The Struggle With 'Maskne' Is Real | Shinagawa Blog

The Struggle With ‘Maskne’ Is Real

With acne, none of us are truly in the clear.

It can pop up during infancy. And if it didn’t make an appearance during puberty, it can catch up with us later on in life. It’s annoying at any stage but thankfully, there are ways to deal with acne when it starts to take over our face or body.

The new normal requires us to wear masks regularly and for longer periods of time in some cases. While we’re covering up our mouths and noses to stop the spread of COVID-19, some of us are uncovering a new problem — maskne, or mask-related acne.

While maskne might be new to many of us, it didn’t originate out of anywhere.

It has always been an issue in professions where you have to wear a mask regularly but now that the general public has to wear masks, the incidence of it has certainly increased.

Stress from the pandemic, as well as the local irritation from your mask, can make maskne more likely. When you breathe or talk, your mask tends to trap a lot of hot air. Besides being annoying, this air creates a warm, humid environment — and an ideal setting for yeast, bacteria, and other flora, such as Demodex (types of skin mites that naturally live on our skin), to grow.

These bacterial imbalances and friction from your mask can promote acne and rosacea flare-ups as well as something called perioral dermatitis. This is when fine pimples and pustules appear around the nose and mouth.

Let’s take care of your maskne and eliminate it bit by bit.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

Aileen Adalid LASIK At Shinagawa | Shinagawa Feature Story

“Done With Glasses & Contacts!”

Wearing glasses and contacts can be too tiring for the long haul.

Aileen Adalid, a travel blogger and entrepreneur, just grew tired of them.

“I wore glasses since high school and contacts since college (275/325 with astigmatism). LASIK has been recommended to me for years and finally, I decided to give it a try”, bared Aileen.

It was indeed about time for her to see everything from a better point of view.

“It’s about time I stop wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses! I was tired of wearing them. I just want to see things clearly.”

Just a full day after her LASIK, Aileen couldn’t be happier.

“LASIK is a worthy investment! Recovery is fast and the procedure was not painful at all! My eye grade is now 20/12.”

If you’re too tired of wearing glasses and contacts, you’re a phone call away from getting rid of them.

Schedule your LASIK screening with us.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

Professions Impacted By Reading Glasses | Shinagawa Blog

Professions Impacted By Reading Glasses

The need for reading glasses can create challenges at work, whatever field or industry it may be. When the details matter, people in various professions can be most impacted by blurry or deteriorating eyesight.

Reading glasses are a common solution when one’s vision becomes blurry, but they can be annoying for people who are used to having clear vision. If you are in one of these active professions, it can be especially challenging to get the job done and perform well while dealing with reading glasses.

Professions Impacted by Reading Glasses


Life in engineering can vary greatly depending on your field, but whether you are a civil, mechanical, or electrical engineer, the details are critical. This career can require a lot of screen time as well as collaboration with a team, with little room for errors that can occur when reading glasses get in the way.


This heavily detail-oriented career requires a lot of time spent looking at screens and fine print – two things that can create eye strain and headaches for people with poor vision.


Working in education requires patience, but it can be frustrating to keep track of reading glasses in a busy classroom while constantly taking them off to observe students and putting them back on to follow lesson plans.

Medical Professionals

Medical professionals, such as nurses and paramedics, need to act quickly to tend to patients. However, it is also important that they can clearly read medication labels, charts, and dosing instructions.

Airport Personnel

A gate agent at the airport needs to read boarding passes and check identification while also keeping an eye on the people around them and monitoring activity in the busy terminal.

Automotive Repair

Modern-day auto repair utilizes many digital tools, but a mechanic still needs to do a lot of hands-on work. It can be difficult to take reading glasses on and off while switching between analyzing diagnostics and getting under the hood.


A carpenter or contractor may use reading glasses to read a measuring tape, take them off to cut wood, put them back on to check a level, take them off to install the framework. You can see how reading glasses can hinder this day-to-day.

Law Enforcement

Police officers and other agents often have to switch between important and time-sensitive tasks that require near vision, such as reading reports and checking screens, to tasks that require clear distance vision, like driving and patrolling.


People in the food industry are behind the scenes and on their feet, often all day and all night. They oversee kitchen staff, cook, order supplies, and more. Keeping track of reading glasses while checking recipes, writing menus, and interacting with guests can get in the way of culinary greatness.


No matter what profession you are in, details matter. You take pride in your work and you don’t want to let the back and forth hassle of reading glasses get in the way of a job well done. And when you get home from work, you also want to enjoy your hobbies and leisure time without the inconvenience of reading glasses!

That’s why it’s important to naturally have a bright vision. Shinagawa can give you that with LASIK.

Schedule your LASIK screening with us! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

Toothpaste On Acne | Shinagawa Blog

Toothpaste On Acne: What You Need To Know

When it comes to fixing acne, one of the most common beauty hacks most of us may have heard of is applying toothpaste, which happens to work miraculously! The paste contains ingredients like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, etc. which help in drying out the pimples.

However, applying the toothpaste to acne is not a safe solution, here’s why:


When it comes to those big hideous pimples, toothpaste can immediately decrease the size. You may banish the pimple size, but this will also make your skin extremely dry. If you have acne-prone skin, then you can even witness more zits with the skin irritation and dryness.

Skin irritation

Applying the paste on acne is one of the most tried and tested home remedies. The ingredient triclosan kills the bacteria causing acne on the skin. This ingredient immediately acts on the pimple and gives you fast results and sounds very promising. But, this hack also comes with a lot of skin irritation. The paste is made for teeth, which means the concentration is higher and harsher, hence the itching and the burning sensation is caused.


In worst situations, applying the paste to acne can also lead to scars. For those angry red zits, toothpaste will cause a lot of burning sensation, which will eventually dry out the pimple. But with such a harsh reaction, sometimes you can also be left with an ugly acne scar.

Stay cautious

Using toothpaste for your acne should be your last resort always! However, if you still feel the need, pick a paste with no added colors or whiteners because these formulas can irritate your skin more and make the acne worse!

We can treat your acne properly and safely at Shinagawa Aesthetics! We have multiple advanced treatments that can get the job done. Schedule a consultation with our derma experts for a start!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

The Life-Changing Effect Of LASIK | Shinagawa Feature Story

The Life-Changing Effect Of LASIK

After pondering about having LASIK for quite some time, patient Em Millan eventually decided that it was best to have it soonest for a brighter vision and life.

“I just wanted to have LASIK, get it over and done with, to finally have that feeling of liberation. My eye grade then was 275/350,” bared Em.

It took only around 24 hours for Em to get right back to work after the life-changing LASIK procedure.

“The morning after I had LASIK, I woke up and there wasn’t any discomfort at all and I went back to work right away with bright eyesight.”

Em also shared just how difficult it was back then to have to wear contact lenses and eyeglasses. “I thought I could live forever with wearing contact lenses and eyeglasses but I imagined the liberation from being free from wearing both. Back then, every time I pack things, I always have to bring contacts or glasses and sometimes forget to bring them with me.”

“I can now relate when people usually say that having LASIK is the best decision ever”, expressed Em.

You yourself can eventually relate to them by having LASIK for a better life! Schedule your screening with us!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.