An inspiring mother of five, Shobe Dee‘s 20/12 vision following her surprise LASIK procedure at Shinagawa helps her be the best full-time mom she can possibly be.
“I’m amazed that upon waking up in the morning, everything is bright already. I can now see everything clearly from afar,” gladly shared Shobe. “It was a constant struggle before when I was still wearing eyeglasses while doing my everyday errands. Now, everything is much more comfortable, especially when preparing food and essentials.”
For her, having a restored bright vision is like being a newborn. “It really is a big deal to regain a bright vision! It’s a miracle for me. It’s like having a second life. It feels so good! This is one of the biggest blessings that I’ve received.”
Check out what she has to say about her “blessing” of a LASIK experience at Shinagawa:

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Based on her awesome experience, Shobe has a message for those wondering whether or not to have LASIK.
For those who are still thinking about it, I highly recommend that you have your LASIK done at Shinagawa.