Before Treatment

Dark Undereye Circles: Causes and Risk Factors

Troubled by the noticeable dark circles under your eyes do not seem to go away even after getting a good night’s sleep? Dark undereye circles (also called periorbital dark circles) are common concerns among many adults. They are not dangerous to your health, but they can make you look old, sick, and tired, which can affect your self-esteem and body image.

What’s to blame?

There are various factors that contribute to undereye darkness, including genetics, age, lifestyle, and illnesses.

Genetics and Aging

The skin under your eyes is thinner compared to other areas of your body, making its blood vessels more visible to the naked eye. When the skin loses more collagen and elasticity due to skin aging, the dark circles become more prominent.

Periorbital hyperpigmentation, which happens when the skin around your eyes produces more melanin than normal, also leads to the formation of dark circles. The hyperpigmentation, which is more common in people with darker skin, is usually brown in color.


Fatigue, stress, and lack of sleep can worsen dark circles. Without enough rest, your skin becomes paler, making its blood underneath more visible.

Overexposure to the harmful rays of the sun can also increase dark circles by breaking down collagen and elastin.

Health Issues

Dark circles can be triggered by certain health conditions, including periorbital hyperpigmentation, which happens when the skin around your eyes produces more melanin than normal; anemia (iron deficiency), which limits oxygen supply to the tissues around the eyes, leading to discoloration; and allergies, which triggers the release of histamines in the body that inflame blood vessels and cause swelling. The itching reaction from allergies can also cause you to rub or scratch your skin, which eventually darkens it.

If you are taking any medications that cause blood vessels to dilate, dark circles may also appear as the increased blood flow shows through your skin.

Blood Leakage

In certain cases, the blood vessels around the eyes may leak and the oxidation of the leaked blood can result in undereye darkness. Usually, swelling and bags also appear as leaked blood is affected by gravitation pull.

Identifying the root cause

To determine the possible cause of your stubborn dark circles, try gently stretching the skin under your eyes. If it becomes darker, the circles are probably due to genetics or aging but if the color doesn’t change, it can be due to sun exposure or allergies. For a more accurate explanation, however, it is always best to consult with a doctor.

Shinagawa Aesthetics Center offers free consultation for all skin concerns. For details and appointment request, visit Shinagawa.PH.

Want to know the best treatments for your dark undereye circles? Click here for the second part of this blog series.

Contact Lenses

6 Risks of Long-Term Contact Lenses Use

Contact lenses are medical devices worn directly on the corneas of the eyes for vision correction or aesthetics purposes. Although useful, they can put the eyes at risk of infections and inflammation, especially when used for an extended period of time. This is because the lenses cover the entire corneas, reducing the amount of oxygen that reaches the eyes from the environment.

Several risks of prolonged wearing of contact lenses include:

Dry Eye Syndrome

1. Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) is caused by insufficient or poor quality tears. Its symptoms include burning or stinging sensation, sandy or gritty feeling, sore eyes, light sensitivity, blurry vision; and eye itchiness, tiredness, dryness, and redness. Inadequate supply of oxygen reduces the tears produced by the eyes so if you have borderline dry eye syndrome, you may feel especially uncomfortable with your contacts on. If you wear contacts for too long, the protein deposits also build-up, which can make your eyes feel even drier.



Pink Eye

2. Pink Eye

Bacterial infection from contact lenses can lead to pink eye (conjunctivitis), an inflammation or swelling of the conjunctiva. Symptoms of conjunctivitis include pink discoloration to the whites of eyes, swollen eyelids, itching or burning sensation, discharge or excessive tearing, and increased sensitivity to light.




Corneal Ulcer 3. Corneal Ulcer

Corneal ulcer (microbial keratitis) results from the rubbing of contact lenses against the eyes’ surface, creating open sores in the outer layer of the corneas that may enable bacteria to penetrate the eyes. Corneal ulcer causes pain and redness, mild to severe eye discharge, and blurry vision.




4. Corneal ScarringCorneal Scar

Corneal scars develop when contact lens cause abrasions or injury to the Bowman’s membrane (smooth and nonregenerating layer between the superficial epithelium and the stroma) and the stromal layers. Scar can also form when the corneal ulcer penetrates the Bowman’s and the stromal layer. Corneal scarring can lead to impaired vision.






Vision Loss

5. Vision Loss

Corneal ulcer scarring can lead to permanent vision loss, especially if the ulcer is centrally located in the cornea and is deep and invasive. Vision loss after corneal ulcer occurred more frequently with extended-wear soft contact lenses compared with extended-wear silicone hydrogel contact lenses.




Abnormal blood vessel growth

6. Abnormal blood vessel growth

Wearing contact lenses for too many hours or too many years can cause abnormal blood vessel growth in the cornea (corneal neovascularization). Blood vessels normally circle the cornea at the limbus or the border of the cornea and the sclera (white part of the eye). Any growth beyond this point hampers your vision.




Risks of prolonged contact lenses use differ for each person. If you decide to use them, always keep them clean and stored properly, follow your lens-wearing schedules, and set appointments with your eye doctor for follow-up care. Also, make sure to have an up-to-date pair of eyeglasses to give your eyes a break.

For permanent and long-term solution to vision problems, consider getting LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), which is the most advanced type of vision correction that uses laser energy to reshape the cornea and correct refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Shinagawa Lasik Center provides safe, fast, painless, and bladeless LASIK procedures. For more information or appointment schedule, visit Shinagawa PH.

10 Bad Habits that Cause Vision Problems

Poor eyesight can be caused by many factors including genetics, age, and environment. In today’s digital world, however, most vision problems are often the result of poor eye care and bad habits.

If you want to maintain your healthy vision for years to come, it’s time to break these unhealthy habits:

Screen Time

1. Too much screen time

Spending too much time in front of your laptop or smartphone greatly reduces the number of times you blink, which is essential for eye cleaning and lubrication. Blinking also stimulates the retina and gives your brain a rest. Prolonged exposure to screen-based devices also causes digital eye strain with symptoms including headache, burning eyes, blurred vision, and disrupted sleep. Severe eye strain can lead to permanent vision problems.







Working at Night

2. Not getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to eye strain and eye fatigue. Sufficient sleep of 6-8 hours daily helps your eyes recover from a long day of use and provides continuous eye lubrication, which clears out accumulated irritants.








Wearing Contact Lense

3. Prolonged wearing of contact lenses

The eyes’ oxygen supply is limited when wearing contact lenses. The longer you have them on, the riskier the game. Without oxygen, the cornea swells up and expose a small gap where bacteria can enter, increasing your risk for keratitis and other eye infections. Long-term use of contact lenses can also lead to alterations in the cornea and corneal scarring, which affect vision.







A Man Rubbing his Eyes

4. Rubbing your eyes often

The seemingly harmless habit of rubbing your eyes can have serious consequences. Aside from the risk of allergic conjunctivitis and eye infections, it can also lead to keratoconus, the thinning and reshaping of the cornea from round to cone, which causes a progressive loss of vision. It can also worsen pre-existing eye conditions such as myopia and glaucoma.






Woman Staring at Her Food

5. Not eating enough food for the eyes

Dark leafy greens contain nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin, which reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Yellow and orange-colored fruits and vegetables are also high in beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which are all essential for healthy eyesight. Other food for the eyes include egg, nuts, fatty fish, and other seafood.








Woman Drinking Some Soda

6. Not drinking enough water

Dehydration hampers your eyes from producing enough tears, which are essential for nourishment and moisture. Dehydration also causes your eyes to become dry, red, and puffy.








A Guy Not Wearing Sunglasses

7. Not wearing sunglasses

Overexposure to the harmful rays of the sun can lead to photokeratitis (sunburn of the front surface of the eye), macular degeneration, cataract, unsightly growths on your eye’s conjunctiva, and cancer of the eyelid. Wear sunglasses with complete UVA/UVB protection even on cloudy days.






A Woman Reading in the Dark

8. Not using proper lighting

Working in dim light makes it difficult for your eyes to focus and leads to eye fatigue while excessively bright light can cause glare. Make sure your home lighting plan addresses every purpose of your rooms. If you have a home office, for instance, you may need a lamp on the worktable to reduce eyestrain.








A Man Smoking

9. Smoking

Smoking is linked to dry eyes and various sight-threatening eye diseases, including macular degeneration, cataract, uveitis, and diabetic retinopathy. Smokers are also four times more likely to go blind compared to non-smokers.








Eye Examination

10. Not getting regular eye exams

Regular eye exams can detect vision problems and other eye diseases. They can also determine whether you are at high risk for a particular eye disease. Some eyesight problems, like glaucoma, have no warning signs until there is an irreversible loss of vision. If you have not gotten your vision checked yet, start scheduling your regular eye exams today.





Shinagawa Lasik & Center offers comprehensive eye examination. For details and appointment request, visit Shinagawa.PH.


Non-invasive Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

Wrinkles are part of the natural aging process but they don’t have to be noticeably etched on your face, especially if you’re not ready to look “old” just yet. With proper skin care and healthy lifestyle habits (plus a little help from science), you can reduce their appearance and look younger by many years.

Here are simple ways to reduce wrinkles:

  1. Wear a sunscreen every day

Sun exposure is the major cause of wrinkles and premature skin aging. While spending time outdoors is inevitable, you can protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays by using sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. Make it a daily habit even in winter and cloudy days. Do not also forget to apply sunscreen or eye cream with SPF on the skin around your eyes as it tends to wrinkle first before the rest of your face.

  1. Moisturize your face regularly

Whether its a moisturizing serum or a botanical oil, a moisturizer can go a long way in providing your skin its much needed moisture to stay smooth and supple. Aside from softening lines and creases, it also gives nourishment to skin cells.

  1. Use retinoids at least twice a week

Retinoids are synthetic vitamin A derivatives that are used to treat skin problems. Tretinoin (Retin A), the only topical anti-wrinkle treatment approved by the FDA, minimizes wrinkles by increasing collagen production and repairing sun damage.

  1. Get regular facials

Getting facials at least once a month provides intense cleansing to your face, wiping off blemishes and destroying bacteria. The gentle massage also stimulates blood flow, which boosts the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the skin. For a more effective anti-wrinkle facial, gently rub moisturizing oils or aloe vera gel onto the skin, especially on wrinkle-prone areas.

  1. Try laser resurfacing treatments

Laser resurfacing treatment (also called laser derma) uses laser or a pulsed diode light to reduce wrinkles and other skin blemishes by removing the top layer of skin. The process stimulates collagen-production, which results in smoother and tighter skin.

One of the most popular laser resurfacing treatments is ShrinkAge, which mainly reduces wrinkles by tightening the skin. Unlike other laser resurfacing procedures that have downtime, there are no restrictions after undergoing ShrinkAge. Washing face and putting on makeup are allowed.

Shinagawa Aesthetics Center offers ShrinkAge. For more information or appointment schedule, visit Shinagawa PH.

dermal fillers blog | Shinagawa PH

What to Expect with Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are cosmetic treatments that help increase skin volume to smooth out wrinkles, reduce pitted scars, and make lips fuller. Unlike botulinum toxin, fillers do not reduce the activity of muscles in the face.

Out of the many kinds of dermal fillers available in the market, hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Juvederm, Captique) is the considered to have the best safety profile. HA is a natural sugar found in skin and doesn’t contain human or animal DNA.

Treatment procedure

Dermal fillers are administered into the skin through injection, which takes around 10 to 15 minutes.The procedure is generally tolerable and does not require medication. After the treatment, you may experience redness and swelling, which may last up to 36 hours but can be reduced with an ice pack. Depending on your body’s reaction to the fillers and on your doctor’s recommendation, repeated sessions may be required to achieve the desired effect.

Effects of fillers

Fillers can last anywhere from six months to two years. Results are subtle yet very impressive in reducing fine lines and restoring skin volume. You will look younger and more refreshed but in a natural way. To help preserve its effect and protect your skin against post-inflammatory pigment changes, use sunscreen daily. Once the plumping effect wears off, your skin will go back to its natural state and you may need to get another filler injection.

Things to consider

Before getting dermal fillers, it’s always best to consult with a doctor before undergoing the procedure. It is also advisable to have the treatment in a medical setting with sterile instruments to avoid the risk of infections. Do not get fillers if you’re pregnant or nursing because its effects have not been tested on settings of such sensitive nature.

And remember, even with dermal fillers on, you still need to get regular skincare treatments and use well-formulated skincare products to keep your skin looking younger and healthier for a very long time.
To know more about our DERMAL FILLER Treatment or schedule a free skin consultation via