Why is Vision Health for All Ages Important

Why is Vision Health for All Ages Important?

While you care for your overall health more than anything, maintaining a proper and healthy vision is equally important! Several eye problems can be treated if detected early. Hence, regular eye exams for all ages are vital. Conducting regular eye exams for all ages is necessary to ensure you aren’t dealing with common eye problems. […]

ULTRA LASIK Makes Nikki Espeleta’s Life As A Teacher Easier

ULTRA LASIK Makes Nikki Espeleta’s Life As A Teacher Easier

ULTRA LASIK continues to help people with a high degree of astigmatism. A dedicated Public School Teacher, Nikki Espeleta had ULTRA LASIK to get rid of her high eye grade and astigmatism and finally be able to elevate her teachings and help students better. “I went to Shinagawa for ULTRA LASIK. My eye grades were […]

What is a Skin Check

What is a Skin Check?

A skin check is a routine inspection of your body to spot early signs of skin cancer.  When you perform a skin check, you should look closely for anything that appears out of the ordinary on your skin, such as the following: Any new or changing lesion New brown spots  Growths  Rough, scaly skin  Moles […]

What Can Worsen Astigmatism

What Can Worsen Astigmatism?

Astigmatism refers to the term in which your cornea or lens isn’t round in shape. It’s a common vision disorder, and its symptoms include blurred vision, difficulty with driving at night, headaches, eye pain, and glare sensitivity. Astigmatism usually develops in childhood and changes our eye shape into a football-like shape from its usual spherical […]

Kyle Negrito “My life hasn't been the same since LASIK”

Kyle Negrito: “My life hasn’t been the same since LASIK.”

“My life hasn’t been the same since LASIK.” There’s no looking back now for Creamline volleybelle Kyle Negrito as she’s finally at her best now after having LASIK. “The whole procedure took less than 10 minutes, and the whole Shinagawa team made the process so smooth and easy. They made me feel safe and secure. […]

Getting Vitamin D Without The Sun

Getting Vitamin D Without The Sun

Vitamin D is essential for our health, and exposing your skin to the sun is one way to get it. UVB radiation from sunlight triggers skin to make vitamin D, but there’s a catch: Unprotected sun exposure damages skin. And then there’s this: For most people, sun exposure isn’t an effective way to get vitamin […]

Reasons Why Your Eyelashes Hurt

Reasons Why Your Eyelashes Hurt

Eyelashes are one of the most important parts of your face. They help you to look more attractive, giving you a better look. But sometimes, this part of your face goes through pain and tears.  There are many people out there who experience the pain of lashes damaging their eyes due to various reasons. For […]

Niane Navas Right Choice LASIK

Niane Nava’s Right Choice: LASIK!

Making the right choice certainly leads to a better life. That’s how it went for Niane Nava, an operations supervisor. “By having LASIK, I’ve made the right choice that will totally change the way I see things. I can definitely say I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW!” expressed Niane. “No more eyeglasses, no more contact lenses, […]

What happens when you get a sunburn

What happens when you get a sunburn?

If you spend too much time in the sun or forget to reapply your sunscreen, you might learn what happens to your skin when you get sunburn. We all know a sunburn results from too much unprotected time in the sun, but what actually happens to your skin when you get a sunburn—or a tan, […]

Comparing Scratched Cornea and Pink Eye

Comparing Scratched Cornea & Pink Eye

Confused between an eye scratch and an eye infection? Both can feel similar, but the cause and treatment are very different, and it is important to know the difference. Let’s explore the differences between the two so you can get the right treatment and care for your eyes. What is Pink Eye? Pink eye is […]