How do you exactly need to stay home after having LASIK? Not too long at all, actually.
In fact, an average patient doesn’t actually need to miss a day of work right after LASIK.
What’s necessary after LASIK is giving your eyes their much-needed rest. A nice and lengthy sleep overnight is a requisite for a person who underwent LASIK.
After the procedure, it is natural for your eyes to itch, burn and feel like there’s something stuck in them for the first few hours. Those are the reasons why it is necessary for a patient to get a good sleep moments after the procedure.
Various eye drops will be required to be taken in a timely manner to help a LASIK patient recuperate better and faster.
Shortly after the procedure, most patient’s eyes and vision are bound to be much clearer even though they will continue to stabilize even more in the coming weeks and months.
Based on statistics, most patients actually return to work the following day after LASIK as recovery time is really expected to be swift. Your activities ahead can be well plotted right after your first post-operative checkup.
Aside from delivering you significantly brighter eyesight, Shinagawa’s fast and painless LASIK treatments will not make you miss a lot of time at work.
Our eye doctors are more than ready to give you a smooth and. Just call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to book a needed eye consultation.