Top Refractive Eye Surgery Options

Top Refractive Eye Surgery Options

By improving the eye’s refractive state, refractive eye surgery aims to lessen or completely do away with the need for glasses or contact lenses. Refractive surgery entails reshaping the cornea to improve the eye’s ability to focus light directly on the retina.

Refractive eye surgery options have evolved over time, giving patients a variety of options based on their vision correction needs, lifestyle, and eye health. Here are some of the most common vision correction procedures:

  • LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis)
  • TransPRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)
  • ICL (Implantable Contact Lens)

In this section, we’ll go over each of these refractive surgery options in depth, discussing the procedure, benefits, and ideal candidates to help you make an informed decision about which is best for your vision correction needs.

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis)

LASIK is one of the most widely recognized and performed types of corrective eye surgery. The procedure, which is performed outpatiently, typically takes 10-15 minutes. The surgeon uses drops to numb the eye, then creates a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser.

The flap is lifted, and the laser is employed to reshape the corneal tissue. Once the flap is completed, it is re-folded and the healing process commences.

This procedure allows for the correction of myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. The primary appeal of LASIK is its rapid recovery period and minimal discomfort post-surgery.

Ideal candidates for LASIK

LASIK is suitable for adults over 18 years old with a stable eyeglass or contact lens prescription for at least a year. Good candidates should not have any corneal abnormalities or severe dry eye syndrome.

Prospective patients are required to undergo a thorough eye examination to ensure their eyes are in good health and suitable for the procedure.

Benefits of LASIK

LASIK offers several benefits for patients seeking vision correction surgery. These include:

  • Quick recovery time: Most patients can resume normal activities within 24 hours after surgery.
  • Minimally invasive: LASIK is a relatively non-invasive procedure, avoiding the need for stitches or bandages.
  • Improved vision: Many patients experience immediate improvement in vision after surgery, with full results typically achieved within a few weeks.
  • Long-lasting results: The changes made to the cornea during LASIK are permanent, and most patients do not require further treatment.

TransPRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)

TransPRK surgery, or Photorefractive Keratectomy, is another form of refractive eye surgery with similarities to LASIK, designed to correct common vision issues.

PRK, unlike LASIK, involves removing the epithelium, the top layer of the cornea, to reshape it using a laser, unlike LASIK which creates a flap.

The absence of a corneal flap reduces the risk of complications, making PRK a better choice for patients with thin corneas or other corneal irregularities.

Ideal candidates for PRK

PRK is ideal for people who want to reduce or eliminate their glasses or contact lenses due to myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism, but thin corneas or other irregularities may preclude them from having LASIK.

Individuals considering PRK should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the surgery’s outcomes.

Since the recovery process for PRK can be longer and slightly more uncomfortable than with LASIK, potential patients must be prepared for a gradual improvement in their vision over several weeks.

Benefits of PRK

The benefits of PRK versus some of the other types of corrective eye surgery include:

Suitability for patients with thin corneas: Unlike LASIK, which requires the creation of a flap in the cornea, PRK is a viable option for patients whose corneal thickness may not allow for such procedures.

  • Reduced risk of corneal flap complications: Because PRK does not create a corneal flap, it eliminates the risks associated with flap complications, making it a safer option for some patients.
  • Comparable outcomes to LASIK: Despite a slower initial recovery, many PRK patients achieve 20/20 vision or close to it, similar to LASIK surgery results.
  • Precise corneal reshaping: The removal of the epithelium allows for precise corneal reshaping, which can effectively correct vision while reducing reliance on glasses or contacts.
  • Long-term results: PRK provides long-term vision correction, often without the need for additional enhancements, making it a viable option for vision improvement.

ICL (Implantable Contact Lens)

ICL (Implantable Contact Lens) is another innovative eye surgery for vision loss that offers an alternative to laser-based procedures such as PRK and LASIK.

The procedure entails making a small incision near the edge of the iris to insert the small, biocompatible lens, which then unfolds and is placed behind the iris. This method corrects refractive errors by bending light rays before they reach the natural lens, resulting in clearer vision.

The main distinction between ICL and LASIK and PRK is that this procedure does not reshape corneal tissue, making it reversible if necessary.

Ideal candidates for ICL

Individuals with moderate to severe nearsightedness (myopia) and those who are not candidates for LASIK or PRK due to thin corneas or extreme refractive errors benefit most from ICL. The lens also has UV protection, making it a viable choice for patients with outdoor lifestyles.

This procedure is not recommended for people who have a history of glaucoma or certain types of cataracts.

Benefits of ICL

The benefits of ICL extend beyond its non-invasive nature and reversibility and can include:

  • High-quality vision: The quality of vision provided by ICL is frequently described as sharper and clearer when compared to other forms of vision correction, owing to the positioning of the lens inside the eye, which works in tandem with the natural lens to improve vision.
  • Immediate results: Patients typically observe significant improvements in their vision almost immediately after the procedure, with continued improvements over the next few days.
  • UV protection: The ICL’s collamer material provides inherent UV light protection, which is especially beneficial for those who are more sensitive to UV rays or spend a lot of time outside.
  • Suitability for dry eyes: Unlike procedures that reshape the cornea, which can exacerbate dry eye symptoms, ICL has no effect on the cornea’s surface. This makes it an appropriate option for patients who have dry eyes.
  • Preservation of corneal structure: Because no corneal tissue is removed or reshaped, the cornea’s structural integrity is preserved, which benefits patients with thin corneas.
  • Reversibility: Although designed to be a permanent solution for vision correction, the process is reversible. If necessary, the ICL can be removed or replaced, allowing for treatment options that are not available with corneal tissue removal methods.

Discover the clear choice for refractive error correction at Shinagawa Eye Center!

So, what is the best eye surgery for refractive eyes? While this will be determined by the results of the Comprehensive Eye Screening, as well as individual factors and goals, advances in refractive eye surgery have enabled patients with a variety of conditions to achieve clear vision without the use of glasses or contacts!

At Shinagawa, we offer a range of vision correction surgery options, including LASIK, TransPRK, and ICL.

Our skilled surgeons use cutting-edge technology to provide safe and effective procedures that are tailored to each patient’s unique requirements.

Don’t let refractive errors hold you back from experiencing the world with clear vision. Request an appointment with us today to determine the best option for you!

Our three branches in the metro (BGC, Makati, and Ortigas) are committed to providing exceptional care and support throughout your refractive eye surgery journey.

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines:

(+63) 917 862 7454

(+63) 921 217 0517

(+632) 7-368 5238

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