The opportunity to achieve a bright eyesight is always there. It’s only a matter of taking it.
Don Conde, Government Service Insurance System Employee, has been aiming for a clear eyesight since 2015 and he finally achieved it after having TransPRK at Shinagawa.
“Since 2015, I’ve been wanting to get rid of my eyeglasses, which were 300/275 and 75+ astigmatism for both eyes.”

I grabbed the opportunity to have a clear eyesight with TransPRK at a very reasonable price at Shinagawa and my experience was amazing!

“Reading the testimonials of other patients and watching on YouTube with research made me confident about the procedure and convinced me to do it. When Shinagawa offered a good promo, I didn’t think twice.”
He was thrilled to have a vision better than 20/20 following the procedure.

Now, I have a 20/12 vision, which is even beyond a normal 20/20 vision. Goodbye eyeglasses!

Our TransPRK at Shinagawa is top-notch. It might be the right procedure for you!
For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines:
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