The Eye Problems You Should Look Out For

The Eye Problems You Should Look Out For

To stay completely aware of your eye health, you need to know what you should look out for. Identifying eye problems that could signify serious problems beforehand will save your vision.

Apart from your regular dilated eye exams, visit an eye care professional if you’re going through these eye problems:

  • Eye pain
  • Decreased or double vision
  • Redness or drainage of your eyes
  • Floaters in your eye
  • Circle or halos around light sources
  • Inflammation/irritation in the eye
  • Flashes of light
  • Itchy or watery eyes

Our eye specialists are waiting to help you achieve optimum vision and eye health!

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Gritty Eyes Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Gritty Eyes: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Do you often get the feeling of a flack of sand stuck in your eyes? This irritating condition is known as gritty eyes. 

Generally, you face these additional gritty eyes symptoms as well:

  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Burning eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Itchy eyes

Anyone can feel a gritty sensation in the eyes once in a while. However, you need to be alert if this scratchy and rough sensation doesn’t disappear over time. It can mean that you might have an underlying eye disease such as dry eye syndrome, corneal abrasion, sunburned eyes, etc.


The treatment for your gritty eyes will depend upon the symptoms and causes. Your GP may advise you on one of the following approaches while doing your treatment.

Medical Treatment for Gritty Eyes

The medical treatments for treating the gritty sensation in the eyes include eye drops, contact lenses, prescription drugs, light therapy, punctual occlusion, etc. Your eye doctor will prescribe treatment in line with your additional underlying eye conditions.

Over-the-counter (OTC) Solutions for Gritty Eyes

Warm compress, omega-3 supplements, humidifier, OTC eye drops work well for mild symptoms. These OTC treatments are easily excisable to all, so you should start one of these as soon as you begin to feel the gritty eyes symptoms. If things don’t get better in a couple of days, contact your eye doctor at the earliest.


You can prevent this annoying syndrome by doing the following:

  • Keep your computer screen at eye level so that your eyes can open properly.
  • Avoid smoking as it is the primary cause of dry eye syndrome.
  • Give short relaxing breaks to the eyes while doing work on screen or reading.
  • Wear protective sunglasses or eyewear.
  • Avoid exposure of eyes to the wind.

Gritty eyes disorder is perfectly curable. Therefore if you feel the gritty sensation in your eyes for a few days, you shouldn’t wait to consult a doctor. 

You can try the OTC solutions in the meanwhile. But only an ophthalmologist or optometrist can conduct a detailed eye exam, detect the cause of gritty eyes, and prescribe a suitable treatment.

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

📱 (+63) 917 862 7454

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Why is Vision Health for All Ages Important

Why is Vision Health for All Ages Important?

While you care for your overall health more than anything, maintaining a proper and healthy vision is equally important! Several eye problems can be treated if detected early. Hence, regular eye exams for all ages are vital.

Conducting regular eye exams for all ages is necessary to ensure you aren’t dealing with common eye problems.

Whether you’re an adult or a preschooler, whether you’ve perfect eyesight or struggle with something genetic, regular eye exams are necessary for all ages.

  • It’s believed that mostly adults can develop an eyesight problem. However, even preschoolers are subjected to them.
  • Vision disability is among the most common disabilities in children. Despite this, only 1 in every 7 preschoolers receives an eye exam.
  • Vision screening for kids aged 3 to 5 years is essential to catch eye conditions like lazy eye early for effective treatment.
  • Most people aged 12 and older with refractive errors can see better when diagnosed early and given the proper treatment.

If you don’t take proper checkups, some preventive eye conditions can cause major problems like:

  • Cataracts, the clouding of the eye that makes your vision foggy.
  • Glaucoma which damages the optic nerve.
  • Diabetic retinopathy that destroys the blood vessels in the back of the eye.
  • Macular degeneration is age-related that affects the central vision.

If it’s been a while since your last checkup, schedule one this month!

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

📱 (+63) 917 862 7454

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What Can Worsen Astigmatism

What Can Worsen Astigmatism?

Astigmatism refers to the term in which your cornea or lens isn’t round in shape. It’s a common vision disorder, and its symptoms include blurred vision, difficulty with driving at night, headaches, eye pain, and glare sensitivity. Astigmatism usually develops in childhood and changes our eye shape into a football-like shape from its usual spherical form.

This unusual shape causes light rays to bend in more than one direction, which causes blurred vision.

Astigmatism usually doesn’t require any surgeries, and in most cases, you can treat it with glasses or contact lenses but if left untreated several factors can cause Astigmatism to worsen.


Astigmatism is a common problem, and while it can happen to anyone, there are people with a higher chance of developing it due to certain factors. 

You are more likely at the risk of Astigmatism if you have:

  • A thin cornea
  • A family history of Astigmatism
  • A history of eye surgeries. This can include cataracts and other surgeries as well.
  • Excessive Farsightedness (hyperopia)
  • Extreme nearsightedness (myopia)

There are several effects of Astigmatism as normal vision differs from that of how people with astigmatism see. But generally, people who have Astigmatism have difficulty when they are driving at night.


Not only Astigmatism mostly every refractive error can worsen with time if left untreated at an early stage. According to advanced research, we saw that the simultaneous presence of myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is one of the key factors that helps Astigmatism progress further. Therefore we recommend visiting an eye specialist at least once a year so you can detect your eye problems at an early stage.


Several factors are responsible for making your Astigmatism problem worse, and the doctor will likely look out for the same. In some cases, a rare condition known as Keratoconus, in which the cornea begins to bulge outwards in a cone shape, causes Astigmatism to worsen.

Whereas in others, Astigmatism usually gets worse when a person turns more than 50. Your Corneal and Lens curvature is known to change with time, which means this condition will also change as you age.

Even though Astigmatism worsens with time, treating it is a no-brainer. An eye specialist can usually do it with the help of corrective lenses, refractive surgery, and specialty contact lenses.


As mentioned earlier, astigmatism can get severe as we age. The corneas in your eye become highly irregular, and when you go to your eye specialist, you might notice that the prescriptions frequently keep changing, leading to different eye exams.

Your astigmatism symptoms might be more severe when you are suffering from other refractive issues or keratoconus. However, astigmatism is a common problem that can be treated easily. If you notice any symptoms of Astigmatism, you must contact your eye specialist so they can treat your problem at its early stage without the need for any surgeries.

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

📱 (+63) 917 862 7454

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Reasons Why Your Eyelashes Hurt

Reasons Why Your Eyelashes Hurt

Eyelashes are one of the most important parts of your face. They help you to look more attractive, giving you a better look. But sometimes, this part of your face goes through pain and tears. 

There are many people out there who experience the pain of lashes damaging their eyes due to various reasons. For this one, we discuss the different causes of your eyelashes hurting you so badly.

What causes eyelash pain?

Eyelash Extensions

An eyelash extension is a cosmetic procedure that involves growing out your own natural lashes with synthetic ones. The process typically lasts between two to three hours and can involve multiple visits to your local salon in order to achieve the desired results.

Many women consider eyelash extensions to be a great way to add length and volume to their natural lashes. However, if you have sensitive eyes or are allergic to the materials used in the procedure, this may cause irritation and discomfort.

Ingrown Eyelashes

Ingrown eyelashes are a common medical condition. They occur when the eyelash grows into the eyelid and becomes trapped. The skin around the eyelash becomes inflamed and swollen, which can cause pain when you blink, close your eyes, or rub your eyes.

It can also cause inflammation, redness, and discomfort. It’s more common in adults, but it can happen to children as well. The pain associated with ingrown eyelashes is usually mild to moderate and may last for several days.

Blepharitis/Eyelid inflammation

Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelid margin. In other words, it’s a red, swollen area around the outer edge of your lid. Blepharitis causes pain and irritation, which can lead to inflamed and tender eyelids.

Bacteria that cause blepharitis thrive in warm, moist environments — such as those found around your eyelids — where they produce irritating toxins that inflame your eyelids and cause painful redness and swelling.

The good news is that blepharitis has many effective treatments available from your doctor or pharmacist, including antibiotics and topical medications such as corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone). If you have persistent symptoms, you may need to wear protective eye shields for several weeks until you have healed completely.


A stye is an infection of the oil glands in the eyelid that causes swelling, redness, and tenderness of the upper inner eyelid. The term stye is a misnomer because it is not actually an eye condition but an inflammation of the oil glands under the upper eyelid.

The most common cause for styes is bacteria or a virus. Styes may also be caused by a blocked tear duct, allergic reaction to cosmetics or other substances that can irritate the skin, colds or allergies, injury to the eyelid, or excessive rubbing against your eye.

Stye treatment involves draining any excess fluid from beneath your skin. You may have a mild fever during this process, as well as some swelling in your eye area. Your doctor will give you a medicine to reduce inflammation and swelling and prevent bacterial growth.

Eyelash Mites & Lice

The most common causes of eyelash pain are mites and lice. These pests can be extremely annoying, irritating, and painful for your eyes.

Mites are tiny insects that live in the sebaceous glands near the eyelashes. They feed on the oil found in this area, causing irritation and inflammation. The mite is transferred from human to human via close contact with hair or skin flakes.

Lice are parasites that infest human hair follicles, spreading through close contact or via contaminated clothing or bedding. They feed on blood and can cause intense itching and irritation of the eyelid margin and adjacent skin.


Entropion is a condition in which your lashes rub against the inner corner of your eye socket when you blink. This happens because the eyelashes grow inward instead of outward like they’re supposed to do, causing them to press against the sensitive skin inside your eye socket as they move up and down with each blink of an eye. Entropion can lead to scarring and corneal abrasions on the eye’s surface — which can cause significant pain and discomfort.

Eyelash Ptosis

Eyelash ptosis is a condition where the eyelashes droop or fall out. It’s caused by an imbalance of the muscles that control the eyelid and the muscle that lifts up the eyelid, called levator palpebrae superioris. This condition may make your eyes look smaller than normal and give you a tired or sad appearance. You may have some discomfort or pain when blinking or opening your eyes wide. In some cases, you might notice a dry spot where one of your lashes should be but isn’t anymore.

So you might think your eyelashes hurt because they are fragile and weak, but in fact the reason is something more complicated than that. Eyelashes are a part of your body, just like your hair, and when they hurt, it means something is wrong. 

It isn’t necessarily a cause for concern, but it is important to figure out why your eyelashes hurt, so you know how to prevent the discomfort in the future. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Shinagawa.

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

📱 (+63) 917 862 7454

📱 (+63) 921 217 0517

📞 (+632) 7-368 5238

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