Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune Diseases Affect Vision

Many autoimmune diseases can interfere with the health and function of the eyes. An autoimmune disease is a disorder that causes the immune system to attack healthy cells. If you or someone you love has an autoimmune disease, it’s important to be aware of these possible effects, so let’s take a closer look at a […]

Skin Tips

Skin Tips to Kick-Off 2023

New Year, new you, right? Every year there is a sense of renewal that comes in January. It’s an opportunity to recommit to those things that you didn’t get to the prior year or it’s a chance to set some new goals and stake your claim in the New Year.  When it comes to your […]

How ICL Rescued Jayco Calandria’s Flailing Vision

Is your eye grade around 1,000 already? Don’t feel hopeless. Something can most certainly be done for you to gain a bright vision. When it seemed hopeless, we found a way to give Jayco Angelo Calandria, who had lots of visual issues, a bright vision for him to enjoy life better again. “For the past […]

Skin Checks Are Very Important

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in adults, and according to dermatology studies, it is estimated that one in five adults will get it in their lifetime. The good news is that most skin cancers are highly treatable if caught early, which is why regular skin checks are so important. Skin Cancer […]

RC Castillo: Better Online Seller After LASIK

Online selling helps a lot of people get through in terms of making ends meet, especially during and post-pandemic. RC Castillo is one of the many online sellers who looks to always be at her best to produce the best results. She knew that it won’t be possible without clarity that’s why having LASIK proved […]

Impact of Smoking on You and Your Family’s Vision

Health risks from smoking are well known, but little attention is paid to the increased risk of eye disease and the potential for blindness. Smoking has detrimental effects on the cardiovascular system and can affect the small blood vessels that line the retina in the back of the eye. Increased high blood pressure and the […]

Feeling Fresh: Laijah Denise Ma’s BlephEx Experience

This patient has been seeking relief as she feels heaviness around her eye area. BlephEx was the perfect answer for Laijah Denise Ma, an Accounting Assistant in a bank. “My eyes felt very fresh after the BlephEx procedure. Ang sarap sa feeling na malinis ang eyelids!” said Laijah after giving her eyes some needed pampering. […]

Skin Care Essentials

Skin Care Essentials – A Beginner’s Guide

You want healthy skin. But entering a cosmetic store—or even the drug store’s skincare aisle—can be intimidating. With so many products promising to improve your skin, it’s hard to choose. Skin type and goals should determine a skincare routine. Younger people should protect their skin from pollutants and the sun. Addressing acne is critical. Preventing […]

does eye shape affect vision

Does Eye Shape Affects Vision?

Eye shapes play a crucial role in vision. The cornea and crystalline lens focus light in the eye. Light passes through the vitreous humor, a clear gel inside the eye, and strikes the retina at the back. The retina’s rods and cones pick up light and send a clean image to the optic nerve and […]

Powering Up with Bright Vision: Erika Miyata

Visual struggles for a person always on-the-go will certainly take its toll down the line. After enduring the lows of having blurry vision for over a decade, Erika Miyata, a Filipino-Japanese Jill of all trades, decided she needed her best version and that’s only possible with a bright eyesight. She finally decided it’s time for […]