How To Overcome The Fear Of The Dentist
If you happen to be someone who is terrified of visiting the dentist, chances are you are not alone.
There are a lot of people who deal with a fear of the dentist and even extreme anxiety over upcoming appointments.
Proper dental care is important for overall health, so even if someone has a fear of the dentist, they will still need to make appointments. Along with finding a good dentist that will work with you and your fears, there are other steps that can be taken to control and manage dental anxiety and dental phobias.
There are various reasons that people may fear the dentist, and being able to identify your fear is the first step in dealing with it.
Here are some common fears:
Pain – Some people deal with pain better than others. If you have a difficult time handling pain, due to any number of reasons, fear of dental procedures can be overwhelming. If pain is causing fear of the dentist, it is important to find a dentist that is gentler during procedures.
You also want to talk to your dentist about what to do if you begin to encounter pain during a procedure. Knowing that your doctor is willing to stop and find a solution to your pain before continuing a procedure may make you more comfortable.
Many dental procedures do result in some pain and discomfort but good doctors will work with a patient to minimize any pain they may experience.
Fear of Having a Panic Attack – People that suffer from severe dental phobias are more likely to suffer from panic attacks and other anxiety-induced symptoms. Some people feel embarrassed by their reactions and therefore avoid the dentist entirely. A good doctor will make you feel comfortable, even when you may be suffering symptoms of anxiety.
Loss of Control – Some fears of the dentist come from being afraid to lose control during treatment. This could be due to a fear of being in distress, or because a person prefers to be in control of situations. If a loss of control is the issue, it can help to discuss any procedures with your dentist, in detail, ahead of time. If you know exactly what is going to be happening, what to do if you are feeling discomfort, and any other details, you may feel more comfortable giving up control and trusting your doctor.
How to overcome these fears
There are many different ways of dealing with a fear of the dentist. Once you have determined exactly what causes your fear, you will have an easier time dealing with it. The most important thing in dealing with dental anxiety is having a good doctor. You should seek a dental professional that makes you feel comfortable, is willing to share detailed information with you about procedures, and is willing to work with you to help you overcome your fear and anxiety.
In addition to having a good dentist, items such as music players, and other technological devices can help you take your mind off your procedure. In extreme cases of dental phobia, the use of a psychologist or psychiatrist may be helpful in overcoming fear and anxiety.
Let us conquer your fear of the dentist. Start by having a FREE dental consultation with our experienced and accommodating dentists at Shinagawa Orthodontics. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book your appointment.