Bes Sanchez's LASIK At Shinagawa | Shinagawa Feature Story

Freedom Reigns For Bes Sanchez

Freedom never felt this good and satisfying for Bes Sanchez.

“I feel free without fearing of not seeing everything clearly without my eyeglasses. I can see the difference as I am able to see everything clearly – especially my loved ones and everything around me,” shared Bes, who now enjoys a 20/16 vision.

“I had my ULTRA LASIK ADVANCE done in Shinagawa BGC. I was liberated from the challenges of wearing eyeglasses – blurs from moist, nose, and ear bruises, to the disappointments of rising astigmatism, headaches, and yearly eye check-up for the change/updating of eyeglasses. I can move freely since I no longer have to worry that my eyeglasses will fall off.”

Happy and satisfied with her LASIK results, Bes has nothing but wonderful things to say about her Shinagawa journey.

“Having my LASIK done at Shinagawa was one of the best decisions I’ve done in my life. Aside from it being life-changing, the entire experience was really pleasant and remarkable. The technology they are using is the latest. Most of all, everyone was really caring and hospitable,” bared Bes.

“I am extremely happy with the result. Even if my eye grade was not really high since it is just 125 – 150, my astigmatism was higher. As of my last check-up, my vision is at 20 /16, which I can say is clearer than my husband’s 20/20.”

Your own road to freedom can start by scheduling your LASIK screening with us!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

digital eye strain

Understanding Digital Eye Strain Better

In today’s digital age, many of us spend hours in front of computer screens, laptops, smartphones, and other digital devices. While these devices offer us incredible convenience and access to information, they can also lead to a growing problem known as Digital Eye Strain or Computer Vision Syndrome.

Digital Eye Strain is a condition that affects millions of people who spend long hours in front of digital screens. Symptoms can include eye fatigue, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and back pain.

But what factors contribute to eye irritation, and how can we avoid it?

Causes of Digital Eye Strain

It is caused by the prolonged use of digital screens, which emit blue light that is harmful to our eyes. This blue light interferes with our circadian rhythm, the natural sleep-wake cycle that regulates our energy levels and hormones.

Additionally, the glare from digital screens and the strain we put on our eyes to focus on small text and images for extended periods of time can lead to eye fatigue and discomfort.

Prevention and Relief

Fortunately, there are many steps we can take to prevent and relieve its symptoms:

  1. Take regular breaks: To reduce eye strain, it’s important to take frequent breaks from screen use, and to look away from your screen and focus on distant objects for a few minutes every hour.
  2. Adjust screen settings: Reduce glare on your screen by adjusting the brightness, contrast, and font size, and by using a matte screen filter.
  3. Use blue light-blocking technology: Blue light-blocking glasses or computer screen filters can help reduce the amount of harmful blue light emitted by digital screens.
  4. Practice good posture: Maintaining a good posture while using digital devices can reduce neck and back pain and reduce the risk of eye strain.
  5. Blink regularly: Blink regularly to reduce dry eyes, and use eye drops or artificial tears as needed.

In conclusion, Digital Eye Strain is a growing problem, but it’s one that we can prevent and relieve with simple lifestyle changes and the use of eye-friendly technology. By taking steps to reduce the strain on our eyes, we can maintain good vision and eye health, and continue to enjoy the benefits of our digital devices.

Schedule a dry eye check at Shinagawa! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

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does sunscreen ever expire

Does Sunscreen Ever Expire?

With the approach of summer comes the need to protect our skin from UV rays. While most of us understand the importance of using sunscreen, a frequently asked question is whether sunscreen has an expiration date.

So, does sunscreen ever expire? Let’s take a closer look.

Why Sunscreen Has an Expiration Date

Sunscreens have ingredients in them specifically created to counteract the effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin.. However, over time, these ingredients can break down and become less effective. In addition, exposure to heat, light, and air can cause the sunscreen to deteriorate and lose its potency.

Thus, sunscreen manufacturers include an expiration date to indicate when the product no longer guarantees protection.

What Happens When Sunscreen Expires

When sunscreen expires, its active ingredients break down, leaving your skin vulnerable to UV rays. In addition, expired sunscreen can also become thicker and harder to spread, making it difficult to apply evenly to your skin.

How to Check if Your Sunscreen is Expired

Examine the packaging for the sunscreen’s expiration date to determine if it has expired. Most sunscreens will have a shelf life of around three years, although some may last longer.

If you can’t find the expiration date, a simple way to test the effectiveness of your sunscreen is to place a small amount in the palm of your hand and rub it between your hands. If the sunscreen is still effective, it should be easy to spread and should not leave a white residue.


In conclusion, sunscreen does expire and it’s important to replace your old sunscreen with a new one every three years or sooner if you notice a change in its texture or effectiveness. By using fresh sunscreen, you can ensure that your skin is protected from the harmful effects of UV rays, and enjoy a healthy, sun-safe summer.

For more skin concerns, our dermatologists are ready to help you!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

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Ysabel Pelobello LASIK At Shinagawa | Shinagawa Feature Story

Happy Shinagawa Baby: Ysabel Pelobello

Ysabel Pelobello is one happy Shinagawa baby!

After having a smooth, life-changing LASIK journey, she shared how happy she is with her 20/12 vision.

“I’m very happy I went to Shinagawa for LASIK! Very accommodating team. My vision is now 20/12, even brighter than 20/20! I’m a happy Shinagawa Baby!” bared Ysabel, one of our recent patients.

“I’ve been wearing eyeglasses since Grade 2. Before I had LASIK, my eye grade was 800 with astigmatism. I was really excited about the whole process.”

Her experience might be the sign you’re looking for to achieve brighter eyesight, too!

“If you need a sign, this is it! Go and have LASIK!”

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

LASIK And Sports: How Quick Is the Recovery Period? | Shinagawa Blog

LASIK And Sports: How Quick Is the Recovery Period?

Most people can play sports just a few weeks after LASIK. The visual reward that people experience after first hitting a tennis ball or baseball, kicking a soccer ball, or shooting a basketball with acute vision is one of the immediate and rewarding benefits of combining LASIK and sports.

It may be a burden for the athletically inclined to have to wear unwieldy rec-specs or goggles, or even contact lenses that often fall out during the heat of competition. Why needlessly continue to suffer the embarrassment of game stoppages while you search for a missing contact? It’s time to get some LASIK.

One of the most startling things about LASIK and sports for those who choose to partake in the vision correction procedure is the miraculously quick turnaround period for getting back to your normal life, including sports, exercise, and strenuous labor.

Within a few restful hours following vision correction, most participants fully regain previous levels of visual performance. While certain activities such as swimming may require a somewhat longer period of rest after the procedure (mostly a month), most sports may be played without hindrance shortly afterward. The caveat against swimming too soon after having LASIK is intended to reduce the risk of infection from immersion in potentially contaminated water. Therefore, you should refrain from participating in aquatic sports for at least four weeks following your LASIK procedure. Contact sports like ice hockey and tackle football should also be avoided for about one week after your LASIK treatment.

Talk to our expert doctors, and gain the vision you have always wanted. Your athletic ability and self-confidence on the field, court, rink, or waves will certainly improve. You still might not be able to play like a pro, but at least you’ll be able to see like one!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.