Wearing glasses and contacts can be too tiring for the long haul.
Aileen Adalid, a travel blogger and entrepreneur, just grew tired of them.
“I wore glasses since high school and contacts since college (275/325 with astigmatism). LASIK has been recommended to me for years and finally, I decided to give it a try”, bared Aileen.
It was indeed about time for her to see everything from a better point of view.
“It’s about time I stop wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses! I was tired of wearing them. I just want to see things clearly.”
Just a full day after her LASIK, Aileen couldn’t be happier.
“LASIK is a worthy investment! Recovery is fast and the procedure was not painful at all! My eye grade is now 20/12.”
If you’re too tired of wearing glasses and contacts, you’re a phone call away from getting rid of them.
Schedule your LASIK screening with us.
For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: