Daily Diet For Healthy Eyesight | Shinagawa Blog

Daily Diet For Healthy Eyesight

As you get to spend more time at home at this juncture, you can most certainly use that to have a proper diet.

To maintain good eye health, it is imperative to switch to healthy foods that you must add in your daily diet.

Here’s a list of foods to add to your diet for healthy eyesight:

  1. Broccoli – It has a useful amount of lutein, an antioxidant that promotes eye health. The fiber-rich vegetable also contains vitamin C and beta-carotene along with lutein and zeaxanthin. Toss this vegetable in your salads, sauces, or pasta dishes.
  2. Citrus Fruits – The colors of different citrus fruits are due to different types of nutrients in them which may include lutein and zeaxanthin. Citrus fruits are known for their vitamin C content which promotes eye health. It helps regenerate other important antioxidants that include vitamin E. Citrus fruits like berries, oranges, lemon, et al can help improve your eyesight.
  3. Okra – In addition to having good amounts of beta-carotene, it contains zeaxanthin and lutein. These compounds are essential for maintaining good vision. It is loaded with vitamin C that helps in maintaining eye health.
  4. Walnuts & Almonds – Nuts are rich sources of the mineral zinc and vitamin E. Munching on these snacks helps you in building sharp eyesight. Vitamin E also helps to slow the process of macular degeneration. A handful of these nuts daily will give you the desired results.

Slowly but surely add these foods in your diet to prevent eye problems in the longer run.

Have a comprehensive eye check-up at Shinagawa! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

Clarity For The Family Andrea & Rio’s LASIK Party | Shinagawa Feature Story

Clarity For The Family: Andrea & Rio’s LASIK Party

Like aunt, like niece.

Both wanting to have a better quality of life with bright eyesight, Andrea Lim and Rio Valino were determined to have LASIK. And so they did.

Aunt Rio has been targeting to have LASIK for quite some time and convinced her niece (Andrea) to have the procedure with her at Shinagawa for them to have brighter visions and eliminate their daily struggles.

Together, they went to Shinagawa this past June 2020 and in a matter of just two days of screening and LASIK procedure, their lives were enhanced drastically with their brand new eyesight.

It’s really a long time plan of mine to have LASIK and I’m very happy to finally be able to have it. I now enjoy a 20/16 vision after having LASIK at Shinagawa,” shared a thrilled Rio after her LASIK. “Gone are the days that I have to deal with my 475 eye grade. None of that anymore, just everything in HD and a better life.”

“I really am super happy with my 20/12 vision after LASIK! Thank you Shinagawa Ortigas for giving us better than 20/20 vision,” added an equally grateful Andrea. “Having astigmatism was a struggle so I really wanted to have LASIK right away after quarantine to have a better vision and I’m very satisfied with the result. Hands down, the best investment so far.”

Now experiencing the big difference that a perfect vision presents after LASIK, the two shared how they now live with more ease.

“I can now watch my favorite shows better with brighter eyesight,” said Rio.

“I can now drive at night with ease and read everything better. I can finally read the street signs without wearing glasses,” said Andrea.

Better eyesight equates to a better life. Have LASIK, too! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and bookings.

A Quick Walk-Through To Shinagawa BGC | Shinagawa Blog

A Quick Walk-Through To Shinagawa LASIK Center BGC

Going to Shinagawa BGC is easy!

Begin your LASIK adventure and see the brighter things in life.

Check out our quick walk-through video on our official Instagram account!

To help you reach us easier, we have a lamp post banner to guide you through:


Shinagawa Lasik Center's Julie Anne San Jose Lamp Post in BGC

We’ll see you at Ore Central Building’s 21st floor!

Preventing Eye Problems During Quarantine | Shinagawa Blog

Preventing Eye Problems During Quarantine

Your eyes can most likely take some beating during your quarantine period.

Between working from home, attending virtual school, shopping online, and trying to stay sane with streaming and video games, most people are staring at computers and devices more than ever.

According to studies, an average person spends more than 14 hours per day looking at screens during quarantine, a significantly big jump from the old norm.

Excessive exposure to digital screens makes one prone to eye strain.

Digital-related eye strain is marked by symptoms that can include dry, achy, or even painful eyes; blurry vision; burning, stinging or redness; watery eyes or the sensation of having sand or another foreign body on the surface.

Still, here are some ways to help soothe your eyes and brighten your vision:

Set Your Screens Properly

Make sure you’re looking level or slightly down at your cellphone or computer screen.

If your screen is too high, looking up will make you feel tired and might make the eyes dry out more easily. When you look up, your eyes are more wide open

Constantly Blink

Blinking distributes tears all over the surface of the eye. But looking at something intently leads to less blinking, which means you’re not re-moisturizing your eyes as frequently. Vision that changes with blink is almost always due to dry eye.

Take A Needed 20-20-20 Break

Every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

It’s a bit like getting up and stretching — except this is stretching the little eye muscles that are working hard to help you to focus on something close up. Switching your focus to a point farther away lets them relax.

Use Artificial Tears When Necessary

Eye drops make you blink when you put them in and they add moisture. This prevents dry eyes.

You can use preservative-free artificial tears as often as you like, but if you need the drops more than five times a day, consult an eye doctor to figure out if there’s a problem.

See An Eye Doctor As Soon As You Can

Still, the best way to keep your eyesight in check is to see a doctor for a needed eye check-up once you can.

If you’re experiencing some eye issues, you are more than welcome to have your eyes checked in our clinics.

Schedule your eye check-up with us now! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

Gabby Oliva's LASIK Surgery in BGC | Shinagawa Feature Story

A LASIK Journey Amidst The Pandemic

One of our very first LASIK patients in our flagship BGC branch raved about how amazing his journey was.

Gabby Oliva was wearing glasses for almost 15 years and finally, he decided to put an end to that long spell by having LASIK at Shinagawa’s premier BGC clinic just recently.

Expressing his satisfaction with Shinagawa’s most advanced LASIK technology yet, Gabby now knows how it feels to have a life minus the struggles of a blurry vision.

“After wearing glasses for almost 15 years, Shinagawa’s LASIK finally relieved me of that hassle! I can finally wake up and not scramble to find my glasses. I feel like that’s honestly the best. You really can enjoy the simple things in life, but now with clearer vision!” expressed Gabby.

Even during this time of the pandemic, Shinagawa makes sure that the quality of its LASIK services and safety of the patients are well intact and Gabby attests to that.

“Coming from a person with the lowest pain tolerance, I can truly say that it was painless! The staff and doctors were all so helpful even during this pandemic. Thank you Shinagawa fam!”

Secure a brighter tomorrow with a brighter vision amidst this pandemic. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 and schedule your LASIK screening.