Steps to Better Eye Health in 2021 | Shinagawa Blog

Steps to Better Eye Health in 2021

Taking steps to protect your vision is more challenging the past year because of the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in our daily lived.

However, despite these challenges, protecting your vision should remain a priority. Your eye health should be at the top of your priority list this 2021. It’s important to maintain or create habits that will promote good health.

Here are some light and easy eye-healthy resolutions to consider adding to your list.

Wear Sunglasses
The sun’s UV rays aren’t just harmful to your skin, but to your eyes as well. UV rays have also been shown to be a major contributing factor in the development of many serious eye conditions, such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and more. So start the New Year wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes from the UV rays whenever you are outside during the day, no matter the season.

Rest Your Eyes
Daily and prolonged computer use can lead to computer vision syndrome. Eye strain, headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes are just some symptoms that may occur when using a digital screen for long periods of time. Give your eyes regular relief by following the 20-20-20 rule; take a 20-second break to view something 20 feet away, every 20 minutes.

Follow a Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is a popular New Year’s resolution, as many look towards being healthier after the holiday season. It’s important to eat a balanced diet, not just for your overall health but also to promote good vision.

A diet containing the right amount of certain vitamins and minerals can boost your eyes’ health and help reduce the risk of certain eye conditions and vision loss.

For example, vitamin C — found in oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and peppers — can help slow cataracts and prevent macular degeneration.

Vitamin E also serves as a great antioxidant and agent against cataracts and macular degeneration. Vitamin E can be found in many nuts and dried fruit, like almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and pine nuts, as well as dried apricots.

Educate Yourself
Take the time to learn about common eye conditions, including the signs, symptoms, and causes, as this can help you recognize any changes in your vision. The earlier an eye condition is detected, the better chance you have of preventing or managing it.

Schedule a needed Eye Check-Up and Exam
If you haven’t been to the eye doctor in a while, now is the time to call and schedule an appointment. An annual eye exam is crucial because even if your vision and eye health seem fine, an exam can uncover the early stages of many eye diseases before they can cause irreversible damage. An eye doctor can even spot signs of other potential health issues by checking your eyes, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and even many cardiovascular conditions. So, start off the New Year right with an eye exam.

Shinagawa is ready to thoroughly take a look at your eyes and see if you need the necessary treatments for a better quality of vision and life.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

A Dream Come True At Shinagawa | Feature Story

Brighter Vision: A Dream Come True At Shinagawa

Dreams do come true at Shinagawa.

Ever since she was 8 years old, Julien Andal has been struggling with blurry vision. While it was okay at first, the long haul proved to be different as challenges arose more and more.

“Seeing my Ophthalmologist was a regular routine for me since I was an 8-year-old kid, always looking forward to wearing different styles and colors of glasses. As years passed by, I got curious on how I can achieve a crystal clear vision (genetic),” she said.

Since then, she’s been dreaming of a bright vision. Finally, having LASIK at Shinagawa Makati gave her what she’s been longing for.

“Learning about Shinagawa opened the door for me in terms of having a clear and glass free vision, something that I’ve always wanted. The doctors make you feel safe and give assurance that everything will be okay, from consultation to the actual operation. All the staff was very accommodating and polite, answering all my queries before and after my LASIK.”

Now with a clear vision, seeing the world never felt this good for her.

“Indeed one of the best decisions I’ve made. After 14 years, my vision has never felt this good! Thank you Shinagawa Makati!”

Achieve your dream bright eyesight! Schedule your LASIK screening with us. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

Vision Hazards to Avoid | Shinagawa Blog

Protecting Your Eyes: Vision Hazards To Avoid

We deal with two main sources of vision damage or loss: eye diseases, and eye injuries.

Prompt diagnosis and treatment improve patients’ chances with disease. For injury, distraction is a major factor, at work or at play.

We recommend these basic habits:

  • Wear eye protection if necessary — to block chemicals and infection, also flying objects and small splinters
  • Know how to handle eye injuries — eye washing when appropriate, eye covering
  • Be aware of modern hazards — such as constant computer use, laser exposure, and chaotic industrial environments
  • Get professional eye care — regular exams and checkups for any concerns

Trust expert eye doctors to help preserve your vision.

Lean on our team at Shinagawa to help you protect and preserve your precious vision. There’s much that we can do, even if you do have an eye injury or illness, to help you recover your sight.

Give us a call at (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for regular eye exams and any other eye care needs you may have. We care about your sight.

Martin Del Rosario Enjoys Life to the Fullest After LASIK | Feature Story

Martin Del Rosario Enjoys Life To The Fullest After LASIK

Tapings and shoots are finally much easier and more fun for Martin Del Rosario.

Now enjoying a bright vision after LASIK, the actor explains the life-changing difference that Shinagawa made for him.

“I’ve always had bad vision. I started having vision problems in my grade school years, got even worse as the years passed. Then I developed a bad case of astigmatism in my high school years. It wasn’t easy hurdling the challenges of having to deal with it”, explained Martin.

“As a student and as a budding actor at that time, I had to deal with the hassle of having to wear corrective glasses the whole day. During tapings or shootings, I usually had bouts of migraine every time I had to remove my glasses when it was time to do our thing on the set.”

Not wanting to prolong his sufferings, Martin finally had LASIK to solve his sight problems.

“Then, came the time when I decided to finally put an end to all the discomfort!” he bared.

“Thanks to Shinagawa for paving the way for me to enjoy perfect vision again. With the latest LASIK technology, I can now enjoy life to its fullest.”

Live life to the fullest with better eyesight. Schedule your LASIK screening with us! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517.

Keys To Maintaining Healthy Eyes In The Digital Age | Shinagawa Blog

Keys To Maintaining Healthy Eyes In The Digital Age

Vision is probably the most important amongst our senses. But do we realize the importance of having good eye health, as much as having sound overall health? Most of us do not care about it, as long as our eyes can see.

For most of us, having healthy eyes means being able to see and for some more, being able to see without having to put glasses on. But, there are so many types of eye-related hazards like astigmatism, conjunctivitis, cataract, dry eyes, glaucoma, and others, unknown to many of us, some of which can even end up claiming our sight.

In this digital age, our eyes are having to cope with a maximum level of stress, as we’re always focusing our attention on all sorts of screens. This makes our eyes much more vulnerable to complications. So, we need to be careful to protect our eyes and thus live a joyful life.

Below are some essential hacks that can surely help us avoid most eye problems.

Regularly Observe Your Eyes
Our eyes could be seeing everything properly and we might not be experiencing any significant problem with our eyes. But, they could be suffering from problems like dryness, glaucoma or macular degeneration, the problems which often do not have any warnings. So, it’s wise to examine our eyes regularly by visiting the ophthalmologist. This will help us know if our eyes are really well and if there are any issues, we will know them early so that they can be easily dealt with. An annually complete eye examination is highly recommended to maintain healthy eyes.

Stay Hydrated, Drink Enough Water
Consumption of a sufficient amount of water is also very important to maintain healthy eyes. This helps to keep the eyes hydrated. Saline solution also helps in keeping eyes hydrated but water consumption is a much easier and risk-free way to do the same thing. Specially alkaline ionized drinking water is more beneficial because it has anti-oxidant properties, enhances the immune system, and improves the absorption and benefits of vitamins, which help in eye health.

Eat Your Way To Better Vision
Proper diet is also very important to maintain healthy eyes and for having good vision. One should eat lots of green leafy vegetables like spinach, collard greens, and kale, which help avoid macular degeneration. Blueberries meanwhile help in the reduction of eye fatigue and apricots, which are rich in beta carotene and lycopene, promote good vision. Tea helps to deter cataracts. Often, we also need to take supplements such as vitamins. It is advisable to turn to them only after consultation with doctors.

Quit Smoking
Medical researchers suggest that smoking makes individuals more likely to get cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular degeneration. So, it’s best to quit smoking as soon as possible, if you haven’t been able to avoid it completely firsthand. But it’s not the easiest thing to do for those who have taken it up. They need to try harder and harder considering the risks they’re putting their eyes on.

Proper Breaks From Screen Usage
We should not stress our eyes with prolonged exposure to computers, TV, and mobile screens. We should be particularly careful about computer screens as we stand closer to them and they have extra glare. People often blink less while looking at the screens causing dry eyes as a result. So conscious efforts should be made to blink every 30 seconds. Besides, the 20-20-20 rule is important in the case of computer use, which suggests looking 20 feet or more away every 20 minutes more than 20 seconds.

Give Your Eyes Proper Rest Regularly
The major reason behind our eyes suffering from defects is that we exhaust them. So the best way to ensure that your eyes are in good operational health is to rest them appropriately and ensure they aren’t being put under too much stress. For this, we need to have enough sleep. Eyes need to be given regular breaks from screens. We should also not involve in straining activities like working on a computer, reading, writing, etc. to the point that our eyes experience discomforts.

Avoid Looking Directly At Bright Light
We should never focus our eyes on the sun or any other bright sources of light directly as it can cause temporary and permanent damage to our eyes. Bright light causes gradual oxidation and deterioration of the macula and leaves our eyes more susceptible to macular degeneration, issues with glare, and contrast sensitivity. For these reasons, we should avoid looking at bright light directly and those people who work out in the sun and are exposed for longer durations to bright light need to protect their eyes appropriately against this hazardous light.

Get The Light Right
Working in appropriate light conditions also provides a major boost for the well-being of the eyes. We should not read in dim light for prolonged periods of time as it leads to eye strain. We should also ensure that the light in the room is sufficient. Extra care also needs to be taken to prevent frequent exposure to harmful high-energy blue light and UV rays.

Practice Proper Eye Exercises
Exercises and yoga are great for the eyes. They help to keep the eyes relaxed, free of strain, and fully operational. Doing several sets of exercises on a daily basis can also help avoid defects of vision, prevent dryness, and thus keep the eyes in good health. Some of the popular and beneficial eye exercises are zooming, resting the eyes, rolling the eyes, beads on a string, and eye squeeze.

Well, the ultimate way to have healthy eyes and ensure they’re fine over the years is to love them. The earlier points are high essential, and if we follow them, we will be able to have healthy eyes almost all the time. But how can we be motivated and determined about following them? That can be assured only if we realize the importance of having healthy eyes and try to avoid activities and habits that have detrimental effects on them.

As mentioned early in the list, a comprehensive eye check is essential for you to maintain healthy eyes or to know and solve possible problems.

We are well equipped for that! Schedule your Comprehensive Eye Check-up now! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.