Effective Ways Aging Pros Can Maintain A Healthy Eyesight | Shinagawa Eye Care Blog

Effective Ways Aging Pros Can Maintain A Healthy Eyesight

As you get up there in age, there’s always a chance that your eyesight can deteriorate. Your organs tend to lose some of their functionality and become weaker. This most certainly includes your eyes.

Weak eyesight increased susceptibility to eye infections, cataract and glaucoma are some of the most common macular degenerative diseases, as you grow older.

Suffering from compromised eyesight is especially a matter of concern for working professionals as it can greatly impact their performance at work.

Here are a few preventative measures aging professionals can follow to retain healthy eyesight:

  1. Strictly Maintain Levels Of Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Glucose

Did you know that cardiovascular diseases and disorders are known to increase the risk of vision loss? This happens due to the effect they have on the blood vessels in your eyes, which results in retinopathy. In order to avoid such irreversible damage to your eyes, it is important that you take the required medication and precautionary measures to keep your cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure in check.

  1. Minimize Exposure To Extreme Lighting

Your eyes require adequate care and protection when exposed to extremely bright or dim lighting. You need to strain your eyes in poor lighting. On the other hand, your pupils’ contract when exposed to bright lights and the amount of light entering your eye is then concentrated on the macula tissue, thus causing damage. Both situations can be avoided by wearing protective eyewear appropriate to the situation.

So, if you are going to be spending a lot of time in the sun, consider wearing 100% UV ray protected sunglasses and a hat to shield your eyes. At work, use anti-glare glasses to reduce the ill-effects of prolonged exposure to digital screens.

  1. Eat Healthy & Nutritious Foods

Your eyes require a good balance of vitamins A, C, D & E as well as other essential nutrients like Omega 3 fatty acids, Zinc, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Selenium to stay protected from the effects of allergens and macular degenerative diseases.

Apart from carrots, dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, fruits like oranges, kiwi, pumpkins as well as fish and eggs are known sources of the vitamins and nutrients mentioned above. Incorporate these foods into your regular diet to keep your eyesight in good health.

  1. Exercise Regularly & Get Enough Sleep

It is advisable to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night in order to maintain the overall mental and physical health including your eyesight. You must also ensure that your body receives some form of regular exercise as that will enhance the production and flow of oxygen in your body, which aids the removal of toxins from your body as well as your eyes, by improving blood circulation.

  1. Wear Appropriate Eyewear

When you go out in the sun, you protect your skin with sunscreen. Similarly, when you’re at a construction site you wear a helmet and a protective jacket. So, when you step outdoors, why do you tend to forget about your eyes? Your eyes are equally sensitive and require additional care if you want to maintain their health. Remember to put on appropriate eyewear whenever required, so that your eyes are protected against additional stress and/or accidents.

  1. Have Regular Eye Checkups

The importance of regular health check-ups only increases as you grow older. It is done more as a precautionary measure because often the changes in our health go unnoticed by us. However, your doctor will be quick to notice the symptoms or any abnormalities during routine check-ups and will be able to correct the problem ahead of time.

Our experienced eye doctors know what’s best for you and your eyesight. We’re looking forward to guiding you through for a better vision and a better life. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517.

Benefits That Body Contouring Can Give You | Shinagawa Aesthetics Blog

Benefits That Body Contouring Can Give You

Sometimes, when you attain significant weight loss, your skin gets affected.

In certain times, the skin does not conform completely to the body’s new smaller figure as it becomes sagging. A lot of people find that their excess skin makes them appear overweight even if they’ve met their weight-loss goal, and the excess girth limits mobility even if they are now physically fit.

Body contouring procedures will rid the body of excess skin.

Here are the benefits you can get from body contouring procedures:

  1. Treatments Can Target Several Areas Of The Body

More than one body contouring procedure may be performed at the same time depending on the extent of correction to be made. This is often convenient for those who have lost a significant amount of weight since these patients typically have excess skin in several areas, which will make an evident improvement.

  1. Enhanced And Improved Stubborn Areas

Expensive lotions and wraps can temporarily improve excess skin, but nothing can provide the results of body contouring procedures. Stubborn areas like beneath the upper arms and the lower abdomen can be perfected with several body contouring procedures.

  1. Safe And Trusted Procedures

Body contouring procedures have been performed for decades, and the techniques are constantly improving. As with any surgery, there are risks associated with the procedure, but choosing an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon lowers all risks significantly.

Body Contouring Benefits | Shinagawa Aesthetics Blog

  1. Drastic Improvement In Comfort

Without excess skin, the body not only appears firmer but also feels better. Even simple exercises like walking and jumping become easier and pain-free. No chafing or pulling, no excess weight or interference, and no unsightly jiggling can be found after certain body contouring procedures.

  1. Superior And Long-Lasting Results Compared To Other Options

The results of body contouring procedures are permanent and provide superior results to less- invasive options. Body contouring procedures can remove several inches of skin and provide more dramatic results.

Shinagawa Aesthetics offers two of the most effective and safest body contouring procedures.

At Shinagawa, we present non-surgical Body Contouring treatments, Mesotherapy and Viora, that present little to no downtime. These procedures reduce and/or remove stubborn fats to contour and reshape various areas of the body. It improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports skin and fat while removing the excess of them.

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical and minimally invasive slimming treatment which makes use of vitamins, medicinal remedies, and natural extracts to melt away fat cells while Viora is a non-invasive form of liposuction which makes use of Radio Frequency energy to enhance existing collagen and stimulate collagen production resulting in an immediate firmer and tighter appearance.

Enhance your body and confidence by having either of these innovative treatments. Call our Patient Care Lines (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 for a FREE derma consultation to know what’s best for your skin.

Luke Conde for Shinagawa Lasik & Aesthetics | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

Your Eyes Are Crucial To Your Physical Health

If you still don’t know, your eye health is a key indicator of your overall health.

Through a comprehensive eye examination, ophthalmologists can identify and reveal a lot more about you overall physical health than just your vision problems.

Here are the indicators that they examine:

Blurred Vision

Blurry vision may possibly be a sign of diabetes. If it isn’t controlled well, it may further result in diabetic retinopathy – a condition in which tiny blood vessels in your eyes leak certain fluids and blood.

Rapid Instances of Blurry Vision

Sudden occurrence of blurry vision might not be good. Abrupt loss of vision may be a sign of irregular blood flow to your eye or your brain. Even if your vision goes back to normal quickly, it might still be a warning sign of the initial phase of a migraine or a stroke. Immediate medical attention is advisable in such cases so as to prevent any serious damage to your health.

Dry Eyes

Even having constant dry eyes can indicate something. Various factors are responsible for causing dry eyes – hormonal changes, environment or the amount of time you spend staring at digital screens. If you spend hours staring at your laptop, smartphone or any other kind of digital screens, your eyes are at a greater risk of developing digital eye strain. Your eyes become dry, irritated and red if you don’t blink for a long time. Certain forms of arthritis are also linked with dry eyes.

Pancho Magno for Shinagawa Lasik & Aesthetics | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

Cloudy Eye

In a not so surprising indication, cloudy eyes are symptoms of cataracts which causes clouding of the lens inside the eye. This condition can be corrected with cataract surgery. Generally, older people develop cataracts.

However, if young people develop cataracts it may be an indication of either diabetes, tumors or any side effects of certain medications.

White Spots on Cornea

Those who wear contact lenses are at a greater risk of developing corneal ulcers. White spots on the cornea are one of the most prominent symptoms. As a contact lens wearer, your risk of developing white spots on your cornea increases if you often sleep with your contacts on.

Ask our experienced eye doctors about LASIK. It is an almost painless vision correction surgery which will help you see your best without the hassles of prescription glasses or contact lenses.

Yellowish Eyes

Yellowish eyes and skin are indicative of jaundice. This may indicate that you may have liver problems caused by increased levels of bilirubin produced by your liver when it is damaged or inflamed.
Chronic alcohol abuse, infection, cancer, improper dietary habits are some of the most common reasons for liver damage.

Abnormal Blood Vessels in Retina

If you suffer from high blood pressure, the minute blood vessels in the retina twist and kink. In a condition called as A-V nicking, the retinal veins develop dents in their normal shape. This indicates a high risk of a deadly stroke.

Night Blindness

If you are experiencing difficulty in seeing in low light like at night, you may be suffering from night blindness. It may be indicative of cataracts or poor vision which may be corrected with the help of prescription glasses. It may also indicate a deficiency of Vitamin A in your body. Add superfoods that are rich in Vitamin A to your diet such as carrots, spinach, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, etc.

Your eye doctor can help you determine more about your physical well-being than just the right set of prescription glasses or contacts. Most symptoms which affect your eyes and physical health may be visible to you, but there are some which can only be identified by an eye doctor.

In a nutshell, your eyes reveal a lot about your overall physical well-being. Hence, it is essential that you get your eyes checked periodically.

That’s how helpful an in-depth eye checkup is not only to your vision but to your overall physical health as well. These are more than enough reasons for you to have your eye checked comprehensively already.

Make sure your health is wealth. See how your health is by heaving a comprehensive eye checkup at Shinagawa. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule an appointment.