Do You Have Yellow Teeth? Know What Causes It

Do You Have Yellow Teeth? Know What Causes It

Do you miss your pearly white teeth?

Having yellowish teeth due to discoloration isn’t exactly the best sight to see. Discolored set of teeth can reduce one’s confidence and overall appearance.

But how do you exactly avoid tooth discoloration? It starts by knowing what causes tooth discoloration.

Here are some factors that cause tooth discoloration:

  1. Disease/s – Some diseases actually affect enamel (the hard surface of the teeth) and dentin (the underlying material under enamel). The same can be said for some treatments as they can likewise affect tooth color, except Whitened Bleaching.
  2. Poor Dental Hygiene – This one is obvious. Some people are too lazy to maintain good oral hygiene, you better not be one of them, and that, of course, causes tooth discoloration. It’s simple logic. If you don’t clean your teeth regularly, don’t expect them to keep their natural color intact.

Inadequate brushing, flossing and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash can lead to tooth discoloration as that prohibits you from removing stain-producing substances and plaque.

  1. Habitual Tobacco/Cigarette Use – There’s another reason for you to quit smoking. Smoking, given cigarette’s stain-producing substances, can stain teeth. Stay away from it. You have tons of reasons to.
  2. Advancing Age – Yes, aging can be a factor, too, when it comes to tooth discoloration. This is because as you continue to age, the enamel’s outer layer on your teeth eventually wears away, prompting your teeth to be yellowish due to a revelation of dentin.

Some of these causes can be avoided while some are beyond one’s control. Still, there’s are certain ways to achieve set of pearly white teeth again and fight off discoloration.

Tweaking your lifestyle for the better is the way to go. Teeth discoloration can be avoided by constantly brushing, flossing and using mouthwash on a daily basis. This can be resolved by Laser Teeth Whitening procedure.

Shinagawa Orthodontics offers advanced Laser Teeth Whitening for your teeth discoloration woes, call our Patient Care Lines (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book a schedule.

Travel Beauty Essentials You Should Have 1

Travel Beauty Essentials You Should Have

Admit it, you love traveling, right? Come on, who doesn’t want to wander around nowadays?

As you travel, it is natural for your getup to be ruined every now and then given all the activities and adventures that you embark on to maximize every trip. Of course, despite that, you would still want to keep and maintain your glow and aura of beauty as you play the role of a jet-setter.

So how exactly do you keep your beauty intact every time you travel?

It’s simple — never ever forget your beauty essentials.

Travel Beauty Essentials You Should Have 3

Here are some of the most important beauty essentials you should automatically have every time you travel:

  1. Sunscreen
  2. Effective moisturizer
  3. Lip balm/stick
  4. Good concealer
  5. Facial Toner
  6. Umbrella (for skin protection from the sun)
  7. Blush/Lip multi-tasker
  8. Foundation

Travel Beauty Essentials You Should Have 2

By having these must-have beauty essentials on the go, you are armed to face the world without anything holding you back. You are all set!

Consult our dermatologist for FREE to know what products best suit you and your skin, contact our Patient Care Lines (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517

Knowing if your Teeth are Crooked or your Bite is Misaligned 1

Knowing if your Teeth are Crooked or your Bite is Misaligned

Do you often feel like your teeth might be crooked or your bite might be misaligned?

It’s uncomfortable and irritating, right?

Instead of comfortably using and flaunting your teeth, you feel that something might not be right.

In this case, it’s always best to visit a dentist to know the real score.

A dentist can surely determine where your teeth are crooked and/or your bite is misaligned through a thorough and detailed examination of your teeth.

For the dentist to see the specifics of your teeth, it must look for these signs:

  • Abnormal alignment of your teeth
  • Discomfort and difficulties when it comes to usual chewing and biting
  • Abnormal appearance of the teeth in the face

Knowing if your Teeth are Crooked or your Bite is Misaligned 2

Should all or any of these signs are found, there might be a good chance that you indeed have crooked teeth and/or a misaligned bite.

But still, there’s only one way to find out and be sure. That’s to have a thorough dental consultation.

Our dentists and orthodontists are more than ready and equipped to fix your crooked teeth and/or a misaligned bite, call our Patient Care Lines (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book a schedule.