Benefits To Having LASIK That You Might Not Expect

Benefits To Having LASIK That You Might Not Expect

It is a well-known fact that LASIK is a procedure designed to permanently correct your vision. In most cases, patients who undergo LASIK experience a drastic improvement in all aspects of their vision. 

Here are some aspects of your vision that might see an improvement that is less well-known:

  • Reduced Levels of Allergic Symptoms: In some cases, patients claim to experience a lot fewer allergy symptoms after having LASIK. They claim to suffer from less sinus pain and fewer headaches as well due to not having to have a pair of glasses resting on their nose. Eyes are irritated less often as well due to not having to take contacts in and out of your eyes on a daily basis.
  • Boosted Peripheral Vision: While your central vision is improved, the peripheral aspects of your vision also see a noticeable boost in clarity when compared to the alternative glasses. Glasses don’t wrap perfectly around the eyes, so your peripheral vision actually ends up getting distorted and blurred.
  • Better Nighttime Vision: While a small percentage of LASIK patients still experience seeing mild glare/halos after undergoing LASIK surgery, the vast majority say their nighttime vision has improved beyond anything they had experienced before. You will no longer need to deal with light reflecting off your lenses. Contacts have a habit of drying out your eyes as well, which causes you to experience fuzzy nighttime vision. Without having to deal with corrective lenses your nighttime vision is much clearer.

Achieve a bright vision and all the benefits that come along with it by having LASIK!

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

📱 (+63) 917 862 7454

📱 (+63) 921 217 0517

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Shinagawa Conducts Consultations in UnionBanks Health Caravan 2023

Shinagawa Conducts Consultations in UnionBank’s Health Caravan

Seeing an opportunity to help more people, Shinagawa Lasik & Aesthetics gladly participated in UnionBank’s Health Caravan event last May 17.

Dr. Paolo Hector Luz: Brighter Vision, More Fun

Dr. Paolo Hector Luz: Brighter Vision, More Fun

Living an active lifestyle and the desire to be the best ophthalmologist he can be prompted our very own Dr. Paolo Hector Luz MD-MBA to have his own LASIK journey.

“Having LASIK helped me in lots of ways, particularly with my hobbies and profession as an ophthalmologist,” shared Dr. Luz, one of several Shinagawa ophthalmologists who had LASIK.

“Doing exercises and sports (basketball and cycling) are much easier now for me. As for my profession, everything became more comfortable minus the glasses.”

Even though he is an experienced doctor that knew what to expect from LASIK, the Shinagawa journey itself still surprised him in a lot of ways.

“Even as an ophthalmologist myself, I was still surprised with how fast the recovery period was after I had my LASIK,” he added.

“I was able to return to my activities a day or two after. Everything was back to normal right away.”

Be at your best both in your personal and professional activities. Follow Dr. Luz’s lead and have your own LASIK journey!

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

📱 (+63) 917 862 7454

📱 (+63) 921 217 0517

📞 (+632) 7-368 5238


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The Benefits of Beauty Rest

The Benefits of Beauty Rest

While touted as a stand-in for a good night’s rest, beauty sleep holds real benefits. In fact, getting enough quality rest can even improve our skin’s health and overall appearance.

The Importance of Sleep

Before hopping into skin health, let’s quickly discuss how sleep benefits our general wellness. Sleep is a fundamental biological process essential for maintaining physical and mental health. But how? 

During our resting hours, our bodies are able to relax, recoup and repair. Our brains can process and consolidate information collected throughout the day. Most importantly, sleep’s crucial role in regulating our immune system helps build up our defenses against diseases and infections.

Sleep is important for hormone regulation as well. Our hormones are responsible for a wide range of bodily functions, including our mood, metabolism, and appetite. When we don’t get enough sleep, our hormones can become imbalanced, leading to a variety of health problems. And speaking of those hormones…

The Link Between Sleep and Skin Health

When we sleep, the released hormones help repair and regenerate our skin cells in a process called autophagy. This is essentially the equivalent of a cellular clean-up. Autophagy helps clear our skin of damaged cells and debris, leading to a brighter, more even complexion. 

Slumber also plays a crucial role in regulating our skin’s hydration levels. During rest, we produce a hormone called vasopressin, which helps to regulate our body’s water balance. This means that when we get enough sleep, our skin is better able to retain moisture, which can help to prevent dryness and improve overall skin texture. But that’s not all! 

Rest even helps regulate inflammation, a natural response of the immune system. However, when it becomes chronic, it can lead to a variety of health complications, including skin problems such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. Getting proper rest helps regulate inflammation, which can aid in preventing these skin problems.

Finally, sleep is also important for regulating our stress levels. When we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies produce more stress hormones like cortisol, which can contribute to a variety of skin problems, including acne and premature aging.

Our expert dermatologists are here to help you perfect your custom skincare plan. Shinagawa Aesthetics educates you on your skin, its unique needs, and how to attain healthy, happy, glowing skin. Schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified dermatologists.

Don’t sleep on the importance of skin health. Contact us today!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat at so we can address and answer them for you.

Reasons Why Its Time to Ditch Your Glasses for LASIK

Reasons Why It’s Time to Ditch your Glasses for LASIK

Think back to the moment when your eye doctor first told you that your vision was not 20/20 and you needed glasses. For most people, this moment was not a happy moment but a moment of panic. 

For years’ glasses have carried with them an unfortunate social stigma—phrases like “four eyes” come to mind. If you use glasses today, then you might be due for an upgrade. Thanks to many advances in technology, LASIK has become safer and more accessible than ever. 

Here are the reasons you should consider ditching your glasses:

  1.   Glasses carry with them a certain level of inconvenience. Depending on the severity of your visual impairment finding your glasses in the morning on your nightstand might be quite difficult. Who wants to have to fumble around to put your eyes on in the morning? The other issue with glasses is they get dirty easily, so throughout the day, you might have to wash your glasses 2-3 times depending on the type of lifestyle you live.

Protecting your vision from harmful UV rays proves to be a challenge as well. You can choose to invest thousands of pesos more on prescription sunglasses, spend a small fortune on transition lenses, or purchase cheap hideously ugly clip-on shares that scratch your expensive glasses frames up. None of these options are ideal, and it would be best to just avoid them all.

Going to the theater for a nice 3D movie experience can be difficult as well when you have glasses because the 3D glasses never fit very comfortably over your glasses and normally cause your ears to be sore by the end of the cinema experience. The 3D glasses can also scratch up your lenses and frames.

  1.   If you wear glasses, then you must be tired of having to update your prescription every other year. Glasses are expensive and having to regularly buy a new pair or two ends up being an expensive endeavor throughout your life. You aren’t left with many options either, if you choose to ignore your changing glasses prescription, then you might as well not wear glasses at all because you won’t be seeing as clearly as you could be and you could experience recurring headaches. Even if you are in the habit of upgrading your prescription when necessary, you might still get headaches each time you start wearing those new prescription lenses.
  1.   Your wallet might cry a little. Shopping for glasses can be fun, but as soon as it becomes time to cash out reality sinks in, and you realize that you are about to spend a small fortune on an item that will probably only last you two years maximum. LASIK might seem like a more expensive procedure, but when you compare it to a lifetime of glasses, there is actually quite a large amount of savings.

Don’t let glasses drag your lifestyle down, get the most out of life with your own two eyes and choose LASIK. Choosing LASIK means complete visual freedom to see what you want to see without the need for expensive lenses that can be easily damaged or lost. 

Come see us today and ask one of our experts if LASIK is the right choice for you.

For inquiries, questions, and appointments, call our Patient Care Lines: 

📱 (+63) 917 862 7454

📱 (+63) 921 217 0517

📞 (+632) 7-368 5238

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