10 Bad Habits that Cause Vision Problems

Poor eyesight can be caused by many factors including genetics, age, and environment. In today’s digital world, however, most vision problems are often the result of poor eye care and bad habits.

If you want to maintain your healthy vision for years to come, it’s time to break these unhealthy habits:

Screen Time

1. Too much screen time

Spending too much time in front of your laptop or smartphone greatly reduces the number of times you blink, which is essential for eye cleaning and lubrication. Blinking also stimulates the retina and gives your brain a rest. Prolonged exposure to screen-based devices also causes digital eye strain with symptoms including headache, burning eyes, blurred vision, and disrupted sleep. Severe eye strain can lead to permanent vision problems.







Working at Night

2. Not getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to eye strain and eye fatigue. Sufficient sleep of 6-8 hours daily helps your eyes recover from a long day of use and provides continuous eye lubrication, which clears out accumulated irritants.








Wearing Contact Lense

3. Prolonged wearing of contact lenses

The eyes’ oxygen supply is limited when wearing contact lenses. The longer you have them on, the riskier the game. Without oxygen, the cornea swells up and expose a small gap where bacteria can enter, increasing your risk for keratitis and other eye infections. Long-term use of contact lenses can also lead to alterations in the cornea and corneal scarring, which affect vision.







A Man Rubbing his Eyes

4. Rubbing your eyes often

The seemingly harmless habit of rubbing your eyes can have serious consequences. Aside from the risk of allergic conjunctivitis and eye infections, it can also lead to keratoconus, the thinning and reshaping of the cornea from round to cone, which causes a progressive loss of vision. It can also worsen pre-existing eye conditions such as myopia and glaucoma.






Woman Staring at Her Food

5. Not eating enough food for the eyes

Dark leafy greens contain nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin, which reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Yellow and orange-colored fruits and vegetables are also high in beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E, which are all essential for healthy eyesight. Other food for the eyes include egg, nuts, fatty fish, and other seafood.








Woman Drinking Some Soda

6. Not drinking enough water

Dehydration hampers your eyes from producing enough tears, which are essential for nourishment and moisture. Dehydration also causes your eyes to become dry, red, and puffy.








A Guy Not Wearing Sunglasses

7. Not wearing sunglasses

Overexposure to the harmful rays of the sun can lead to photokeratitis (sunburn of the front surface of the eye), macular degeneration, cataract, unsightly growths on your eye’s conjunctiva, and cancer of the eyelid. Wear sunglasses with complete UVA/UVB protection even on cloudy days.






A Woman Reading in the Dark

8. Not using proper lighting

Working in dim light makes it difficult for your eyes to focus and leads to eye fatigue while excessively bright light can cause glare. Make sure your home lighting plan addresses every purpose of your rooms. If you have a home office, for instance, you may need a lamp on the worktable to reduce eyestrain.








A Man Smoking

9. Smoking

Smoking is linked to dry eyes and various sight-threatening eye diseases, including macular degeneration, cataract, uveitis, and diabetic retinopathy. Smokers are also four times more likely to go blind compared to non-smokers.








Eye Examination

10. Not getting regular eye exams

Regular eye exams can detect vision problems and other eye diseases. They can also determine whether you are at high risk for a particular eye disease. Some eyesight problems, like glaucoma, have no warning signs until there is an irreversible loss of vision. If you have not gotten your vision checked yet, start scheduling your regular eye exams today.





Shinagawa Lasik & Center offers comprehensive eye examination. For details and appointment request, visit Shinagawa.PH.

Life-change-by-lasik | Shinagawa PH

Life Changed By LASIK: Blogger Edition

Bloggers Yuki Tansengco (The Style Cat) and Sab Lee (Jay and Sab Around the World) both had vision problems since childhood. Yuki had an eye grade of -2.5 to -2.75 and relied on prescription glasses while Sab, although reluctant to wearing glasses despite being diagnosed with nearsightedness in grade school, had to wear contact lenses when her eye grade became -3.50. Tired of dealing with the inconveniences of wearing specs and contacts, the two eventually decided to have LASIK at Shinagawa Lasik Center, the world’s leading LASIK eye surgery provider.


Now, Yuki and Sab are enjoying the benefits of having perfect vision. Aside from seeing the world clearly without relying on any eyewear, they also have more time and freedom to do activities that need good vision, like reading, doing art, playing sports, and driving. Life-changing indeed!

Z Prime | Shinagawa Lasik & Aesthetics Philippines

The ‘Z-Prime’ Solution for your Eyes

When surgery comes into a person’s mind, it is always associated with fear, anxiety and worry. Not only because of the known ‘word-of-mouth’ gravity of the procedure, and sometimes the appearance of the pieces of equipment that will be used, but also and most importantly, the cost of the procedure.

Surgery used to be painful, horrific and dangerous in approximately equal measures. It was usually the last resort for both patient and practitioner. But now, with the arrival of new technologies, surgery became less of a hassle and more of a solution. Medical technology advancements enable people to do things we only dreamt of just ten years ago, especially in improving the quality of life.

Like any other surgery, there are also risks involved, and patients should be fully-informed before they undergo the procedure. Laser surgery is not for everyone.

The Food and Drug Association reviewed clinical data from Lasik laser manufacturers and said that if laser is done properly and on the right patients, it will indeed be successful. Eye doctors must carefully evaluate their patients, in order for the benefits to outweigh the risks. They shall be the ones to determine if their patient is eligible for screening. The following are some of the disqualifications from having lasik eye surgery:

  • Having changes in your contact lenses or glasses prescription in the past year
  • Diabetes
  • Taking medications that may affect wound healing such as cortical steroid
  • Glaucoma
  • herpes

The patients should in turn let the doctor be aware of any eye or medical condition they have.

LASIK is a very sophisticated technology, but the procedure is straightforward. It is also deemed as the most popular technique.

Before the LASIK surgery, eye measurements should be provided.

Information of LASIKsurgery must be reviewed, so that the patients can be guided with their eye condition, before committing to the operation.

‘Windows of Light’

To qualify for Lasik, the patient needs to meet a certain range of vision of cornea and pupil size, and pass the pre-operation assessment. Then he or she will come back for the actual Lasik process, conducted by both the surgeon and the technician operating the laser machine itself.

Topical anesthetics is administered into the patient’s eyes to numb the discomfort and to prepare the patient for LASIK treatment.

Thousands of patients between the ages of 18-70 receive LASIK’s benefits in correcting refractive errors. LASIK may be an effective treatment depending on the need for cataract surgery, for patients more than 70 years old. The patient usually becomes an excellent candidate for LASIK surgery, once the cataracts have been removed. Family history of eye illnesses must be also known to the doctor.

LASIK surgery is actually a wise investment for your money. When the cost for spending on glasses, contacts and eye solutions every year is estimated, it can be assumed that it is thriftier.

LASIK Surgery

In its advocacy to help people restore their vision, Shinagawa Lasik and Aesthetics offers Z-PRIME LASIK treatment which is PAINLESS. Only a slight discomfort during the procedure due to the pressure sensation around the eye will be felt. Most people feel some discomfort the day after the surgery, while the eye starts to heal.

Most surgeons perform Z LASIK on both eyes the same day.

60-90 minutes is the approximate duration of the entire procedure on the treatment day. This includes preparation time for the procedure, as well as final examinations after the procedure. Actual time in the laser suite is usually about 10 to 15 minutes.

Sample Activity: Driving with Z Prime Lasik-Restored Eyes

Woman Driving

The patient may return to driving, as soon as he or she sees well enough. It is up to the doctor to determine his or her capacity to drive. However, it is generally not recommended to drive home on his or her own after the procedure.

The visual recovery itself is typically very short in Z LASIK. Within a few hours most of the patients reach 20/20 vision.

Usually patients notice the improvement of their vision immediately following the procedure. Within a few hours, most patients reach 20/20 vision. The visual recovery period after Z-LASIK is usually very short and most patients resume normal activities right after the treatment.

It is just ample to keep in mind to take precautionary measures before the surgery, follow the instructions of the experts, and maintain eye care after the procedure to guarantee the BEST RESULTS, for the eyes are one of the most sensitive organs of the body and they play a very FUNDAMENTAL ROLE in life’s everyday activities.

Looking for the best solution for your vision? Shinagawa Z PRIME LASIK is your LASIK solution!

Fresh Start with Perfect Vision

Fresh Start with Perfect Vision

With the fast-paced world today, the hustle and bustle of people meeting deadlines, always rushing to accomplish their tasks, meet demands and expectations, and level up their status or position, whether at school or at work, or even just get household chores done, health is oftentimes taken for granted. One evident example is eye health.

Did You Know?

One of the most important part of the eyes is the cornea.

Optical Anatomy of the Eye
Functions of the cornea:

Helps to shield the rest of the eye from germs, dust, and other harmful matter. The cornea shares this protective task with the eyelids, the eye socket, tears, and the white part of the eye (sclera).

The cornea acts as the eye’s outermost lens. It functions like a window that controls and focuses the entry of light into the eye. The cornea contributes between 65-75 percent of the eye’s total focusing power.

If the cornea malfunctions, eye illnesses like astigmatism, presbyopia and myopia may occur. And these do not just require eyeglasses or contact lenses but specialized vision correction.

Want to have clearer eyesight without the aid of eyeglasses or contact lenses?


Femto LDV Machine

Ultra LASIK is a machine that aids in the instantaneous operation of laser surgery.

Having Ultra LASIK is the all-around solution that you need for your eyes and your vision. LASIK is for farsightedness and nearsightedness. It is bound to fix your eye woes.

  Green Eyes

6 Facts You Need to Know About Astigmatism

6 Facts You Need to Know About Astigmatism

They say having Astigmatism is like driving through life with a “warped windshield”. Though there is no known cause for most cases of Astigmatism, it is usually attributed to an imperfection in the shape of the eye, particularly the cornea, which is responsible for most of the eyes ability to “bend light” or focusing most of the light which enters the eye.

Due to the irregular shape, the eye’s ability to focus is inhibited. So images may appear distorted or blurred. Astigmatism is a term commonly known but there are still little known facts about this condition.

Here are some key facts about astigmatism:

  1. Most people have it but don’t know it. Because some mild types of this condition don’t affect vision, most people aren’t aware they have it. It is also more common in young people and women. Astigmatism often occurs in puberty. It may also be present in birth and can increase in intensity through the years.
  2. It can go away. Most people do not experience symptoms nor do they require treatment. But prescription eye glasses or contact lenses have been known to treat Astigmatism in its early stages.
  3. The Diabetic Connection. High blood sugar levels can affect the eye, particularly the shape of the lens, which is responsible for the focusing power of the eye. This is called Diabetic retinopathy and occurs when the tiny blood vessels in the eye are blocked.
  4. Rubbing can cause eye weakening. Commonly seen in people with allergies, chronic vigorous rubbing of the eyes can cause damage to the cornea and eventually cause increased pressure and irregular change in the shape of the eye.
  5. Exercising can help. This may seem odd but if you really think about it, our eyes are muscles and so they need to be kept in shape. One helpful exercise is to read and avert your gaze periodically. Start by reading one paragraph then shifting your gaze to a nearby object and then go back to reading. Doing this repeatedly will strengthen your eye muscles and improve your ability to focus.
  6. Having LASIK is the way to go. LASIK surgery is known to be the key to regaining perfect vision but moreover, it can also be responsible for correcting astigmatism. Having LASIK is like hitting two birds with one stone. LASIK surgery can reshape the inner layer of the cornea, correcting astigmatism in the process.

To learn more on how much of a difference maker LASIK is, check out the lives Shinagawa changed for the better: https://shinagawa.ph/lasik-testimonials/Given these facts about astigmatism and what LASIK can do, this condition can certainly be corrected and there’s nothing to worry about if you happen to have it.