7 Sight Saving Tips for a Brighter Future

7 Sight Saving Tips for a Brighter Future

When we think about the future we often focus on securing our lives financially. But there is one aspect we often overlook: eye health. Even though we enjoy clear vision, caring for our eyes doesn’t end at achieving 20/20 vision.

1. Follow the 20-20-20 rule.  We spend most of our lives facing digital screens so it’s easy to suffer from eye strain without meaning to. In order to avoid this, we must make it a habit to follow the 20-20-20 rule: throughout the day, we must take 20 seconds every 20 minutes to look away from our computers at an object 20 feet away.

Follow the 20-20-20 rule in Philippines

photo via anthro.com


2. Stick to a Balanced Diet. Watching what you eat not only helps you slim down and protect you from diseases, it can also help reduce the risk of eye disease such as cataracts. Foods rich in Vitamins in antioxidants also maintain clear vision.


Stick to a Balanced Diet Philippines

photo via 2healthcarenet.com


3. Move. Exercising regularly can do wonders to your overall health and this includes our eyesight. Regular walking, for instance, not only improves circulation but reduces the risk of future visual deterioration.

Woman running Philippines

photo via learntolive.com


4. Just Say No. Cigarette smoking can cause lead to poor eye health and conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, dry eyes and even, infant eye disease.

No to Smoking Philippines

photo via mydocinfo.wordpress.com


5. Know Yourself. More than eye exams, you should also make sure to get tested for Hypertension or Diabetes. These conditions, when not addressed early on, can lead to ocular hypertension, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.

Doctor Checkup Philippines

photovia burjhealthcenter.info


6. Shield Yourself. Dry air and prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause potential damage to your eyes. So admire the beauty of nature without putting your health in jeopardy.

Couple at the beach Philippines

photo via thepochtimes.com


7. Learn from the Past. To look forward to your future, you should be able to look back and learn from the past. By having a thorough knowledge of your family’s health history can help you take early action to avoid possible health risks in the future.

Learn from the Past Philippines

photo via telegraph21.com


The Department of Health proclaimed August “Sight Saving Month” as a response to the worldwide health issues of Avoidable Blindness and Visual Impairment.

Sight saving should be a priority worldwide.

Caring for our eyes means caring for our whole bodies as well. So, as this month draws to a close, let’s not forget to keep all these tips in mind all year round, ensuring overall health for a better tomorrow.

Take care of your sight well. Let Shinagawa help you in ensuring you have the best possible vision. Visit shinagawa.ph to learn more on how to deal with your eye concerns.

Several Minutes to Have a 20/20 Vision

It Only Takes Several Minutes to Have a 20/20 Vision

Seeing the world clearly may seem like an impossibility to those who have spent most of their lives having to deal with poor eyesight. But with the advent of various technological advances in medicine, we are presented with more options.

20/20 vision, or possible even better, is now no longer a dream, thanks to Shinagawa’s top-of-the-crop Z LASIK surgery. In fact, a perfect vision awaits for only several minutes. In an average of only six to 12 minutes surgery time, a person’s crystal clear vision can be restored by LASIK just like that.

With LASIK (Laser-assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis) or corrective eye surgery, one no longer has to live with nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia (or changes in vision that come with age). As for presbyopia, it cannot be resolved by LASIK alone but also through having monovision surgery to go along.

LASIK is the most popular, proven and effective procedure of choice for the restoration of optimum optical function.

The pain-free process involves reshaping the cornea (the transparent front part of the eye) which in turn affects the retina (which is the lens behind it), both of which are responsible for filtering light and focusing vision. The restructuring of these parts of the eye helps it work flawlessly. This process essentially renders the need for glasses or contact lenses non-existent because it allows the eye’s natural lenses to function as they were intended to.

But of course any surgical procedure, even one as simple and painless as LASIK, takes proper preparation and recovery. It’s important to know that although the treatment takes only approximately six to 12 minutes for both eyes, there has to be time devoted to educating and readying oneself for this journey.

After the surgery, proper time must be allotted to adjust. Around 24-48 hours post-surgery, a follow-up checkup must be done and at regular intervals for the next one year.

Consulting with a doctor is the best course of action, first and foremost, before making any decision. The important thing is to remain informed and prepared.

If you’re ready and itching to see the world brighter and have the perfect vision that you’re dreaming of, LASIK is definitely the answer for you. Shinagawa is second to none when it comes to providing the best LASIK service.

Shinagawa’s Z LASIK price is the most reasonable and worth it that you can find in the market as we guarantee to give you your money’s value with a brand new vision that you can enjoy for good.

Let us help you to your journey towards a perfect vision in a swift.