Again and again, LASIK improves lives.

Jody Mones, an operation manager, had trouble with her deteriorating vision for a good chunk of time.
She never thought it would be possible to have her deteriorating eyesight restored until she went to Shinagawa and had LASIK.

Just when you thought your vision and mission in life wouldn’t become so much better because of your deteriorating eyesight, Shinagawa, with its awesome and accommodating staff, made it seamless and steadfast!


I have only good words for Shinagawa and I am very much thankful for getting LASIK as this decision completely improved my life.

Jody added that having LASIK was most certainly one of her best decisions yet.
“I certainly made the best decision to make it happen NOW and enjoy the best views life can offer! Thank you, Shinagawa for enhancing not just the vision of most but for changing our lives for the BEST!”
Do you also have deteriorating eyesight? Chances are it’s never too late. Schedule a Comprehensive Eye Screening at Shinagawa and let’s do something about it!
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