The struggles have to end at some point for Tiffannie Cabudsan, 23.
She tells her heartfelt story.
Ever since I was a kid, I was struggling with poor vision. Every new semester in school, my mom had to request for the teacher to place me in the front seat so that I won’t have a hard time seeing the writings on the board. At the age of 12, I had my eyeglasses with an eye grade of 200/250, as far as I remember, and it kept on progressing until my eye grade was already at 500 by the time.
With three daughters studying in a private school, my parents had a tight budget, so I couldn’t change my glasses monthly to correct my eye grade.
My eye grade peaked at 800 on the right eye and 750 on the left with astigmatism.
Fortunately, I came across Shinagawa and I was able to get my eyes treated via LASIK in time before I go legally blind. Now, my vision is 20/20 and the world is in HD!
However, my LASIK journey was not smooth sailing at all. At first, my mom was fully against the idea. My mom had a misconception about LASIK that it’s dangerous, it will make you go blind, and it’s painful.
One day I casually mentioned to her that I’ll get a LASIK someday and she said that there were still other options to cure my poor vision which was the herbal remedy. Knowing her reaction about LASIK, a few days before my surgery, I talked to my sister to help me convince my mom to come along on the day of my surgery.
When I finally told her about it, she was shocked and at a loss for words, and even without her saying anything I know that she was fully opposed to it with a few statements mentioned by my sister “It’s for the best and the result is for a lifetime” and “to grab the opportunity as they don’t often come along” my mom accompanied me on the day of my surgery. Her initial reaction after the surgery was she was relieved and thankful for a successful surgery.
As for me, it feels surreal and I feel like a different person after LASIK!
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