Most likely, you’re a cardholder and member of our partner HMOs. We have special treats and discounts for you!
Medicard, Maxicare, Intellicare (all groups), Philcare, Etiqa, Insular Life, Sunlife Grepa Financial members, HPPI, and Lacson&Lacson get to enjoy a FREE Comprehensive Eye Screening worth Php 3,500 (Weekdays ONLY) and big discounts for LASIK, as well as other services.
Book your appointment online and make full use of your HMO at Shinagawa!
For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines (8 AM – 7 PM):
Talk to our Consultants via Livechat here on our website.
Terms & Conditions:
- FREE Screening applies on Weekdays at Shinagawa Ortigas ONLY.
- Booking of appointments must first be done online.
- HMO card must be presented to the clinic to avail of a FREE Comprehensive Eye Screening
- LASIK and other special discounts vary, depending on the doctor’s recommendation of treatment/s for patient.