The Importance Of Fluoride Treatment | Shinagawa Dental Blog

The Importance Of Fluoride Treatment

Wonder why fluoride is widely considered as an essential in proper dental and oral care?

Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay by blocking acid from the surface of teeth. Often, when we think about going to the dentist, a fluoride treatment is involved, and usually, we accept the treatment without any debate. Unless our dentist explicitly explains its importance, the benefits of fluoride may not be common knowledge.

The enamel layer of teeth goes through two processes: demineralization (loss of minerals) and remineralization (gain of minerals). Demineralization occurs when plaque and sugar-created acids attack tooth enamel and weaken the structure of the tooth. Too much demineralization can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Remineralization prevents these issues by adding minerals to tooth enamel and this occurs by consuming foods and water that contain calcium, phosphate, and fluoride.

Specifically, fluoride prevents tooth decay by helping the tooth resist the acid produced by bacteria and sugars. Starting at an early age, the active application of fluoride can help prevent acid production by building a wall that makes it very difficult for acids to climb over.

As mentioned, fluoride is found in certain foods and water. It can also be directly applied by the use of toothpaste and mouthwashes. A common way to receive fluoride is through a fluoride treatment during a scheduled dentist appointment. The fluoride treatments that dentists use have a higher level of fluoride than toothpaste or mouth rinses.

Varnishes can be painted onto the teeth or teeth can be soaked in a foam solution for one to four minutes. Fluoride supplements are also available in the form of liquids or tablets and must be prescribed by your dentist.

Children between 6 months and 16 years need to be exposed to fluoride during each dental visit, but fluoride application is important for adults as well. Likewise, people who suffer from certain dental conditions and who have a higher risk of tooth decay benefit from additional fluoride treatment.

Those with dry mouth conditions, gum disease, or frequent cavities benefit from fluoride treatment. Those with crowns, bridges, or braces are also more likely to acquire tooth decay and are good candidates for additional fluoride treatment.

You have to make sure you get the necessary fluoride treatment for your teeth to get the benefits it provides.

Shinagawa Orthodontics can provide you a beneficial fluoride treatment. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule your FREE dental consultation and your fluoride treatment.

How To Effectively Prevent Tooth Decay | Shinagawa Dental Blog

How To Effectively Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the destruction of tooth structure and can affect both the enamel (the outer coating of the tooth) and the dentin layer of the tooth.

It occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (mostly sugars and starches), such as bread, cereals, milk, soda, fruits, cakes, or candy are left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth digest these foods, turning them into acids.

The bacteria, acid, food debris and saliva combine to form plaque, which clings to the teeth. The acids in plaque dissolve the enamel surface of the teeth, creating holes in the teeth called cavities.

To prevent tooth decay you religiously have to:

  • Brush your teeth at least thrice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste. Preferably, brush after each meal and especially before going to bed.
  • Clean between your teeth daily with dental floss or interdental cleaners.
  • Rinse daily with a fluoride-containing mouthwash. Some rinses also have antiseptic ingredients to help kill bacteria that cause plaque.
  • Eat nutritious and balanced meals and limit snacks. Avoid carbohydrates such as candy, pretzels, and chips, which can remain on the tooth surface. If sticky foods are eaten, brush your teeth soon afterward.
  • Check with a dentist about the use of supplemental fluoride, which strengthens your teeth.
  • Ask a dentist about dental sealants (a plastic protective coating) applied to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth (molars) to protect them from decay.
  • Drink fluoridated water. At least a pint of fluoridated water each day is needed to protect you from tooth decay.

Researchers continue on developing new means to prevent tooth decay. One study found that a chewing gum that contains the sweetener xylitol temporarily retarded the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay.

In addition, several materials that slowly release fluoride over time, which will help prevent further decay, are being explored. These materials would be placed between teeth or in pits and fissures of teeth. Toothpaste and mouth rinses that can reverse and heal early cavities are also being studied.

By following the given tips, you’ll be able to put up a good fight against tooth decay.

Still, it’s always best to visit our dentists at Shinagawa Orthodontics regularly for professional cleanings and oral exams to prevent and treat tooth decay. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book a FREE consultation.

Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Dental Treatment | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Dental Treatment

Dental treatment is a serious investment as it caters to your own personal health.

That’s why it is important that your investment on your teeth and oral health is fully worth every peso and time you spend on it.

Whether you are about to get braces or you already have them, it is important that you maximize the results of your orthodontic treatment.

Here are some effective ways to get the most out of your dental treatment/s:

  1. Regularly Practice Good & Proper Oral Hygiene.

This is the most basic thing to do but yet, a lot of people tend to be too lazy to observe proper oral hygiene. Hopefully, you’re not one of them.

While everyone should brush and floss regularly for a healthy smile, it is especially important that people with braces practice good oral hygiene. Food particles and bacteria can form a difficult to see a layer of plaque on teeth and gums.

Brushing and flossing help everyone avoid tooth decay, gum disease, and other common dental problems, but braces can complicate oral hygiene. This means people who have braces must be more diligent about practicing good oral hygiene.

Use products designed for people with braces. A number of products are now available to make practicing good oral hygiene easier for people with braces. Specially designed interdental toothbrushes can clean beneath and around the wires and brackets of braces. There are also fluoride-containing mouth rinses that can help fortify the enamel.

Flossing takes time and requires patience, even without braces. Special floss threaders get in and around the nooks and crannies where food and bacteria hide, even along the gum line and under brackets and wires. It is best if you brush at least twice per day, for at least two minutes at a time. It is also best to floss every night before you go to bed.

  1. Wear Appliances As Instructed By The Dentist

Your dentist creates a personalized treatment plan to give you the straightest, most functional teeth possible. Orthodontists sometimes direct patients to wear extra appliances, such as rubber bands to help correct the teeth and bite. Many patients do not follow the instructions regarding their extra appliances, unfortunately, and therefore do not get the most out of their orthodontic treatment. This neglect can result in lengthier treatment times and less than ideal results.

  1. Wear Your Retainers As Directed

Once our braces get removed by your dentist, you enter the final phase of your orthodontic treatment. Dentists refer to this stage as the retention phase. During this phase, the focus is on holding your teeth in their new positions with the use of retainers. Failing to wear retainers as directed will almost certainly allow unwanted tooth movement. This would decrease the value of the investment you have made in your smile. Retainers are to be removed prior to brushing and flossing. The retainers should also be brushed and rinsed prior to replacing them.

  1. Make Sure You Regularly Visits Your Dentist For Checkups & Important Follow-Ups

Get the most out of your dental treatment by consulting with our renowned dentists if you experience discomfort, irritation, problems, or broken braces. Be sure to ask questions if you do not understand something.

Shinagawa Orthodontics is ready to provide you with an advanced and reliable dental treatment with utmost care. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book a FREE consultation.

Underbite Explanation | Shinagawa Dental Blog

The Underbite And Overbite Explained

An overbite and an underbite share similar symptoms but what makes them different is the location of the affected area. The underbite is a condition where the lower teeth are blocking the front upper teeth whenever the jaws are closed. Normally, the lower line is supposed to be behind the upper row of teeth.

An underbite is mostly a genetic problem (due to the shape of the person’s jaw) but children who are exposed to sucking pacifiers for long periods of time, bad chewing habits, and thumb sucking experience it as well – for the motion of “sucking” encourages the teeth to grow or move outward.

It can also be caused by children who have adenoids or allergies because it causes the victim to breathe through her/his mouth naturally.

Overbite Explanation | Shinagawa Dental Blog

The overbite, on the other hand, occurs when the upper teeth overlap with the lower one. In order for your teeth to be classified under this dental problem, it has to exceed the normal measurement of 3-5mm.

Of course, it is caused by genetics and the habits of early childhood, but since children are more prone to developing this kind of complication, overbites are known to be the most common malocclusion in this age bracket.

Because of the misaligned construction of the teeth, one’s smile can become crooked or misaligned. The immediate solution is to go visit a cosmetic dentist.

With the availability of modern cosmetic dentistry technology today, people with crooked teeth can resolve this concern much faster and through painless methods.

Shinagawa Orthodontics presents Japanese technology that serves modern cosmetic dentistry to a tee. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 and do some fixings with your bite with the help of our dentists.

Are Dental Veneers A Fit Alternative To Orthodontic Treatment? | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Are Dental Veneers Fit Alternative To Orthodontic Treatment?

There are good reasons why Dental Veneers seem like an attractive option for many. Lots of people can instantly achieve a perfect smile in just a matter of weeks, even days for some.

It’s understandable why it is tempting to follow suit.

Let’s explore Dental Veneers a bit further to see why it is a viable alternative to orthodontic treatment.

A dental veneer is a very thin layer of porcelain which attaches to the front surface of the tooth, disguising any imperfections underneath.

Aside from being natural looking, Dental Veneers can improve not only the position of your teeth but also their shape and color.

So if your teeth are broken, chipped or discolored, Dental Veneers should be a wonderful and fitting option for you.

People consider someone smiles their most important feature – even more so than their hair, eyes, and body. It’s no wonder that everyone wants a beautiful smile!

If you can count yourself in that category, you probably want to correct some of your cosmetic flaws so you can enjoy all the benefits that a beautiful smile has to offer.

That’s what Dental Veneers can most certainly deliver you.

Shinagawa Orthodontics presents the most advanced Dental Veneers in town! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book a FREE consultation.