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    Why De-stressing is a Must-Do | Shinagawa Pharmacy Blog

    Why De-stressing Is A Must-Do

    Rush projects, deadlines, piled up household chores, stress is, well, pretty much everywhere. From your workplace, school, or even at home, it seems that stress have slowly integrated into our daily lives.

    In some cases, stress is actually an indicator of when you’re being too fast or taking too many things on your plate at once. It is our body’s indicator to a challenge or a demand.

    Well, in all fairness, not all stress is bad. Sometimes, it just shows that you are in a situation where you may grow or simply when you’re putting yourself out there, out of your comfort zone.

    However, long-term stress is actually critical and may cause health problems – physically and mentally.

    It has been proven that people with long-term and high stress levels have increased risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression.

    Stress can actually be managed and there are effective approaches and ways on how you can improve your stress management.

    Tips to De-stress

    When everything feels overwhelming, you can pause for a minute and listen to your body and mind. It’s perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with taking a break for a while. You are a human being who needs to rest sometime, as well.

    Stress can actually be combatted through multitude of things and would vary per person on how they can manage their stress levels.

    • Get relaxed through deep breathing – Did you know that simple breathing techniques can help you calm down? The 4-7-8 breathing technique is an effective way to lower down your short-term stress. To do this, simply breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds. Hold your breath for 7 seconds. Then, exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Repeat as much as you needed until you feel calmer. Studies show that practicing this breathing technique for 6 weeks can improve one’s heart rate variability which is connected with stress.
    • Do physical exercises – Exercise by itself is already a form of stress reliever. By being active you can boost your endorphins, or our body’s natural feel-good chemicals. These hormones can bring down cortisol (stress hormone). Plus, being physical reduces the effects being caused by stress usually weight gain and cardiac problems.

    While doing your mindfulness exercise, why not sip a refreshing freshly brewed warm tea for added calmness. Good thing that our Sekaya Botanic Infusion Cozy Calm is blended artfully to help you go from stressed to relaxed. With chamomile petals and decaffeinated Indian green tea you can unwind for the day. And since this tea blend has natural sweetness from organic stevia leaves, you can surely hike up your energy without that fidgety feeling.

    The Sekaya Botanic Infusion Cozy Calm is available in our pharmacy at Shinagawa at 21F Ore Central Tower in Bonifacio Global City or your may learn more about this product through our online pharmacy.

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