Best Workouts To Lose Weight and Burn Fat | Shinagawa Blog

Best Workouts To Lose Weight and Burn Fat

If you’re a regular gym-goer and have indulged yourself a bit too much over the festivities, you might be looking for the quickest strategies to burn off the extra layers you’ve gained around your waist.

Let’s explore which type of exercise consumes the most calories and why that may not matter when it comes to fat loss. Also, take a look at the framework of 10 activities you can do each day that will help you maximize the amount of fat you burn (yes, even belly fat).

What Exercise Burns the Most Fats?

Different types of exercise have a different metabolic impact on the body. This means that some types of exercises consume more calories while you’re doing them, and other types consume less.

Let’s take a look at some of the most basic yet effective workouts that can help lose weight.

1. Jumping Rope

The burn:
667-990 calories/hour (if you’re jumping at 120 skips per minute)

The bonus burn:
As it turns out, this little rope is actually a big-time fat burner. Try using a weighted jump rope to engage your arms and shoulders even more.

2. Stair Sprints/Uphill Runs

The burn:
639-946 calories/hour

The bonus burn:
You want to sprint at max effort on stairs or a hill at a pace that you can only maintain for about 20 seconds, and follow that with a recovery run at half of the intensity of the sprint and double the time. The harder you push yourself during those sprints, the greater the burn.

This is a type of HIIT, a renowned type of cardio training that consumes more calories per minute than steady-state cardio.

3. Kickboxing

The burn:
582-864 calories/hour

The bonus burn:
Whether you’re kicking it on your own or in class, make sure you keep the rest periods between rounds
of jabs and kicks super short. Aim for 30 seconds of rest for every 90 seconds of sparring.

4. Running

The burn:
566-839 calories/hour (10 min/mile)

The bonus burn:
After running at a steady pace, you’ll continue to burn extra calories over the rest of the day. To torch more during and after your workout, add short bursts of sprints into your run. I recommend keeping a 2:1 work-to-rest ratio to get the most afterburn. For example, if you run for 60 seconds, walk for 30 seconds.

5. Cycling Activities

The burn:
568-841 calories/hour

The bonus burn:
Riding at a sustained high intensity will give you a greater burn as compared to a steady-state ride at a low intensity, but adding high-intensity intervals throughout that training time will increase the afterburn even more.

6. Stationary Bike

The burn:
498-738 calories/hour (at a vigorous pace)

The bonus burn:
To get the most afterburn, start with 10 seconds of intense pedaling (100 RPMs or more) and 50 seconds of rest. Then, move to 15 seconds of sprints and 45 seconds of rest, and do 20 seconds of sprints 40 seconds of rest after that. Don’t forget to turn up the resistance as you progress.

7. Strength Training
The burn:
341-504 calories/hour

The bonus burn:
You’ll increase your afterburn by working your muscles to exhaustion each set instead of stopping at an arbitrary rep range like 10 or 12. And focus on compound movements that employ more muscle groups over more joints like deadlifts and overhead presses.

Surprise surprise, weight training ranks at the bottom of the chart, and you might be wondering whether cardio is better than weight training for weight loss. Yes, it is.

While it still depends on what works well and best for you in terms of working out, we have an effective treatment that can get you in shape in no time.

CoolSculpting at Shinagawa Aesthetics is a tested and fast alternative that can lose your weight minus surgery by freezing away your unwanted fats!

Schedule your CoolSculpting session now! For inquiries and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines
(+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517.

LASIK Uptick During A Pandemic | Shinagawa Blog

LASIK Uptick During A Pandemic

The surge in “LASIK surgeon near me” Google searches have made it the top trend related to LASIK during this pandemic period that we’re currently in.

That’s because more and more people want to capitalize on the extended free time and have LASIK at their utmost convenience for a better quality of life.

During this Pandemic stretch since March:

  • Google searches for “LASIK surgeon near me” have increased 70%
  • People sharing that LASIK as the “best decision” they’ve ever made are up
  • Patients recommending LASIK to others is up 26%
  • Mentions of “I got LASIK” are up 27%

Word of mouth has started to increase with many happy LASIK patients taking to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to share their personal experiences, what LASIK feels like, and what the post op period is really like.  They are providing ‘an inside look’ into the LASIK procedure for everyone who is interested and struggling with their contact lenses or glasses.

People who shared their life-changing LASIK experiences are really helpful to patients that are on the fence about laser vision correction surgery.

These conversations on social media have increased positivity and increased interest in LASIK.

Last August, a renowned eye magazine explored the demand in LASIK as practices were reopening amid the pandemic.  They found in their preliminary analysis of their consumer data that there was indeed interest in potential laser vision correction patients which denotes that there is soon to be a likely uptick in LASIK.

Being the top LASIK center, Shinagawa is in full force as we continue to make more lives better by performing the best LASIK procedures in the country.

If you’re considering LASIK, right now might be the best time to finally have it to enjoy a better life. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to book a LASIK screening.


Enjoying Your 20's With Brighter Vision | Shinagawa Blog

Enjoying Your 20’s To The Fullest With Brighter Vision

Life’s too short that’s why Aika Delfin wanted to make the most out of her 20’s.

She had LASIK at Shinagawa’s flagship BGC branch to enhance her quality of life in her physical peak.

“I had my LASIK at Shinagawa BGC, and now, my vision is 20/10. I can see everything clearly now. The process was really easy, and everything went smoothly” Aika shared.

Aika felt like at this point in her life, having LASIK has got to be her best decision yet. “It was the best decision for me as I really wanted to enjoy and make the most out of my 20’s.”

Be at your best in your 20’s and take advantage of your physical prime with the help of brighter eyesight.

Enhance your vision to enhance your life! Schedule your LASIK screening with us now! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

Preventing & Treating Mask-Induced Breakouts | Shinagawa Blog

Preventing & Treating Mask-Induced Breakouts

Before the coronavirus, the majority of us went about our days with uncovered faces (or had the option to). Now we’re all supposed to wear face masks when we go out in public.

Wrapping half your face in layers of fabric isn’t especially comfortable or good for your skin.

Friction from rubbing the mask against the face disrupts the outer skin layer, leading to inflammation. The masks also trap humidity, creating an environment that causes a buildup of oil and dirt on the skin and allows microorganisms like fungi and bacteria to grow.

It’s a bit more challenging to maintain our skin during this pandemic, given the unique circumstances we’re facing.

That’s why more and more people are suffering from breakouts, or ‘maskne’, due to the required and excessive wearing of masks and face shields.

While our world has fundamentally changed, we should remain committed to the routines we can control, skincare being one.

To prevent mask-induced breakouts, continue your regular skincare routine, but with gentle cleansers. You may need to exfoliate more too. As the weather warms, try to keep the area covered by the mask clean and dry as best you can. Of course, this means regularly washing your mask too.

It’s important for people to regain that sense of routine even if most are currently staying at home more than usual.

Your beauty and skin routine should include a necessary visit to an expert dermatologist.

Know what to do with your quarantine skin breakouts! A FREE consultation is on Shinagawa Aesthetics! For inquiries and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517.

2020 Goal 2020 Vision, Achieved! | Shinagawa Blog

2020 Goal: 20/20 Vision, Achieved!

While 2020 has been a very challenging year, not everything turns out to be negative.

For Katrina Orlina, 2020 is the year where she ends her almost 20-year battle with blurry vision.

“2020 was when I had my 20/20 vision back. I had been wearing glasses for almost 20 years and it’s always been hard to function especially not recognizing people until they’re in front of me,” shared Katrina, who had her LASIK at Shinagawa Makati just recently.

“I’m glad I had my eyes done at Shinagawa Makati. I never thought it would be that fast and painless. Everything is HD now!”

Pandemic or not, Shinagawa always makes sure it is at the top of its game when it comes to delivering the best LASIK results.

“Even in this pandemic, the services, staff, and facilities are exceptional. I am still overwhelmed. It’s the best decision ever! Thank you, Shinagawa!”

Make your 2020 better. Have LASIK for a brighter tomorrow! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.