Anti Aging Tips

Anti-Aging Tips

Aging is a natural process that everyone goes through, but there are ways to slow down the signs of aging and keep your skin looking youthful and radiant. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective anti-aging tips that can help you maintain a healthy, youthful complexion for years to come.

From lifestyle changes to skincare routines, we’ll cover everything you need to know to take control of your aging process and feel confident in your skin. So if you’re looking to turn back the clock and defy the signs of aging, read on to discover our top anti-aging tips!

Importance of Sun Protection

Protecting your skin from the sun is one of the most effective ways to slow down the aging process. Sun exposure can cause damage to the skin, leading to wrinkles, age spots, and a loss of elasticity. To prevent this, use broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and wear protective clothing.

Reapply sunscreen every two hours when outdoors and seek shade during the hottest part of the day. Using sun protection can also reduce your risk of skin cancer, the most preventable risk factor being exposure to UV radiation.

Anti-Aging Foods to Incorporate into Your Diet

Incorporating anti-aging foods into your diet can help protect your skin from damage and keep it looking young and vibrant. Dark, leafy greens, fatty fish, berries, nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil are all great options to include.

These foods are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help promote collagen production and keep your skin hydrated. So next time you’re at the grocery store, consider adding these delicious and nutritious foods to your cart.


Exercise is not only good for your overall health and well-being, but it can also help you look and feel younger. Regular physical activity can help improve your cardiovascular health, boost your immune system, and increase your energy levels. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which are common factors in premature aging.

In addition to its physical benefits, exercise can also help improve the appearance of your skin. Increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the skin during exercise can help promote collagen production, which helps keep your skin looking young and firm.

To get the most anti-aging benefits from exercise, it’s recommended to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, five days a week. You can also incorporate resistance training and flexibility exercises, such as yoga or Pilates, to help maintain muscle mass and flexibility.

So, if you want to look and feel younger, consider making exercise a part of your daily routine. Not only will it improve your overall health, but it can also help you maintain a youthful appearance and outlook on life.

Proper Hydration

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining good health and preventing premature aging. The human body is composed mostly of water, and it needs water to function properly. Water is involved in many important bodily functions, such as regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, and removing waste products.

Dehydration can have a significant impact on your health, including fatigue, headaches, and even mood changes. It can also contribute to premature aging by making your skin look dull and dry. Proper hydration, on the other hand, can help keep your skin looking young and healthy.

So, how much water should you drink? The recommended daily intake varies depending on factors such as age, sex, and activity level, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day. You may need more if you are exercising or in a hot environment.

In addition to water, you can also get hydration from other sources, such as fruits and vegetables. Many fruits and vegetables have high water content, making them a great choice for staying hydrated.

It’s also important to remember that not all drinks are created equal when it comes to hydration. Some drinks, such as sugary soda or alcohol, can actually dehydrate you. Stick to water or other hydrating beverages, such as herbal tea or coconut water, to stay properly hydrated.

Incorporating proper hydration into your daily routine can help you feel better, look younger, and maintain good health. So, make sure to drink plenty of water and other hydrating fluids throughout the day, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier, more youthful you.

Healthy Choices

Making healthy choices is crucial for preventing premature aging and living a fulfilling life. Eat a balanced, nutritious diet, stay active, get enough sleep, and avoid harmful habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Small changes, such as eating a healthy breakfast or taking a daily walk, can add up to significant results over time. Incorporate healthy choices into your daily routine to look and feel younger and enjoy a longer, healthier life.

Relaxation and Effects of Stress

Relaxation is an important component of a healthy lifestyle and can have a significant impact on preventing premature aging. Chronic stress can have negative effects on your physical and mental health, including premature aging. Stress can cause inflammation in the body, which can contribute to aging-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

Relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga, can help reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calm and well-being. These techniques can also help improve sleep quality, which is crucial for repairing and rejuvenating the body.

In addition to relaxation techniques, it’s also important to manage stress in other areas of your life. This can include setting boundaries, practicing time management, and seeking support from friends and family.

By reducing stress levels and incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine, you can help prevent premature aging and promote overall health and well-being. So take time to relax and destress each day, and you’ll be on your way to a more youthful and vibrant you.

To talk more about which products, like retinoids and vitamin C, or procedures (like a chemical peel) can help slow down aging, make an appointment with our dermatologists today!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.

Summer Tips for Contact Lens Wearers

Summer Tips for Contact Lens Wearers

Summer can be a challenging time for contact lens wearers, as the heat and humidity can cause discomfort and irritation. However, with a few simple tips, you can enjoy the season without any hassles.

In this article, we’ll share some effective summer tips for contact lens wearers that will help you keep your eyes healthy and comfortable while you enjoy the outdoors. From choosing the right type of lenses to practicing good hygiene, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make the most of your summer with your contact lenses. So, whether you’re planning to hit the beach or spend time in the sun, keep reading to learn how you can keep your eyes happy and healthy.

Risks for Contact Lens Wearers During Summer Months

Summer is a wonderful time to be outside and enjoy the warm weather, but it can also be a challenging time for contact lens wearers. The heat and humidity can cause dryness, discomfort, and even serious eye infections if proper care is not taken. As a result, it’s important for contact lens wearers to be aware of the risks associated with wearing contact lenses during the summer months.

One of the most significant risks for contact lens wearers during the summer is dehydration. When you become dehydrated, your eyes can become dry and irritated, making it difficult to wear contact lenses comfortably. It’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary and caffeinated beverages, which can contribute to dehydration.

Another risk for contact lens wearers during the summer months is exposure to UV radiation. The sun’s rays can be harmful to your eyes, and wearing contact lenses does not provide complete protection against UV radiation. To minimize the risk of eye damage, it’s essential to wear sunglasses with UV protection and a hat that shades your face.

In addition, swimming with contact lenses can also pose a significant risk to your eye health during the summer months. Chlorine and other chemicals in the water can irritate your eyes, and waterborne bacteria can lead to serious eye infections. To reduce the risk of infection, it’s recommended to wear goggles when swimming and to remove your contact lenses before entering the water.

Overall, by being aware of these risks and taking the necessary precautions, contact lens wearers can enjoy a comfortable and safe summer season. So, make sure to follow these summer tips for contact lens wearers and take care of your eyes while enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.

Tips for Contact Lens Hygiene and Comfort

Maintaining good hygiene and comfort when wearing contact lenses is crucial, especially during the summer months when the heat and humidity can cause discomfort and irritation. Here are some essential tips for contact lens wearers to ensure their hygiene and comfort during the summer:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before handling your contact lenses – This is important to prevent the transfer of bacteria and other harmful germs from your hands to your eyes. Use soap and water to clean your hands, and dry them with a lint-free towel.
  • Use a fresh cleaning solution every time you store your lenses –  It’s important to use a cleaning solution that’s recommended by your eye doctor and never reuse or top off old solutions. Discard the old solution and use a fresh solution every time.
  • Avoid swimming with your contact lenses on – As mentioned earlier, swimming with contact lenses can increase the risk of eye infections due to bacteria and other harmful chemicals in the water. Always remove your lenses before swimming.
  • Clean and disinfect your contact lenses regularly – This is important to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated on your lenses, which can cause irritation and discomfort. Follow the instructions provided by your eye doctor or the manufacturer of your lenses.
  • Use eye drops to keep your eyes hydrated – During the summer months; it’s common for eyes to become dry and uncomfortable. Using eye drops can help keep your eyes moist and reduce discomfort.

By following these essential tips for contact lens hygiene and comfort during the summer months, contact lens wearers can enjoy a comfortable and hassle-free experience.

Know When It’s Time for Treatment

Contact lenses can cause eye conditions if not cared for properly, especially during summer. Be aware of signs indicating the need for medical treatment. Here are tips to know when it’s time for treatment:. Here are some essential tips to help you know when it’s time for treatment:

  • Redness and Irritation – If you experience redness, irritation, or itchiness in your eyes, it may be a sign of an infection or an allergic reaction. This can be caused by wearing contact lenses for too long or not cleaning them properly. If you experience any of these symptoms, remove your contact lenses immediately and seek medical attention.
  • Blurred Vision – If your vision becomes blurry or hazy while wearing your contact lenses, it may be a sign that your lenses are damaged or need to be replaced. This can also be a sign of a more serious condition, such as corneal abrasion or infection. In such cases, it’s important to see your eye doctor immediately.
  • Sensitivity to Light – If you experience increased sensitivity to light, it may be a sign of a corneal infection or inflammation. This can be caused by wearing contact lenses for too long or not cleaning them properly. If you experience any sensitivity to light, remove your contact lenses immediately and seek medical attention.
  • Discharge – If you notice any discharge or pus coming from your eyes, it may be a sign of an infection. This can be caused by wearing contact lenses for too long or not cleaning them properly. In such cases, it’s important to see your eye doctor immediately.

In conclusion, knowing when it’s time for treatment is crucial for contact lens wearers to ensure their eye health and safety during the summer months. By paying attention to the signs and symptoms mentioned above, you can take prompt action and seek professional help when necessary. Remember to prioritize your eye health and always follow the instructions provided by your eye doctor.

When you visit our eye doctors, you may discuss options including artificial tears, gels, prescription eye drops or plugs inserted in the tear ducts.

Don’t miss out on the best sights of the season. If your contact lenses or dry eyes are impacting your daily life, you don’t need to compromise your vision or your comfort. We have treatment for both!

Better yet, we can get you out of your contact lenses! Make an appointment with us today!

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

📱 (+63) 917 862 7454

📱 (+63) 921 217 0517

📞 (+632) 7-368 5238

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Preventing Summer Rashes

Preventing Summer Rashes

Summer is a season of fun and sun, but it can also be a time of uncomfortable rashes. With heat and humidity, our skin is more prone to irritation and inflammation. Luckily, there are steps you can take to prevent summer rashes from ruining your outdoor activities. 

In this article, we’ll explore the common causes of summer rashes and provide practical tips for keeping your skin healthy and rash-free all season.

What are Summer Rashes

Summer rashes refer to skin rashes or irritations that can occur during the summer months due to a variety of factors such as heat, humidity, sun exposure, and sweat. Some common types of summer rashes include heat rash (also known as prickly heat), sunburn, swimmer’s itch, and allergic reactions to plants like poison ivy or oak.

Heat rash is a typical summer rash that occurs when sweat ducts become blocked, causing small red bumps and itching. Sunburn is another common summer rash that occurs when the skin is exposed to too much sun, resulting in redness, pain, and sometimes blistering. Swimmer’s itch is a rash caused by parasites that live in certain bodies of water, while allergic reactions to plants like poison ivy can cause a red, itchy rash with bumps or blisters.

Causes of Summer Rashes

  • Heat and humidity: The combination of heat and humidity can cause sweat to become trapped under the skin, leading to heat rash or prickly heat.
  • Sun exposure: Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause sunburn and other types of skin rashes.
  • Swimming: Certain rashes, such as swimmers’ itch, can be caused by exposure to contaminated water while swimming or wading.
  • Allergic reactions: People can develop rashes from exposure to allergens like poison ivy, oak, and sumac or insect bites.
  • Friction: Friction from tight clothing or skin-to-skin contact can cause skin irritation and rashes, particularly in areas of the body that sweat.
  • Chemicals: Exposure to certain chemicals in products like sunscreen, lotions, or insect repellents can cause skin irritation and rashes.
  • Pre-existing skin conditions: People with pre-existing skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis may experience flare-ups during the summer months due to the factors listed above.

It’s important to note that anyone can develop a summer rash, regardless of age or activity level. If you suspect that you have a summer rash, it’s essential to take steps to cool and soothe the affected area and to seek medical attention if necessary.

Tips for Preventing Summer Rash

  • Stay calm: To prevent heat rash, wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing, and avoid overheating.
  • Protect your skin from the sun: To prevent sunburn and other types of sun-related rashes, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, wear protective clothing like hats and long-sleeved shirts, and avoid spending time in the sun during peak hours (usually 10am to 4pm).
  • Be mindful of water sources: To prevent swimmers’ itch, avoid swimming or wading in contaminated water and dry off as soon as possible after getting out of the water.
  • Avoid irritants: To prevent contact dermatitis (rashes caused by exposure to irritants), avoid contact with known irritants like poison ivy or harsh chemicals in products like insect repellent or sunscreen.
  • Keep your skin dry: To prevent fungal infections like ringworm, keep your skin clean and dry, especially in areas that tend to sweat, like the armpits, groin, and feet.
  • Stay hydrated: To keep your skin healthy and prevent dehydration, drink plenty of water and other hydrating fluids throughout the day.
  • Be mindful of pre-existing skin conditions: If you have pre-existing skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, talk to your doctor about how to manage these conditions during the summer months.

By following these tips, you can help prevent summer rashes and enjoy the season with healthy and comfortable skin.

Types of Summer Skin Conditions

Dry Skin

You would think dry skin would just be a winter thing right? Nope! Dry skin can affect you all throughout the year!

To help prevent dry skin in the summer:

  • Continue to moisturize with a non-scented cream after bathing daily.
  • Be sure to shower after swimming in chlorine pools or the ocean.


Folliculitis occurs when some of your hair follicles become inflamed and infected. It can lead to itchy, tender acne-like bumps anywhere on the body that you have hair!

To help prevent folliculitis:

  • Be sure to shower and change out of sweaty, dirty clothes after exercising or being out and about in the heat for a long period of time.
  • Reach for loose-fitting, light clothes versus tight clothes whenever possible.


Also known as “the mask of pregnancy”, the appearance of melasma often increases during the hotter, brighter months.

To help prevent melasma flares in the summer:

  • Rain or shine, wear sunscreen daily!
  • Be sure to seek shade and/or wear a wide-brimmed hat whenever you’re outside during the daytime hours.
  • Avoid getting too hot!

These are just a few of the common summer skin conditions you may notice this summer. Remember, if something pops up on your skin, be sure to call us to make an appointment! We’re here for you!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.

Master Vision for Master Mariner Dionisio

Master Vision for Master Mariner Dionisio

ULTRA LASIK can give people beyond-normal vision!

That’s what Capt. Arnold Vincent Togonon Dionisio, a Master Mariner, got after having the procedure to help him in his career.

“From 300/300 eye grade with 0.75 astigmatisms on the right and 0.50 on the left to 20/10 vision! Above average, better than 20/20 normal vision by ULTRA LASIK!” said Capt. Arnold.

“I have perfect vision now and no need to wear eyeglasses anymore.”

Help your vision to help your career, too!

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines:

📱 (+632) 7-368 5238

📱 (+63) 917 862 7454

📱 (+63) 921 217 0517 


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Shinagawa’s Partnership With FujiFilm

Shinagawa Launches Its Partnership with FujiFilm for Healthcare Venture

Shinagawa Lasik & Aesthetics Center Corp. (SLACC) congratulates its subsidiary Shinagawa Healthcare Solutions Corp. (SHSC) for forging a strategic partnership agreement with FujiFilm for the upcoming launch of its clinic this April.

Shinagawa’s Partnership With FujiFilm

SHSC formalized its partnership with FujiFilm in a signing ceremony at the Shangri-La The Fort in Bonifacio Global City (BGC) last March 23, 2023.

The event was graced by Shinagawa Philippines President Masako Uemori and FujiFilm Philippines President Masahiro Uehara.

“Shinagawa Healthcare Solutions Corporation expects to bring quality, value-based care to more patients. With Fujifilm’s trusted technology, Shinagawa hopes to provide: More comfortable patient experience, Fast results with accuracy of diagnosis for a patient, and Exceptional diagnostic image quality,” stated Uemori.

Shinagawa’s Partnership With FujiFilm

This is another milestone for the organization as it partners with force in medical imaging, ensuring quality services and results for the looming Diagnostic & Preventive Care Clinic.