Knowing More About RevLite | Shinagawa Blog

Knowing More About RevLite

Many dermatologists consider RevLite as one of the most effective, if not the most effective, treatment for hyper-pigmented skin, any kind of abnormal darkening of the skin, including everything from freckles to liver spots.

That’s because the power of RevLite presents a whole lot more.

Hyperpigmentation can be quite irritating. After all, who would like to have discolored or pigmented skin?

Thanks to the latest technological advancements, doctors have been able to come up with an effective remedy known as RevLite treatment that works wonder on hyper-pigmented skin.

This innovative treatment is a non-invasive procedure that uses a beam of light as a high-energy pulse to disintegrate melanin deposits. The RevLite laser is applied to remove any kind of scar or discoloration like acne spots, suntans, age spots, liver marks, sun freckles or even a tattoo. Further, the laser promotes collagen growth underneath the skin. This results in firmer and younger-looking skin.

The wavelength of light to be used during the treatment is determined by the quality of the skin to be treated. The laser pulse is applied to dissolve pigments and stimulate new collagen production. This makes your skin appear pleasantly plump.

The principle underlying the RevLite concept is that laser wave works only on aberrations and doesn’t affect normal parts. This is why it is important to correctly determine the particular wavelength required to be applied for a specific skin discoloration problem.

Another wonderful thing about RevLite treatment is that is doesn’t hurt. The treatment feels just like a mild sting on the skin. An initial redness is noticed but it disappears within a few hours’ time. In rare cases, it might take longer for the redness to recede. There are provisions for local anesthesia but the discomfort is so minimal that patients decide to opt-out of it.

Doctors advise abstinence from alcohol, Vitamin E and ASA prior to the treatment. Ideally, you should not expose yourself to the sun immediately after the treatment but in case going out during daytime becomes absolutely necessary, a sunscreen with high SPF is strongly recommended.

Shinagawa Aesthetics has one of the most advanced RevLite services in the country — RevLite SI Laser Skin Treatment! Treat your pigmentations now.

Call our Patient Care Lines (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book an appointment.