Excellent Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Excellent Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry

A lot of people admit to being scared of cosmetic dentistry. Most are scared that it might hurt a lot and might not be worth the benefits.

Well, that thinking is completely wrong.

Cosmetic dentistry presents a lot of key benefits that will help improve your teeth for the long haul.

Here are some significant advantages of cosmetic dentistry:

  1. Unleash Your Best Smile – With some terrific cosmetic dentistry, that wonderful smile is yours for the taking and flashing. No need to hide your smile when you face people of take pictures. That can be enhanced and worked on by some fixings courtesy of cosmetic dentistry.
  2. Improve Your Bite – Do you know that around 20% of the world’s population does not have an ideal bite? You heard it. Dental procedures can help your bite improve tremendously. It is important to have your bite fixed as an unbalanced bite can cause further damage to your teeth.

Upon getting your bite fixed, you’ll be able to enjoy biting down into anything as much as you can while having your teeth properly bite down and aligned together.

  1. Enjoy Whatever Food You Love – Eating is one of our favorite things to do, right? You know it. Once you undergo necessary dental procedures and recover from them well, you’ll finally be able to enjoy any type of food like never before. It’s always nice chomping into a juicy and tasteful steak without any fear of damaging your teeth.
  2. Save Money In The Long Run – Yes, you can likewise save more money in the long run if you take care of your teeth well with the help of essential dental treatments.

As long as you take care of your teeth and dental issues the soonest and don’t neglect them, you should end up saving quite a significant amount of money in the long run. Rather than taking your teeth for granted and potentially needing more invasive and sever surgery, later on, get constant dental help right away to avoid possible damages.

  1. Feel Better, Be More Confident – A strong and good looking teeth can most certainly pay dividends for you as you face the world every day. The smoother and brighten your teeth are, the more you feel good about yourself.

Also, bad toothaches and dental issues can cause migraines, insomnia, and additional medical concerns, so it’s best to prevent all the negatives with a quality dental procedure.

Think the right way and care for your teeth the way they should be taken care of. Consider cosmetic dentistry for your own good.

Start with a FREE dental consultation at Shinagawa Orthodontics! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule an appointment.

Why Millennials Should Invest In LASIK | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

Why Millennials Should Invest In LASIK

Admit it or not, Millennials are such game-changers in our society in this day and age.

Their presence has made an impact in a lot of aspects. Still, Millennials can make more splash by fully utilizing their vision for now and the future. That cause can be helped by a bright eyesight.

When you take an in-depth look at the benefits of LASIK, you might be surprised to learn that it serves as a preferable option for young adults like Millennials.

Here are some significant reasons why people in their early 20’s should strongly consider having LASIK:

1. Reasonable Expense – If you come to think of it, the expense you will have for LASIK is significantly lesser than all the expenses you spent and will spend for contact lenses and eyeglasses. Overall, the cost is reasonable and also, flexible and less heavy payment options are available for more convenience.

2. Convenience – Having a bright vision straight on and not having to worry about contacts and eyeglasses is the more convenient way to live. Especially if you are physically active and an athletic person, LASIK instantly gives one the freedom and full capabilities to enjoy the best things in life.

3. Safety – LASIK is proven to be a safe and effective vision-correction procedure. Like other surgical procedures, there are risks, but LASIK is considered an extremely safe eye procedure with minimal potential complications.

LASIK for Millenials | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

4. Quick Recovery – You don’t actually need a long vacation time saved before going for LASIK. Since LASIK is an out-patient procedure, one can expect that recovery is quite fast. In fact, most LASIK patients return to work the following day after the surgery following their one-day post-op check.

5. Confidence – It’s not surprising that many people actually think that wearing eyeglasses can affect one’s self-confidence and self-esteem. If dependence on glasses has held you back at some points in your life, then, LASIK can give you the confidence boost that you need.

If you’re a Millennial and is struggling with your vision, LASIK is the savior that you’ve been looking for.

Be a better citizen by brightening your vision. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 and give yourself every bit of confidence that you need.

Surprising Ways To A Whiter Teeth | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Surprising Ways To Whiter Teeth

Achieving whiter teeth is always within your grasp.

A cleaner tooth results in a better smile. As we all know, a smile can launch a lot of things instantly. It can be inviting, engaging and exciting.

There are multiple ways that can help you get there:

  1. Eat More Raw Fruits And Veggies

Eating fruits, vegetables, and other crunchy foods are good for your body and your teeth. Eating nuts, raw carrots, apples, and cauliflower can help keep your teeth clean by removing surface stains and plaque that leads to cavities.

  1. Replace Your Toothbrush If Necessary

A whiter smile could be as easy as throwing out your old toothbrush. Replace a toothbrush every three months, or as soon as you see the majority of the bristles begin to bend and look worn down. After the bristles are worn down, your toothbrush isn’t cleaning your teeth properly.

  1. Rinse With Water after Eating Oranges

Although they’re a good go-to for vitamin C, citrus fruits, such as lemons and limes, contain acid that erodes tooth enamel. This can make teeth stain more easily. The fix? Make sure to rinse your mouth out with water immediately after eating these fruits to wash the destructive acid off your teeth.

  1. Regularly Brush Your Tongue

Brushing your tongue isn’t only about having fresh breath. It can also help prevent staining. Your tongue accumulates bacteria, which can eventually lead to discoloration.

Use a soft toothbrush and long strokes starting at the very back of the tongue, rinsing your brush after each stroke. This will help remove the bacteria on the brush without re-depositing it on your tongue.

  1. Rinse With Apple Cider Vinegar

While it isn’t as effective as other, more mainstream whitening treatments, it is a natural and organic way to maintain a healthy smile. Rinsing with two parts water to one part apple cider vinegar, and swishing the solution around for one minute is highly-recommended.

  1. Gel Trays Instead of Strips

Experts are divided on the effectiveness of whitening strips. Strips don’t distribute the whitening paste evenly. Teeth are usually darkest near the gum line, where the strips can’t reach. Instead, she recommends using whitening gel trays.

All of those ways can most certainly help you in achieving whiter teeth.

However, the most effective way to have your pearly whites is through Laser Teeth Whitening.

Shinagawa Orthodontics presents the most advanced Laser Teeth Whitening in the Metro! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book an appointment.