Getting A Perfect Smile With Cosmetic Braces 1

Getting A Perfect Smile With Cosmetic Braces

Having cosmetic braces to straighten teeth and brighten smile are vastly becoming increasingly popular, especially to adults. The obvious reason for this is that people naturally want to improve their overall appearance. Having braces is certainly one way to do just that. Who wouldn’t want a perfect grin? With cosmetic braces, your smile can be […]

Reasons To See A Dermatologist

Reasons To See A Dermatologist

Naturally, it’s essential for you to visit a dermatologist every now and then to have your skin checked and be able to keep it healthy. However, there are instances wherein you instantly would need to go to a dermatologist outside of usual schedule when the need arises. Here are six important reasons to see a […]

What Are The Differences Of IOLs In Cataract Surgery?

What Are The Differences Of IOLs In Cataract Surgery?

One of the most important aspects of Cataract Surgery is the implanting of the Intra-Ocular Lens (IOL) as a substitute for the eye’s cloudy natural lens. There are different types of IOLs that can be implanted into the eye and each of them presents different capabilities. You should know their differences to be able to […]

What Is Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder?

Do you feel any pain or discomfort every time you move your jaw around? There’s a good chance that you might have Temporal Mandibular Joint disorder or TMJ. Temporal Mandibular Joint disorder causes pain and discomfort in the joint of your jaw and in the muscles that control its movement. It is actually a common […]

Skin Care Mistakes that you are Likely Doing 1

Skin Care Mistakes that you are Likely Doing

The skin is one of the most visible organs in your body. Hence, it is that important for you to take proper care of it, with emphasis on the proper. Still, despite your efforts, you sometimes wonder why your skin is not as healthy as you might want it to be. There might be a […]

How Effective is Cataract Surgery?

How Effective is Cataract Surgery?

If you’re curious about the effectivity of Cataract Surgery in terms of removing cataracts and restoring brighter vision, you should feed your curiosity. Do you know that Cataract Surgery is one of the most tested and proven in the world? That being factual, one should understand that the procedure is effective and beneficial in terms […]

Do You Have Yellow Teeth? Know What Causes It

Do You Have Yellow Teeth? Know What Causes It

Do you miss your pearly white teeth? Having yellowish teeth due to discoloration isn’t exactly the best sight to see. Discolored set of teeth can reduce one’s confidence and overall appearance. But how do you exactly avoid tooth discoloration? It starts by knowing what causes tooth discoloration. Here are some factors that cause tooth discoloration: […]

Travel Beauty Essentials You Should Have 1

Travel Beauty Essentials You Should Have

Admit it, you love traveling, right? Come on, who doesn’t want to wander around nowadays? As you travel, it is natural for your getup to be ruined every now and then given all the activities and adventures that you embark on to maximize every trip. Of course, despite that, you would still want to keep […]

Knowing if your Teeth are Crooked or your Bite is Misaligned 1

Knowing if your Teeth are Crooked or your Bite is Misaligned

Do you often feel like your teeth might be crooked or your bite might be misaligned? It’s uncomfortable and irritating, right? Instead of comfortably using and flaunting your teeth, you feel that something might not be right. In this case, it’s always best to visit a dentist to know the real score. A dentist can […]

Nailing a No Makeup Look 3

Nailing a No Makeup Look

In some instances, less proves to be more. Sometimes, that applies in certain instances, including the setup of your face. While makeups help you a lot to achieve a certain glow during special occasions, there are times that a no-makeup look is more appropriate. So how do you exactly pull that off? Actually, this might […]