Why Do You Need Dentures | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Why Do You Need Dentures?

Lost almost all your natural teeth? Lessen your worries, there’s something that can be done.

Not everyone gets the luxury of keeping their teeth intact. A lot of people happen to lose teeth for various reasons.

If you happen to be one of them, it’s more likely that you worry about your overall look or that there might not be a reliable solution to your loss of teeth.

Good news is, there’s an amazing alternative that can solve your problem. Getting Dentures can help you look and feel better by restoring the glow in your smile.

Dentures are prosthetic devices that are well-designed to effectively replace missing teeth with the help of soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. For total teeth loss, getting complete Dentures is the most ideal action to do.

Complete Dentures can definitely help bring back the healthy and youthful smile in you.

Here are two reasons why Complete Dentures will be the dentist’s order to remedy your lost teeth:

  • Not taking good care of your teeth can turn into mouth disease, which can eventually result in total tooth loss. If your tooth loss is a product of bad dental and oral hygiene, you can get a full set of dentures for your mouth.
  • Tooth loss also occurs naturally with old age. It is quite possible for you to get to a point in life wherein you lose all of your teeth. If this unfortunately happens, a new set of complete dentures can effectively bring back your pearly white smile in virtually no time.

The good thing about Dentures is that they are custom designed for you to specify your mouth and be a perfect fit to your existing teeth.

Aside from improving the appearance of your smile, Dentures also keep the structure of the mouth sound by supporting the main structures around the lips and cheeks area.

Moreover, Dentures have the ability to enable you to eat foods that require chewing while also being a viable solution in replacing those teeth that are causing you severe pain and oral health issues.

Dentures are here to improve your overall oral health. Having fitted Dentures means that your troublesome teeth are eliminated and replaced with a strong and beautiful alternative.

Have yours at Shinagawa Orthodontics! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517

It’s Probably Time To Replace Your Toothbrush | Shinagawa Dental Blog

It’s Probably Time To Replace Your Toothbrush

Not everything is for keeps.

That includes your toothbrush.

Have you recently asked yourself how long have you been using your toothbrush? If you cannot remember at all for obvious reasons, then it’s probably time for you to hit the groceries to get a new one!

Know when to let go.

Your toothbrush should regularly be replaced every three to four months, according to dental professionals. It’s advisable to change your toothbrush right away as soon as you notice that the bristles are frayed or the wear and tear are already that evident.

Toothbrush Sets | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Once your toothbrush is already frayed, it won’t be able to clean as thoroughly. A frayed toothbrush has a lessened ability to adequately clean teeth and gums.

Studies repeatedly show that a worn out toothbrush is much less effective, due to its wear and tear, at removing plaque compared to a fresh one.

Another big reason why you should replace your toothbrush in a timely manner is the germ factor. Germs can indeed live in your toothbrush, especially if you’re already using it for a prolonged stretch.

As a result, those germs can cause you to be sick and of course, you don’t want that.

Some dentists admit that a lot of their patients don’t normally change their toothbrush unless told to do so or handed a new one for that matter.

Don’t be one of those.

Practice the best oral hygiene for the best oral health. It’s always best for you to visit a dentist and let him lead your way.

CALL US, a FREE dental consultation awaits you.

Food That Can Strengthen Your Teeth | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Foods That Can Strengthen Your Teeth

Brushing and flossing aren’t the only things you can regularly do to help strengthen your teeth.

Eating some teeth-friendly foods can help your oral health just as much.

Foods that are rich in calcium and phosphorous are all good for your teeth as they can help protect enamel by countering unhealthy acid in your mouth that causes decay.

Acidic foods and beverages may cause lesions on your tooth enamel that’s why it’s important for you to go for foods that your teeth can benefit from.

Cheese, yogurt, milk, and leafy greens, among others, are foods that are rich in calcium while meats, egg, and fish are foods that are high in phosphorous. All of them can help keep your enamel strong and healthy.

Religiously eating some of those foods will help fortify your teeth for a better and stronger foundation.

If you, unfortunately, happen to be allergic to dairy or lactose intolerant, there’s no need to worry as there are high-calcium alternatives like sesame seeds, tofu and spinach, which all contain a lot of healthy minerals and vitamins that are also good for your teeth.

While your regular brushing and flossing get the job done in terms of keeping your teeth healthy by removing sugars and food particles that can help plaque formation, eating foods that promote better oral health is likewise essential for you.

Eating these teeth-friendly set of foods will enable you to have a better fight against plaque, gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Now, you can start chewing on these foods and your teeth will surely thank you for that.

Strengthening your teeth should always be a priority for you. Get some help from Shinagawa Orthodontics.

CALL US, a FREE dental consultation awaits you.

The Importance Of Cleaning Your Tongue | Shinagawa Dental Blog

The Importance Of Cleaning Your Tongue

All of us brush our teeth regularly as we are all keen on keeping them intact.

But do you know that regularly cleaning your tongue is as important as cleaning your teeth?

While your primary focus is on your teeth, you sometimes tend to take your tongue for granted and it should not be that way.

There are important reasons for you to make tongue cleaning an important part of your daily oral hygiene routine.

The Importance Of Cleaning Your Tongue 2 | Shinagawa Orthodontics Blog

Here are some of the benefits you can have when you regularly clean your tongue:

  • It removes harmful plaques and bacteria that can lead to gum disease as well as other illnesses that can possibly spread throughout the body.
  • It can help in improving your overall health.
  • Eliminates germs that can cause an odor that accumulates on the tongue and eventually cause bad breath.
  • Helps in improving your quality of life and taste as your food is bound to have more flavor. As you brush your tongue, the build-up of plaque film that hounds your taste buds is removed in the process, enabling you to enjoy your favorite foods more.

The Importance Of Cleaning Your Tongue 3 | Shinagawa Orthodontics Blog

Now, you also need to know the best way to clean your tongue. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Extend your tongue out to enable complete access to it.
  • Repeatedly scrape or brush your tongue from the front, all the way to the back to make sure you have all areas covered.
  • Use mouthwash and thoroughly rinse your mouth. This will wash away any remaining loose residue both in your tongue and mouth.

It is advisable to brush your tongue at least twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before you hit the sack.

Also, when your mouth is dry or in times that you experience a bothering sour taste, immediately clean your tongue and rinse with an effective mouthwash to remedy the problem.

By cleaning your tongue regularly, you attack and eliminate the bacteria that might be living in your tongue.

To have the best oral hygiene and health, it’s always best for you to visit a dentist and let him lead your way.

CALL US, a FREE dental consultation awaits you.

Invisalign The Modern Method Of Teeth Aligning 1 | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Invisalign: The Modern Method Of Teeth Aligning

If you are not happy with your teeth’s current alignment, you are most likely thinking of the best way to fix that.

Most probably, the first thing that might pop in your mind naturally is having metal braces, given that it is the most common practice in terms of aligning the teeth for adults and teens.

While that will indeed held your bid, there’s actually a cooler and more awesome and modern way now to align your teeth.

Invisalign Clear Aligners are in for a good reason. They are an amazing alternative for metal braces.

These clear aligners can not only align your teeth effectively, but it is also an invisible way of enhancing your smile for the better.

Invisalign, one of the world’s most advanced clear aligner, is composed of clear plastic trays that are specifically molded and crafted from impressions of the mouth. These trays are to be worn for majority of your day.

Invisalign The Modern Method Of Teeth Aligning 2

To ensure that the trays you wear perfectly fit the development of your teeth as you go with your treatment, you are bound to be given new and tighter trays every six weeks during the entire process.

Here are the wonderful benefits that Invisalign can deliver your teeth:

  • The trays can easily be removed when you eat, brush and floss your teeth.
  • The cost of Invisalign is very much comparable and aligned to that of braces for the average patient.
  • The treatment process is significantly less noticeable and furthermore, inconspicuous to others to others during conversations and interactions.
  • Maintenance of good oral hygiene is much easier during the entire treatment.
  • No threading through brackets is required.
  • Treatment is up to two times faster.

With Invisalign, straighter teeth and a happier you awaits you upon full completion of your treatment.

This dental innovation is certainly worth your attention. Your crooked teeth can be an afterthought.

To know more about Invisalign, consult our dentists for FREE. Let our renowned dentists examine your teeth thoroughly and explain to you further what Invisalign can do for you and your teeth.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book an appointment.