Ways LASIK Could Help Advance Your Career | Shinagawa Blog

Ways LASIK Could Help Advance Your Career

Your vision is easily one of the most important aspects of your everyday life. You rely on your vision to function well and navigate through the day. Having poor vision can hold you back from reaching your full potential.

While getting LASIK might not directly lead to your next promotion or land you a new job, it can definitely make a big difference.

Here are ways that LASIK could help advance your career:

Comfort is Key

All jobs are stressful, whatever they may be. Even the ones that feel fulfilled can have long hours.

One thing that inevitably adds to the stress is the discomfort caused by glasses or contacts. Even the most comfortable glasses can cause your ears and nose to feel sore if you leave them on for too long.

Contacts can be even worse. They can dry out your eyes and become so uncomfortable that they distract you.

LASIK is all about giving you access to small comforts that add up to a huge lifestyle improvement. Aside from the perfect vision it delivers, it can likewise give you the comfort you’ve been longing for.

More Confidence in the Way You Look

One reason that many people choose to get LASIK is that they hate the way they look in glasses. There’s no shame in that.

Glasses come in trendy and stylish varieties, and you can rock whatever frames you like. They are a lot more fun when you aren’t forced to wear them because of your poor vision.

Using contacts is not always the best alternative, either. They can cause discomfort, especially if you wear them for a long time.

More than that, they can cause a significant financial burden. Replacing contacts is a constant drain on your bank account, meaning you have less money to put towards more important things.

Having the freedom to look how you want is an empowering experience, and the confidence boost you receive could end up showing in your work.

You can Focus More

Your vision may not be as good as you think it is, even if you don’t think you need glasses. Many people aren’t up to date on their prescriptions.

Your eyesight may be able to get you by but you could be suffering from subconscious effects. Having sight that is below the standard and is left untreated can cause fatigue and headaches.

Your brain will need to work overtime to make up for the blurry vision you see. Needless to say, showing up to work already tired and unfocused is never helpful.

Some Jobs Benefit from LASIK

If you have a desk job, your boss will likely not notice if you have poor vision, as long as it doesn’t affect your work performance. But there are plenty of jobs out there that rely heavily on vision, for which LASIK may not be an option, but is actually a necessity.

Pilots and astronauts, for example, need good vision. Commercial pilots may be able to get away with glasses, but flights can be long, and wearing glasses will become uncomfortable. Astronauts must have 20/20 vision, and NASA has approved astronauts who have used LASIK to correct their eyesight.

Glasses-free vision is important for jobs on the ground as well. Athletes and lifeguards prefer not to wear glasses or contacts, as water and exertion can become an obstacle.

Whatever your reason is for choosing LASIK, it’s time to find out if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. Schedule your LASIK screening at Shinagawa now!

Why not take a chance and find out if visual freedom could be yours for the taking?

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at https://shinagawa.ph so we can address and answer them for you.

Why Is Acne Worse In The Summer? | Shinagawa Blog

Why Is Acne Worse In The Summer?

Summer is just around the corner. Do you know that acne seems to be worse during the summer?

When you’re looking all summertime fine in your favorite hot-weather attire, the last thing you want to do is worry about body breakouts and blemishes. Unfortunately, when the temperatures rise, pimples start popping up even more.

It’s so annoying, especially since the season calls for shorts, swimsuits, and tank tops. But the good news is that you don’t have to spend your summer broken out and covered up.

Why do the summer months bring on more breakouts?

If you’ve been battling breakouts for a long time, you might notice that they get worse in the summer. You’re not the only one dealing with this. Recent studies have linked breakouts to warmer temperatures.

Several studies have shown a correlation between the summer months and acne development. One of them even looked at Google trends to see if acne-related searches increased over the summer as opposed to other times of the year. But acne doesn’t get worse because of sun exposure. Most of the time, it’s related to increased oil production, sweating, and more clogging of the pores that occur with the warmer temperatures.

Hotter temps don’t seem to stop us from layering on sunscreen, lotion, body butter, or oil to keep our skin glowing and moisturized. But when you mix in sweat, grime, and other factors, that concoction can lead to more breakouts.

In the summer months, increased sweating can lead to clogged or obstructed pores. But we do know that certain sunscreens and moisturizers, especially those that are a little bit thicker, can contribute to more clogging and further the development of acne.

Acne is a multifactorial condition. It can be influenced by certain hormonal factors and androgens that are present within your body. It also thrives in areas of your body where there’s increased oil production in your pores. Dr. McGregor says that triglycerides in these areas feed bacteria and this can cause more inflammatory forms of acne. But it all starts with obstructions in the pores and the formation of microcomedones, which are very tiny acne blemishes that can cause larger acne blemishes.

Treating summer acne

You’ve seen the commercials — and the endless aisles of acne products in stores. With all of the options that exist, there has to be an over-the-counter solution that will work for your acne, right?

It depends.

If you’re dealing with milder forms of comedonal acne like blackheads and whiteheads, the first-line options, or what you’d find in the drugstore, can be helpful. Most of these products are salicylic acid- or benzoyl peroxide-based. You can even find acne products that were once available by prescription only in stores now.

Use a foaming cleanser

Foaming facial cleansers are typically recommended during the summer months. Your cleaner choice could vary based on your skin type. If you need help figuring out which cleanser is best for you, a dermatologist can help.

Avoid heavy lotions or creams

Of course, no one wants dry skin during the summer months. During the summer months, you’ll want to switch to lighter moisturizers or a more water-based sunscreen to help prevent clogged pores.

Remove dirt and sweat

No one wants to be a hot, sticky, and smelly mess all day. So those brutal summer days might call for a shower or two. It’s fine to wash off the sweat, dirt and grime but don’t overdo it.

Showering or washing your face after working out or being outdoors and sweating is recommended. Twice a day is kind of the maximum per se. During this time of the year, more people want to exfoliate the skin and wash more frequently, so I do see a lot of skin irritation. It doesn’t necessarily cause acne to develop, but at the same time, washing and scrubbing tend to irritate the skin and that can make it harder to treat acne. The typical recommendation is twice a day as far as showers and washing your face. This includes after workouts or extended periods in the sun.

Avoid popping those pimples

It doesn’t matter if you’ve watched hundreds of hours of pimple extraction videos. To preserve your skin, take a hands-off approach when those blemishes pop up. All of that squeezing and digging can lead to more inflammation, scars, or infection.

Everyone performs a little bit of bathroom surgery at some point in time, right?. But at home, you might not think about the downstream effects of picking at your blemishes. With acne, there’s the potential for scarring when you manipulate the skin. Pigmentary alteration (where you end up with lighter or darker areas) or infection can occur as well.

What causes maskne?

While this summer looks drastically different from summers from years ago, one thing might not change. With new COVID-19 variants floating around, some of us have decided to hang onto our masks. You know what that means — maskne will be back with a vengeance this summer. So what have we learned in the last year about maskne?

Maskne is a subset of what’s called acne mechanica, a form of acne that is a result of friction or pressure on the skin. We see this a lot with repetitive use of things that come into contact with the skin. A mask can aggravate the skin and create more humidity and moisture for the lower half of your face. That kind of environment can cause obstructions in the pores and the development of microcomedones, which could potentially create more bacterial overgrowth within the pilosebaceous unit (the hair shaft, hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and the muscle which helps hair stand on its end).

To prevent maskne, washing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser is highly suggested to help remove any build-up. And of course, always wear clean masks.

Masks can also cause rosacea flare-ups and they might not necessarily respond to over-the-counter treatments. If you find yourself having a tough time with rosacea or acne, reach out to a dermatologist for help.

Are expensive acne products better?

Not necessarily. While the claims of clear skin in weeks seem to justify heftier price tags, you don’t have to fork over your life savings or firstborn to get effective acne products. You can find good products at very reasonable price points.

Give your acne products time to work

When you’re trying to get rid of acne blemishes, patience is never part of the equation. But Dr. McGregor says that it’s important to give whatever product you use the time to work.

Give it about three months. The acne treatment process can be kind of slow and like watching grass grow, but I usually give it about three months or so to work. And that’s also a good timeframe for a dermatologist to evaluate whether something’s working or not.

Can being in the sun cause acne treatments to irritate skin?

Some acne products have warnings on the package that encourage consumers to protect their skin should they be out in the sun. While we might be under the impression that the sun can make things worse, the irritation that occurs is mostly from the product being used.

Most of the irritation that we see is from the actual treatments themselves. They cause a lot of dryness and that’s really what we’re trying to achieve to reduce what’s called follicular hyperkeratinization or oil production by using these products. It’s a falsehood that these products contain ingredients that make the skin sensitive to the sun. What does occur is usually skin irritation.”

And again, if your acne isn’t going away, talk to a dermatologist. Instead of spending a small fortune on everything that promises to clear up acne on your face or body, consider talking to a dermatologist if things aren’t improving.

Find out how to keep breakouts at bay from our expert dermatologists!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

Oisin Lane Achieves Brighter Vision With RLE | Shinagawa Blog

Oisin Lane Achieves Brighter Vision Through RLE

Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) can likewise do wonders for one’s vision.

Even with a birth defect in his eyes, Oisin Lane was still able to achieve bright vision with the power of RLE.

“I had Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) surgery at Shinagawa and it has been a life-changing experience,” said Oisin.

“My vision is almost perfect and I have been wearing glasses for 30+ years and if it was not for a birth defect, my vision would be 100%. I am delighted with 90%. Truly amazing technology!”

Oisin also shared that his girlfriend likewise had a wonderful LASIK experience at Shinagawa.

“My girlfriend had LASIK and went from not being able to see clearly beyond 6-feet to perfect 20/10 vision. She is totally delighted with her, as she calls it, laser vision.”

“The staff are all extremely friendly and are clearly well trained. Thank you, team Shinagawa!”

We have the most advanced vision correction treatments available. We can save your vision. One call is all it takes to get it started.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

What To Look For In Sunglasses For Eye Protection | Shinagawa Blog

What To Look For In Sunglasses For Eye Protection

At Shinagawa, our eye doctors want to help you protect your vision and eye health for years to come following your corrective surgeries.

That includes wearing the right protection from harmful UV rays, especially given the fact that we live in a country where the sun is constant.

Here’s what you need to look for in the right kind of sunglasses for eye protection.

Sunglasses for Active Living

There are sunglasses for style, and for the trails. Glacier glasses provide protection against the wind and bright sunlight reflecting off the nearly perennial snow up high. Sunglasses for mountain biking provide protection and stay in place no matter how hard you ride. No matter whether you spend hundreds on specialized or designer sunglasses, or ten bucks on a pair off the rack, there’s one essential requirement: Full UV protection.

Choosing the Right Sunglasses

We list six thoughts for choosing sunglasses:

  • UV Ray Protection: 100% is what you need. Look for the tag or sticker and enjoy wearing them.
  • Eye Coverage: Bigger is better, for the skin around your eyes as well as the eyes themselves.
  • Darker Isn’t Necessarily Better: Those who watched the last eclipse know this, dark lenses without UV protection can make things worse.
  • Color Doesn’t Block More: But it can help you see better for sports by improving contrast
  • Polarized Lenses Are Designed for Glare: They don’t provide UV protection unless it’s added, but they are great for seeing fish underwater.
  • Cheap Sunglasses with the Right Protection Are Fine: It’s the UV protection that counts, so go cheap or go designer if they protect your eyes.

Look for symptoms like these that can indicate your eyes have had just too much sun:

  • Pain or redness
  • Sensitive to light
  • Tearing/watery
  • Blurry or temporary loss of vision
  • Swelling
  • Eyelids twitching
  • Eyes feel gritty

Too much sun can burn your eyes. We’re here for all your regular vision needs, including LASIK and other refractive surgeries, routine eye exams by our expert and friendly staff, and necessary eye care prescriptions.

Make an appointment with our doctors. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

Treat Dark Circles By Eating These Fruits And Vegetables | Shinagawa Blog

Treat Dark Circles By Eating These Fruits And Vegetables

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest part of our body. A lot of factors like lack of sleep, an imbalanced diet, and even consumption of alcohol can lead to dark circles around the eyes.

From eating Vitamin-rich foods to moisturizing regularly, there are a lot of ways you can try to treat dark circles. However, you can still go all-natural and focus more on consuming food that is rich in vitamins.

From leafy vegetables to nuts, here’s what you need to eat if you want to get rid of dark circles:


The fruit is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, which help to keep the skin healthy. It also helps in protecting the delicate skin under the eyes, by boosting blood circulation. Vitamin C also helps to rejuvenate the skin and protect it from free radicals. Look for foods like oranges, papaya, and broccoli that are loaded with Vitamin C.


You may have already tried placing the cool cucumber slices on your eyes to fix the stubborn circles. However, consuming cucumber is also beneficial to treat them. It helps to boost collagen production, which helps to increase the elasticity of the skin and fights the uneven skin tone.

Food rich in Vitamin E

The magic nutrient you need for your eyes is Vitamin E. It helps to fight enzymes, which break the skin’s elasticity. Include sesame, hazelnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds in your diet to get the most of this vitamin.

Green vegetables

Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, sage, and thyme are rich in Vitamin K. This vitamin improves the skin texture by boosting blood circulation. Damaged skin is a sign of poor blood circulation which leads to uneven skin tone and dark circles.

For professional treatment of your dark circles, consult our expert dermatologists.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.