LASIK can be a family affair.

Vlogger-influencer Rica Detiquez and her family (mom and sibling) embarked on a journey like no other — LASIK experience as one for their individual clarity.
She takes us through the fascinating process of LASIK at Shinagawa.
“I was so excited that I, along with my family (mom and sibling) were all eligible to have LASIK together!” expressed Rica, whose family has been dealing with visual problems for a significantly long time.
Watch her vlog here.
Longing for a stable bright vision, Rica has had enough with all her struggles, leading her to seek LASIK for clarity once and for all.
“Constant headaches and blurring of my left eye (250 eye grade) pushed me to finally have LASIK.”
“It became really difficult for me with my blurry vision that’s why I decided to go for LASIK.,” she added.
Describing her LASIK journey, Rica was more than satisfied with her entire experience.
“It was really fast and painless! Really happy I had LASIK. For those who are thinking of having LASIK, I’m telling you it was really so worth it! I now have a 20/10 vision.”

Aside from the quality of treatment, what I liked about Shinagawa is that its staff are very accommodating and friendly. Also, they are very honest when it comes to what’s best for your eyes and condition. Thank you, Shinagawa!

Rica’s brand new crystal clear vision can now help her in her duties as the owner and CEO of her own skincare company.
In addition, she actually organized a giveaway in which she will sponsor one lucky customer of hers to have LASIK at Shinagawa as she spreads the wealth.
Experiencing first-hand how it’s like to have the best LASIK treatment and experience in the country, Rica highly-recommends Shinagawa BGC for those who are looking for the best possible LASIK journey.
“If you want to have LASIK, go for Shinagawa because they have super-advanced machines and technology.”
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