After all, don’t you want to savor the taste of your favorite meal rather than just tossing it back without a thought?

A piece of expert advice from our dentists can help in knowing what’s best for your teeth and oral health. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule a FREE consultation.

How Smiling Affects Your Happiness And Health | Shinagawa News & Events

How Smiling Affects Your Happiness And Health

Smiling can do you lots of goods.

An individual’s smile can convey several different emotions, such as happiness, gratitude, friendliness, and contentment. However, there is much more to a person’s smile than conveying an emotional state.

After many scientific and psychological case studies, it has been proven that an individual’s smile affects their overall health and happiness.

The Science Behind Smiling

There is a lot more to a single smile than most people realize. The act of smiling activates neural messaging in the brain, and when a person smiles, the neurotransmitters that cause a person to feel good are released.

Health Benefits Of Smiling

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Strengthens immune function
  • Provides pain relief
  • Increases longevity of life

Psychological Benefits Of Smiling

  • Improves overall mood
  • Provides stress relief
  • Decreases depression and anxiety

Correcting A Less-Than-Perfect Smile

Many people refrain from smiling because of missing, broken, crooked, and discolored teeth, or even because of bad breath. Having a less-than-perfect smile can rob an individual of their self-esteem, self-confidence, and the many other health benefits that smiling can provide.

With the help of cosmetic dentistry, a person can enjoy the benefits of good health and happiness for years and years. Shinagawa Orthodontics can surely help you have a better smile.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and for a FREE dental consultation.