How LASIK Helped Floren Carpio In Achieving His AFP Dreams | Shinagawa Feature Story

How LASIK Helped Floren Carpio In Achieving His AFP Dreams

A bright vision is required to enter the Armed forces of the Philippines (AFP/Army) for obvious reasons.

Determined to pursue his dream of being in the Army, Floren John Carpio underwent LASIK to meet the AFP’s qualification in terms of vision.

“I already complied with the requirements for my application in the Armed forces of the Philippines (ARMY) after having LASIK!” said Floren, who was very happy that he can now push through with his AFP dream while having a sharp vision as well.

“I’m happy with the overall result. I have a 20/10 vision now! It (LASIK) was a life-changing experience!”

Floren was quite satisfied with his overall experience at Shinagawa Makati.

“Thank you Shinagawa Makati for the great service! Keep it up!”

Perfect vision can elevate you in your career in so many ways. Achieve it via LASIK at Shinagawa!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

What To Expect In Your LASIK Consultation & Screening | Shinagawa Blog

What To Expect In Your LASIK Consultation & Screening

Our eyes must do a lot of self-cleaning to remain healthy. Tears, lightly spread across as a film, protect the eyes, and wash away dust, allergens, germs, and other contaminants. While this is an effective system most of the time, swimming, especially in swimming pools, can wash away tears and leave the eyes vulnerable to contamination and irritation.

Irritation and Contamination Risks for Eyes

The chlorine that is used to protect swimmers can also irritate your eyes. Recovery for healthy eyes is usually quick, though frequent swimmers may develop chronic problems which swim goggles can help prevent. Contact lens wearers should remove them while swimming. And you should especially avoid swimming after cataract and LASIK eye surgery as part of the post-operative recovery process.

What’s In the Water?

Chlorine helps to neutralize typical amounts of infectious agents in the pool, which increase according to the pool’s use by large numbers of people. Some hardier germs may survive the chlorination, though, which can result in eye infections that take advantage of already irritated eyes. Rinsing the eyes with eyewash solution can help remove lingering pathogens.

Contact Lenses and Swimming

Contact lenses limit the eyes’ ability to use tears to remove potential infections from their surface. Contact lenses can also provide a place under the lens for corneal infections to take root, so they should not be worn while swimming.

Dry Eyes

After swimming in chlorinated water, people’s eyes are typically red and irritated from the chemicals. For regular swimmers, the lack of tear film after swimming can become a chronic condition, called “dry eye,” with blurry vision and irritation, which our top eye doctors in the Front Range regularly treat in many of our patients.
Pink Eye

When water washes away the protective tear film, germs have more access to the eye even in chlorinated water where some hardier germs may remain. An infection called pink eye, or conjunctivitis, can develop, which may require professional care if it lingers.

Simple Swimmers’ Eye Care

  • Don’t Wear Contacts While Swimming
  • Consider Swim Goggles
  • Use Eye Rinse and Eye Drops When Needed for Comfort
  • See Your Eye Doctor with Any Concerns

Your Expert Eye Doctors at Shinagawa can help

Our experienced eye doctors specialize in LASIK and other refractive eye procedures that can help you have better vision and swim with less risk of damaging your eyes. Contact us for all your eye care needs.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

What Is Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation | Shinagawa Blog

What Is Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation?

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is any dark marks and blemishes that remain visible on the skin after a spot or acne breakout. They are the body’s natural response to inflammation. It can leave you feeling exposed and like, even without active acne or an active breakout, your blemishes are still on show. It can certainly leave you feeling like you have no choice but to reach for the concealer, even if you’d rather go natural.

But why do these patches of pigmentation remain visible for so long after the spot heals – and what can you do to lessen the effect of dark blemishes?

Let’s take an in-depth look at how to prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and acne scarring

These two conditions may seem similar, but there are some key differences. Acne scars are caused by damage to the tissues and veins, leading to pitting and scarring. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation doesn’t damage the follicles or cause pitting of the skin. It’s a short-term issue, albeit usually lasting several weeks or more.

What does post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation look like?

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is triggered when the body’s melanin production goes into overdrive following an inflammation (in this case, the small infection of the spot). Although the main culprits are acne and spots, other traumas to the skin – such as a burn or cut – can also be contributory factors.

The symptoms of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation are flat patches of discoloration on the skin. These range in color and tone from red to black, depending on the severity of the hyperpigmentation.

The condition affects both men and women and can develop in all skin types. Some skin types are more prone to this hyperpigmentation, and some simply show any blemish more readily. Research shows that post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation tends to be more severe in darker skin tones. Those with very pale skin may also feel the hyperpigmentation is more visible.

Is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation permanent?

In mild to moderate cases, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is not permanent and the blemishes will fade over time – even if left untreated. In severe cases, it can take months and even years for the discoloration to fade and some traces can remain permanently.

To minimize the chance of any lasting damage from post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, we advise taking preventative measures. These include wearing SPF50 sunscreen under your make-up and resisting the temptation to squeeze or pick any spots! Affected skin is more sensitive, hence the suggestion to pay particular attention to your sunscreen here.

The good news is that there are treatments and products available that can help to get rid of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation fast in the majority of cases.

We have treatments like RevLite SI, among others, that can address hyperpigmentation properly.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments, or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

How Does A Concussion Affect The Eyes And Level Of Vision? | Shinagawa Blog

How Does A Concussion Affect The Eyes And Level Of Vision?

Some accidents can eventually cause a concussion, especially if the head was damaged severely.

Several areas of the brain are responsible for vision so it may not come as a surprise that concussions can cause symptoms associated with the eyes and/or vision.

Sometimes referred to as Post-Traumatic Vision Syndrome, vision problems following concussions are common and can include:

  • Blurry vision or difficulty focusing
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty reading – you might find yourself losing your place
  • Headaches when performing visual tasks
  • Peripheral vision loss
  • Double vision
  • Difficulty moving the eyes

These symptoms can be especially disruptive to everyday life, whether in relation to returning to work or school.

Although rare, the following are more serious effects of a concussion:

  • Retinal detachment: The sheer impact of a head injury causing concussion can cause the retina to detach. This requires immediate attention and surgical intervention.
  • Vitreous hemorrhage: Concussions may cause the blood vessels of the eye(s) to leak into the jelly-like substance in the eye (vitreous humor), causing blurred vision, floaters, a red tint to your vision, and more. Sometimes this clears up on its own, although medication may be prescribed to speed up the healing process.
  • Optic nerve damage: Increased pressure in the brain can subsequently put pressure on the optic nerve leading to partial or total loss of vision. It’s imperative to have your eyes examined after a concussion or head injury since vision loss from optic nerve damage is irreversible.

Neuro-optometrists and neuro-ophthalmologists are both specialized in treating concussions, especially as they relate to the visual system.

If you suspect a concussion, it’s important to schedule an appointment with an eye care professional and mention this. The benefits are two-fold: a comprehensive eye exam can help diagnose a concussion and can diagnose any effects of a concussion-related to the eyes, like those described above.

Schedule an eye check-up with us and let our doctors see just how healthy you and your eyes are.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

This Is How You Can Fade Acne Scars | Shinagawa Blog

This Is How You Can Fade Acne Scars

Dealing with acne is already a problem while dealing with acne scars is yet another. Even if you have fought acne, the annoying scars can take a lot of time to disappear.

To speed up the healing process, follow these steps and say bye-bye to acne scars:

Don’t skip the sunscreen

With sun exposure, the acne marks can become stubborn. Make sure you apply a broad spectrum SPF to avoid permanent spots. A fresh scar is prone to more sun damage. Without sun protection the color of the marks can easily turn brown from red or light brown marks.

Invest in proper skincare

Look for skincare products with AHA (alpha hydroxy acid), glycolic acid, BHA (beta hydroxy acid), and salicylic acid. From cleansers to exfoliators, regular use of these ingredients will help to rejuvenate your skin and fade those stubborn scars.

Focus on Vitamin C

The ascorbic acid, Vitamin C does wonders for improving skin clarity. It helps to fight free radicals and fades the pigmented spots on the skin. You can look for high concentrated serum or even try making your own Vitamin C serum at home.

Visit a dermatologist

If you’re dealing with stubborn marks and nothing seems to work, consult a dermatologist. There are many treatments like Fractional C02, RevLite SI, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), microdermabrasion to chemical peels, which have been successfully known to remove scars. Depending on the intensity of the scar, you can choose the treatment and get rid of the scars.

We have the best set of laser treatments that can help remove your acne scars! See our dermatologist for a free consultation!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.