Choosing The Best Eye Center For Your Vision | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

Choosing The Best Eye Center For Your Vision

You very well know how important your eyes and vision are in your everyday life that’s why it is important for you to take good care of them.

That would only be possible if you have your regular checkups in a capable and tested eye center for your eyes to be taken good care of.

So, how do you exactly choose the perfect and best eye center to have the best vision care?

Here are some factors you should look at when choosing the best possible eye center for your visual care:

Prolific and Experienced Medical Team

Of course, you would want your eyes to be taken care of by consummate and experienced eye professionals and staff. You have to take a look at the track record of the doctors and their respective experiences in conducting eye treatments.

The Right and Best Eye Center For You| Shinagawa LASIK Blog

Provides A Wide Variety Of Treatments For Various Eye Conditions

It is also critical to find an eye center that is more than capable of providing corresponding treatments for various eye conditions. That is because you might face more than one vision issue in your life and an eye center that can provide you your visual needs will really help.

That’s why it is important that a clinic presents the most essential eye treatments for you to have security regardless of whatever eye condition you might have.

Financial Options And Flexibility

Another factor to seriously consider is the financial options and flexibility presented by an eye center. It’s always good to have some convenience in terms of payment plans. It’s always better if a clinic can present you with multiple payment options that can fit your capabilities without compromising the immediate treatment that you would need.

The Best Eye Center | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

Reliable, Safe and Advanced Technology

Upon researching, you also need to make it a point that you are well aware of the machine, equipment, and technology that an eye center has. You have to look at the reliability, safety, efficiency, and advancement of an eye center’s technology to ensure that your eyes will be secured.

Going a notch deeper, you could perhaps check if an eye center has computer-aided lasers that are capable of delivering the safety and results that you deserve and expect.

You can check the boxes for each factor when it comes to Shinagawa.

Your eyes and visual health will be in good hands with our renowned doctors and advanced technology, which are both proven and tested. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule an eye checkup.

Signs of Aging Oral Health | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Signs of Aging Oral Health

Getting up there in age might bring some life’s best gifts — grandkids, retirement, and maybe even travel or more time for hobbies. But it can likewise bring unwanted health issues — especially related to your teeth.

As people age, they become prone to having oral health issues naturally.

Here are some of the most common oral health issues faced by older people:

Darker Teeth

As goes with age, dentin, also known as the bone-like tissue beneath tooth enamel, changes depending on the foods or drinks we consume. A thinning outer layer will allow yellow dentin to show through, which may create the appearance of darkened teeth.

Uneven Jawbone

If you lose a tooth and don’t replace it with an implant or dentures, the remaining teeth in your mouth may shift into different spaces, which can result in an uneven jawbone or bite issues.


This is an inflammation of underlying tissue beneath false teeth often caused by ill-fitting dentures or bad hygiene.

Root Decay

After years of consuming acidy foods, your tooth’s roots may become exposed.

Excessive Dry Mouth

Many seniors take a variety of medications that can cause dry mouth. Adequate saliva production is important to prevent decay and infection. Remember to stay hydrated by consuming enough water each day.

Despite all these, you can keep your oral health intact as much as you can despite aging.

Proper treatments at Shinagawa Orthodontics can help you maintain good oral health. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule your FREE dental consultation with us.

What Is Micellar Water | Shinagawa Aesthetics Blog

What Is Micellar Water?

Peek inside the medicine cabinets of models, celebrities, and makeup artists, and there’s a very good chance that you’ll see a bottle of micellar cleansing water.

This skin-care product that looks and feels just like regular water is finally picking up stateside for its ability to remove makeup, cleanse, and tone with just a few light swipes of a cotton ball. With micellar waters, even the toughest waterproof makeup, melts cleanly off skin with zero irritation.

They contain no alcohol and are comprised of only dirt-loving micelle molecules that attach to makeup and debris to break it down.

Micellar water is a combination of purified water; hydrating ingredients, such as glycerin; and low concentrations of extremely mild surfactants.

When you wipe a cotton ball soaked with the cleanser along your face, the micelles adhere to the cotton while pulling makeup, sebum, and any other daily unpleasantness off the skin.

The formulas are so light and gentle that there’s no need to rinse them off, which means that the moisturizing ingredients can stay behind to be absorbed.

Micellar water is a great option for people with sensitive or dry skin, late nights where low maintenance is required, traveling or camping when access to water is limited, and anyone who wants to restore or protect their skin’s natural moisture barrier or avoid harsh chemicals. Micellar water is non-abrasive, hydrating, and easy to use correctly.

Looking for what’s best for your skin? Our dermatologists at Shinagawa Aesthetics are what you’re looking for. Call our Patient Care Lines (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 for your FREE derma consultation.