Do you often feel like your teeth might be crooked or your bite might be misaligned?
It’s uncomfortable and irritating, right?
Instead of comfortably using and flaunting your teeth, you feel that something might not be right.
In this case, it’s always best to visit a dentist to know the real score.
A dentist can surely determine where your teeth are crooked and/or your bite is misaligned through a thorough and detailed examination of your teeth.
For the dentist to see the specifics of your teeth, it must look for these signs:
Abnormal alignment of your teeth
Discomfort and difficulties when it comes to usual chewing and biting
Abnormal appearance of the teeth in the face
Should all or any of these signs are found, there might be a good chance that you indeed have crooked teeth and/or a misaligned bite.
But still, there’s only one way to find out and be sure. That’s to have a thorough dental consultation.