LASIK Blog Story of Ricel Diaz - Ricel Diaz: Finally, Visual Freedom

Ricel Diaz: Finally, Visual Freedom

Finally. That’s the first word that came out of Ricel Diaz’s mouth after finally getting the clarity she was seeking for.

“Finally! No more blurred faces. No more eyeglasses. No more contact lenses,” expressed Ricel, a cashier and receptionist. “From 200 eye grade and 175 astigmatism, I now have 20/16 vision!”

“I’ve been using all of them (glasses and contacts) for more than 10 years of my life. I honestly say that this is one of my greatest experiences ever!”

Ricel couldn’t be more grateful for the life-changing experience.

“Thank you so much for making my eyes clearer, Shinagawa! I can now see and read everything clearly without putting on any contact lenses or eyeglasses.”

Ready for one of the best experiences you can have in your life? Start your LASIK journey!

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

(+63) 917 862 7454

(+63) 921 217 0517

(+632) 7-368 5238


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Signs of Premature Aging You Cant Miss

Signs of Premature Aging You Can’t Miss

Our skin naturally starts to show signs of aging around our late twenties to early thirties, which is when our body’s collagen production starts slowing down at a rate of about 1% per year. Crow’s feet around the eyes, fine lines on the skin, and bodily aches and pains are all signs that the years are taking their toll on our bodies. 

But other signs of aging often go unnoticed by us – and we’ll be going over some of them.


The skin on our chest tends to be equally exposed to sun, wind and other environmental factors as our face, and it doesn’t help that at the same time the skin on our chests is thinner than the skin on our necks. This is one area that will be among some of the first places on your body to show signs of aging. So it’s a good idea to show the skin on your neck some love, too! Make sure you bring all your skincare down to your neck and chest, including your retinol, vitamin C serum and moisturizer. And make sure you always apply a generous serving of sunscreen to your neck and chest before heading outdoors.


As we age, our skin’s collagen production slows down, leading to depleted levels of hyaluronic acid, ceramides and elastin in our skin. Our lips become drier and more deflated with age as a result. Nobody wants to be seen with lips that look shriveled and wrinkled like a prune. Wearing a hydrating lip mask to bed is a good idea as it will help moisturize your lips while you sleep, and you can also exfoliate your lips with a lip scrub every once a week or so. And above all else – invest in a lip balm that contains SPF to protect your skin against the sun’s UV rays which are the leading cause of skin aging.

Under Eyes

The thinnest skin on our face is the skin on our under-eyes. This is why our under-eyes are the first to give us away if we’ve pulled an all-nighter or had lots of salty food to eat; they’re extremely susceptible to puffiness, dryness, and swelling as a result of water retention in the body. Our under-eyes are also the place where our first wrinkles appear in the form of crow’s feet. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to keep the skin on your under-eyes firm and supple. Vitamin C and retinol serums help the body’s collagen production, so applying them on your under-eyes can help thicken the skin there, making dark circles less visible and delaying the onset of fine lines around the eyes. A rich eye cream will also help replenish moisture in the under-eye area, preventing fine lines that form as a result of dehydration.

While it’s commendable to look after your skin, the idea is to embrace your skin as it ages with you, not to hate it for changing with the years! Aging is part of a normal, healthy life: it tells the world that we have lived, laughed and loved, and acquired a great deal of wisdom through the years too. Just remember that products like retinol and vitamin C serums and eye creams, and procedures like Botox and fillers are to help you look like the best version of yourself. But none of these things can stop the natural aging process. If you didn’t age, something would have to be seriously wrong with you!

Still, you can still look and be youthful despite getting up there in age. Our dermatologists can help!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.

Knowing More About Allergic Conjunctivitis

Knowing More About Allergic Conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis, a common type of eye infection that affects the conjunctiva, is the inflammation caused by an allergic reaction to substances like pollens and mold spores. 

The membrane inside your eyelids conjunctiva is sensitive to allergens. It is a bodily reaction to outside and harmful potential threats. The body tends to protect itself from any invasion.

Symptoms of Allergic conjunctivitis

This is a temporary condition in which you may have red, itchy and watery eyes. There is a constant burning sensation when you wake up in the morning along with puffy eyes. Sometimes people also have a watery nose. This is caused due to environmental factors.

There is another type of allergic conjunctivitis known as chronic allergic conjunctivitis which stays all year round. It is your body’s reaction to dust, animal dander and food, chemical scents and spices. The symptoms remain the same and your eyes become more sensitive to light changes. Sometimes, a certain medicine can also react and trigger the problem such as contact lens solution and even eye drops.

Treatment of Allergic conjunctivitis

Mostly the eye doctor will do an examination of your eyes apart from testing your skin and body for other kinds of allergies to understand the body’s reaction. In certain cases, the eye doctor may also advise for a blood test to check if the patient’s body is producing sufficient number of antigens to protect itself.

It is advised that one should keep the house and the atmosphere clean and dust-free. One should avoid rubbing eyes and it is advisable to use a cool compress to reduce inflammation and itchiness. The eye doctor may also advise you to use anti-inflammatory eye drops, eye drops that help to shrink congested blood vessels, steroid eye drops depending your condition.

There is no permanent cure for this disease and it will trigger when the symptoms are unfavorable. Precaution is the best medicine.

If you have symptoms, you have to visit an eye doctor right away. Ours are always ready to help!

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

(+63) 917 862 7454

(+63) 921 217 0517

(+632) 7-368 5238

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Nadine Destura: Brightest and Happiest Birthday

Nadine Destura: Brightest and Happiest Birthday

Nadine Destura just had herself one of the best birthday gifts there is — a clearer vision for a brighter future!

After prolonged struggles with eyeglasses, she finally ended her misery by having LASIK for a happy birthday.

“Dream come true! 15 years of wearing eyeglasses no more! Salamat Lord for your provision. Happy Birthday for me, indeed!” said Nadine, a patient of ours who celebrated her birthday recently.

“Shinagawa Lasik Center, thank you so much! Excellent service!”

Still looking for a good birthday gift for you or for a loved one? We got it. Schedule a LASIK screening now!

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

(+63) 917 862 7454

(+63) 921 217 0517

(+632) 7-368 5238


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Period Skincare for Women

Period Skincare for Women

How many times have you heard women share their woes and concern about a breakout or extra skin sensitivity; right before or during their menstrual cycle?

Perhaps you and your friends often have conversations about how you change your skincare routine during PMS due to hormonal changes in the body.

Our skin moves to the ebb the flow of our hormonal chemistry and is more likely to change its appearance or physical sensations near the period cycle.

The menstrual cycle can impact mood, feelings, energy and skin. The increase and decrease of certain hormones throughout the month can affect how our skin reacts. But we must keep in mind that everyone’s skin may react differently to inner body changes and the environment.

PMS Skin & Breakouts: Best Friends Forever

When your body nears pre-menstrual days, it tends to produce less hormones. We hear about hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle, namely estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. Many people find their skin oilier than usual before their period which maybe caused due to more sebum being released. This also traps dirt and dead skin therefore causing inflammation.

As estrogen levels drop it may also lead to sensitivity dryness and dullness of the skin. Some women have observed that their pigmentation is more apparent during these fluctuations because it reacts more strongly to the environment than other days. Others think it could be hormonal triggers that change the complexion. Dermatologists are still debating over scientific studies about the connection between skin and the menstrual cycle.

These hormonal changes may trigger other skin conditions such as dermatitis or psoriasis. If you are experiencing breakouts, inflammation and excessive sensitivity in your skin along with a change in energy levels; don’t worry because it might be that time of the month!

What Can You Do When All Hell Breaks Loose?

One of the most important things you can do in order to take care of yourself during PMS; is to acknowledge that your body is going through a flux of hormonal chemistry. Make sure you practice self-care and make comfortable adjustments that can ease this hormonal journey. There are a few things you can do to minimize inflammation, breakouts, dryness and sensitivity:

Eat Well, Sleep Well & Repeat

Be mindful of what you eat to catch up with the hormonal train choo-chooing inside your body. Surely, genetics play a role in how our skin behaves so this might not apply to everyone. However, it is better to be cautious by avoiding inflammatory foods. It is always good to consume sufficient amount of water every day. Some women find it calming to have green tea or spearmint tea especially during days where they are experiencing a surge in androgenic hormones.

Many women experience low mood and energy levels therefore it is favorable to rest whenever you feel the need to. Lack of sleep will not help with inflammation, breakouts or fatigue. Overall, it is beneficial to eat well and rest the body when hormones are acting up.

Avoid Harsh Products

When the skin barrier is sensitive and prone to stressors from the external environment, it is best to adopt a non-abrasive approach. Avoid invasive procedures and any physical exfoliants to curb potential irritation. It is best to stay away from laser, scrubs or tools that could trigger more problems when the skin is sensitive. 

Keep It Gentle: Spot Treatment

Try to opt for a gentle cleanser and a simple skincare routine. If your skin feels oilier than usual and you’re facing a breakout, then use spot treatments for that particular area. There are some great products that use zinc and other anti-inflammatory ingredients like green tea or chamomile to soothe the skin and avoid inflammation.

I have also seen others use glycolic acid or salicylic acid two weeks in advance, (before the onset of their period). They are usually too harsh for my skin so I avoid that route. But then again, everyone’s skin reacts differently. Although I would always advise to patch test especially towards the week your period is about to start.

Lipids: Say Goodbye to Dryness

Lipids keep our skin barrier intact and prevent external stressors from aggravating our epidermis. Lipids include fats, cholesterol and ceramides. They are essential in maintaining our skin health and avoiding dryness. If you experience dryness during the first few days of your period, make sure you use a suitable moisturizer.

Any Last Thoughts?

Remember to take care of your soul too. It helps to make a self-care kit during your period, maybe throw in a soothing moisturizer, comfortable pillow and a few green tea leaves? 

Tracking your period cycle could be a helpful way of predicting what your skin might need. Reach our dermatologists for better skincare!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.