The Connection Between COVID-19 And Contact Lenses | Shinagawa Blog

The Connection Between COVID-19 And Contact Lenses

Can you contract COVID-19 by wearing contact lenses?

As you may be aware, the most common form of transmission of the COVID-19 is through droplets emitted from one’s mouth onto surfaces and into the air, where others will then ingest these particles. But this isn’t the only way in which the virus can be spread. As we continue to learn more about the way in which the virus is transmitted, attention is brought to other parts of the body, including our eyes.

Eyewear is an important part of everyday life – without glasses or contacts, many would be unable to function and complete even the simplest of tasks. Our eyes are vital, and in the context of this pandemic, ensuring their safety becomes yet another facet of our lives.

With regards to eye health, then, the question becomes: can contact lenses be vectors for COVID-19 transmission? The short answer is yes, unfortunately.

How COVID-19 can affect your eyes

While transmission through ocular channels is rare, recent research shows that it can still happen and can lead to a form of conjunctivitis (an inflammation of the white of the eye) also known as the pink eye that lasts between 10-20 days. Sometimes, the eye’s cornea can also be affected, leading to a condition known as keratoconjunctivitis, which can be medically treated.

The best way to prevent this situation from happening, however, is to ensure that you take the proper steps to make sure that your eyes do not come into contact with unclean hands when undertaking daily tasks like putting in and taking out your contact lenses.
Proper precautions are important

The best precaution to take to ensure that your eyes remain free of bacteria and disease with regards to contact lens placement/removal is to properly wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before applying and removing your lenses. This has the benefit of ensuring that your hands, which may have come into contact with infected surfaces throughout the day, are clean enough to interact with your lenses.

Minimize the risk of your eyes and hands coming into contact by ensuring you avoid rubbing your eyes, as tempting as it may sometimes be (due to you needing to adjust your contact lenses, seasonal allergies, or because your eyes are irritated) – read on to find more tips about maintaining healthy eyes. These tips can have enormous health benefits beyond those related to the pandemic.

Proper hygiene measures have demonstrable results with regards to minimizing the spread of infections and disease and lead to an improved level of overall health, and these measures extend to everyone – not just those who use contact lenses.

Minimize your risks, thanks to LASIK

As anyone who uses them can tell you, contact lenses can also be cumbersome to deal with. Thankfully, we offer the best permanent alternative to daily contact lens wear.

One of the best ways, if not the best, to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19 through contact lens use is to opt for LASIK. Our procedures are designed to lighten the burden of the hassles associated with glasses and contact lenses, like putting in and taking out contact lenses.

Go ahead and schedule a LASIK screening today to explore your options and simplify your day-to-day.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

Reasons Why CoolSculpting Is For You | Shinagawa Blog

CoolSculpting Is Definitely For You If…

In this day and age of advancements in technology, CoolSculpting has stepped up as one of the world’s top slimming treatments as it is designed to freeze away fats minus the hassles of surgery.

No wonder many people are seeking it as its popularity and effectiveness continue to soar to greater heights due to the results it delivers.

CoolSculpting is definitely for you if:

You Want a Non-Invasive Option
For many years, plastic surgery and liposuction were the primary treatment options for patients struggling to get rid of stubborn, unwanted fat. Both of those options are effective, but they also are more invasive approaches that require a period of recovery. Not every patient is a candidate for those types of treatments, and not every patient can commit to the downtime. If you’re looking for a no-hassle treatment that won’t interrupt your schedule, this approach to body contouring is for you.

You’re Looking for Natural Results
If you want to take steps to improve your body, but you’re looking for a subtle, natural improvement, this treatment may be just what you’re looking for. Because your results will develop over time, you’ll simply look as though you’ve been successfully dieting and working out. Your friends and family will never know you got a little extra help.

You’re Falling Short of Your Cosmetic Goals
It’s frustrating when you’re working out, eating right, and taking good care of yourself but your body just won’t shape up as you want it to. Sometimes genetics can keep a patient from fully achieving his or her goals. That’s where this body contouring treatment comes in. It’s a great way of pushing past those obstacles to achieve your perfect body. These treatments won’t help you shed a lot of weight, but they’ll help you get rid of that problem spot or two that you’ve been struggling with.

Chances are you’ve heard of this approach to body contouring, but did you know that it can reduce fat all over the body by effectively freezing them for good? Whether you’re worried about thick upper arms, heavy thighs, or fullness under the chin, this convenient and advanced treatment system can help.

Schedule your consultation to know more! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

No More Annoying Glasses And Contacts For Dani Ravena | Shinagawa Feature Story

No More Annoying Glasses And Contacts For Dani Ravena

Dani Ravena adds to the growing list of volleybelles who had LASIK for a better vision and sharper game.

“Beyond blessed to finally have my eyes fixed through LASIK. I can’t wait to enjoy my 20/20 vision now!” bared Dani.

She is more than thrilled to enjoy her brand new perfect vision and looks forward to a better life and better volleyball future.

Ravena, a well-known sports family member, did not want to be a step behind. Hence, she opted to upgrade her vision for an upgraded performance on and off the court.

“I always had a hard time wearing my glasses and contacts daily as they often bother me when I play volleyball. Now, I don’t have to wear any of them!”

Ravena also comments on Shinagawa’s state-of-the-art facilities and safety measures as she embarked on a soothing and comfortable LASIK journey at Shinagawa BGC.

“Thank you to Shinagawa for a super comfortable and pain-free procedure. I love that its clinic was super clean and safe for everybody.”

The staff and doctors were also very welcoming and they all took good care of me during the entire procedure.

If you are sporty and your blurry vision has been hindering you since you can remember, have brighter eyesight for once!

Schedule your LASIK screening with us! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat on our website.