Foods for a Clear Complexion

Foods for a Clear Complexion

For most of us scramble for the self-tanner and start taking steps to get our skin into tip-top shape. If you are struggling to achieve that fresh, clean glow, you may want to make some adjustments to your everyday diet.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, what you put into your body has a huge impact on your skin. 

The more you are able to incorporate some of these skin-friendly foods into your diet, the better off your skin will be.


Even though water isn’t technically categorized as “food,” it is one of the most important things you can put into your body to help improve your skin’s complexion. Not only does it help boost your metabolism, but it also helps flush out your system and keep impurities from causing blemishes to pop up.


Who knew that cracking a couple of eggs in the morning would be good for your skin? The yolk in eggs is full of skin-clearing selenium, zinc, vitamins and protein, which all contribute to healthy skin. Additionally, the protein found in eggs is critical for collagen production, which helps give your skin a nice, smooth appearance. 


A handful of seeds can go a long way when it comes to the health of your skin. Pumpkin seeds in particular are filled with zinc, which protects your skin cell membranes, helps maintain collagen and prompts skin renewal. Sunflower seeds are another great option, offering plenty of vitamin E to help protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals in the environment and in your body.

Fresh Fish

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn fortify your skin cell membranes and protect your skin against sun damage, fresh, oily fish such as salmon or tuna are great for your skin. The omega-3 fatty acids found in this type of fish also helps prevent redness and wrinkle development, keeping your skin fresh and supple.

Sweet Potatoes

Finally, start adding some sweet potatoes to your daily routine. Rich in vitamin A, the nutrients found in sweet potatoes have been shown to enhance the color and appearance of your skin. Vitamin A has also been shown to repair skin tissue and protect against free radical damage from the sun and the environment.

Looking to freshen up your skincare routine? We recommend consulting with your dermatologist first before making any changes. Set up an appointment with one of our experienced dermatologists today!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.

The Importance of Proper Skin Hygiene

The Importance of Proper Skin Hygiene

As you know, your skin is the largest organ in your body. In fact, your skin plays a vital role in regulating your body’s temperature, insulation and production of vitamin D. Which is exactly why the health of your skin has such a huge impact on your overall physical health.

With this in mind, maintaining good skin hygiene is critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

When you keep your skin clean and healthy, you take major steps toward ensuring your entire body remains healthy, too. 

Here are just a few of the simple steps you can take every day to make sure you’ve got a solid skin hygiene routine.

Keep Your Hands Away

Avoid touching your face, especially if you haven’t washed your hands recently. You pick up so much dirt and bacteria throughout the day that you may not even see, by touching your face you’re just adding more dirt and bacteria to your skin. By the same token, if you have a pimple, leave it alone. By picking at it or popping it, you’ll only make it worse and potentially cause scarring that will last a lot longer than a pimple ever would.

Wash, Exfoliate, Moisturize, Repeat

Even if you’ve had a long day and just want to crash into bed, it is important to make sure to wash, exfoliate and moisturize before you go to sleep. Washing your face gets rid of the top level of dirt and bacteria, while exfoliating goes deeper and helps keep your pores open and clean. Adding moisture back into your skin with a daily or nightly moisturizer helps keep your skin hydrated and protected from impurities. Combine all of these together and you’ve got a solid routine that will keep your skin happy and healthy all year long.

Be Consistent

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it’s going to take time for a new skin care routine to start showing results. Be consistent and patient and you should start to notice a difference in a few weeks.

In addition to following your regular daily routine consistently, it is important to schedule regular check-ups with your dermatologist. He/she will be able to help you assess what is working and what you could potentially improve upon or adjust as needed based on your history and skin type.

Schedule an appointment with Shinagawa Aesthetics today to get started!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.

Signs of Stress On Your Skin

Signs of Stress On Your Skin

Less stress equals a more beautiful you.

Whether it’s glowing skin or a wrinkle-free smile, inner peace can create outer beauty. So, what happens when the stresses of life are clouding your mind?

From a knot in the pit of your stomach to sweaty palms and trouble sleeping – the effects of stress are universal. Given enough time, symptoms of stress left untreated can make their way from below the skin and show themselves on its surface. 

But how?


When troubles strike, our bodies react.  If put into a stressful situation, the body is more likely to put cortisol production into overdrive, causing a part of the brain known as the hypothalamus to over-produce a hormone called corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH). 

The increased levels of CRH are thought to stimulate the sebaceous glands found around your hair follicles to release excessive oils and, in turn, cause pores to clog and pimples to form.

Bags Under Eyes

Although a common sign of aging or dehydration, bags beneath the eyes can also begin to form due to unchecked stress. These features typically develop due to the weakening of the eye muscles over time and a decreased elasticity in the skin surrounding them. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation-induced stress is a likely culprit in the formation of eye bags.

Dry Skin

As the outer layer of your skin, the stratum corneum acts as a protective barrier for your body, safeguarding you from bacteria and illness while also housing important proteins that keep your skin cells healthy and hydrated. When stress is left unmanaged, that protective barrier can crack, weakening your skin’s ability to retain water and causing it to become dry and itchy. 


When your body experiences stress, it responds with a series of fight or flight reactions to “protect” you. When that stress is passed, your body resets, reverting to homeostasis. 

However, if left unchecked for too long, your body can become confused, believing the threat is ever-present and leading to a state called allostasis. In an allostatic state, the reactions caused by stress continue and make other bodily functions more difficult to properly regulate, leading to inflammation issues like rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and more.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Happiness, sadness, anxiety and more can all find their way from your heart to your skin. Increased stress levels can change the proteins in your skin, reducing its elasticity and making it more prone to wrinkles. Repeated signs of strong emotion, such as a regularly furrowed brow, can make themselves a permanent feature on your face. 

Combat the effects of stress

The ways we show stress may differ, but we all experience it at some point in our lives. Stress can be unavoidable, and while avoidance can be key, learning how to manage it is even more essential. There are countless ways to reduce stress, from breathing exercises and meditation techniques to a peaceful walk in nature.

And when the effects of stress begin on your skin, Shinagawa Aesthetics is here to support you! Our team of board-certified dermatologists can administer Botox treatments and other cosmetic services that can help you combat the signs of stress. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our team, or visit our website to explore our list of services.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.

Essential Sun Safety Tips

Essential Sun Safety Tips

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is an invisible form of electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun. These rays can be classified into three types: UVA, UVB and UVC. While UVC rays are absorbed by the ozone layer and do not reach the Earth’s surface, UVA and UVB rays can cause significant damage to the skin.

With the following tips, you can greatly reduce your risk of the sun’s harmful effects.

Wear Protective Clothing

Fashion can also be functional! When choosing sun-safe clothing, opt for lightweight and long-sleeved shirts, long pants, etc., made from tightly woven fabrics. Don’t forget to protect your eyes as well with UV-protective sunglasses.

Protect Your Scalp

While it may not be second nature to protect your scalp, it’s an easy measure to adopt. Wear a wide-brimmed hat, or simply use sunscreen to protect your scalp from unnecessary burns. Consider using UV-protective hair products or wearing a headscarf for extra sun protection.

Apply (and Reapply) Sunscreen

Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, and apply sunscreen generously to all exposed skin at least 15-30 minutes before heading out. Reapply every two hours or more frequently if swimming, sweating or towel drying.

Seek Shade During Peak UV Hours

While everyone enjoys their time in the sun, we’d advise taking a break every now and again. Use umbrellas, beach tents or natural shade to protect yourself when the sun’s rays are strongest – between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Be Mindful of Reflection

Water, sand and other reflective surfaces like snow can intensify UV radiation. Apply extra caution near these areas, as sea surf/foam and dry sand can reflect up to 30% and 18% of UV rays, respectively.

Check Your Skin Regularly

Regular self-examinations are the key to early detection of any skin abnormalities. While best-case scenarios will signify no signs of skin damage, monthly checks will allow you to identify any changes, new moles or suspicious spots ASAP. Consult our board-certified dermatologist if you notice any concerning or evolving skin lesions.

You’re never alone in your skincare journey! At Shinagawa Aesthetics, we view skin health as a team effort. Our board-certified team of skin specialists is ready to work with you to help you achieve the skin you’ve always dreamed of. Contact us today to schedule your visit!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.

Know What to Do if You Sweat Too Much

Know What to Do if You Sweat Too Much

Working out and getting all the sweat are good and healthy but what if it’s too much?

Sweating an excessive amount can interfere with your confidence, not to mention with daily activities like turning door knobs. If excessive sweating leads to your skin staying wet for an extended amount of time, turning white or peeling, or leading to skin infections like athlete’s foot and jock itch, you may have hyperhidrosis. The word “hyperhidrosis” means too much (hyper) sweating (hidrosis). 

Sweating cools the body, which prevents us from overheating. People who have hyperhidrosis, however, sweat when the body does not need cooling.

People of all races get hyperhidrosis, and it can begin at any age, although excessive sweating usually begins in adolescence. In fact, dermatologists believe that more children have this condition than are diagnosed.

For initial prevention, one should avoid triggers like spicy foods, and try swapping deodorant for antiperspirants. If your over-the-counter option is no longer working, you may need a prescriptive option from your dermatologist. Turn to moisture-wicking garments and lighter fabrics that won’t trap sweat.

If home remedies fail, see us at Shinagawa Aesthetics for a physical exam. We will closely inspect areas of the body that sweat excessively and possibly perform other tests.

We may need to explore medical treatments. Common treatments for excessive sweating include prescription antiperspirants, iontophoresis, injections of botulinum toxin and anticholinergic drugs, including wipes.

We encourage you to schedule a consultation with us today if you’re suffering from hyperhidrosis.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.