Eye Relaxation Exercises That Help Improve Your Vision | Shinagawa Cataract Blog

Eye Relaxation Exercises That Help Improve Your Vision

It is a constant that the number of people suffering from vision problems is increasing quite significantly due to various reasons that range from loss of flexibility of distance vision all the way to aging vision.

Constant working on computers, binge-watching TV series, use of fluorescent lighting, air conditioning, and lack of exercising – all of these habits exert additional strain on your eyes and cause blurry vision.

That’s why you have to break your poor vision habits and start exercising for overall health because that will not only help you stay fit but also keep a number of eye diseases away.

Whether you want to prevent your eyesight from getting worse or don’t want to wear glasses in the near future, these healthy and effective eye exercises can most certainly help your vision:

1. Blinking Your Eyes More Often – This is a common exercise that everyone should practice. In this digital age, prolonged exposure to the TV, computer, and cellphone lead to dry eyes. As you know, dry eyes cause headaches, eye strain and eventually blurry vision. So when you start to feel the strain, start blinking more as that will lubricate your eyes while refreshing your brain to process new visual data more efficiently.

2. Rolling Your Eyes – Rolling your eyes in opposite directions helps as well. Roll your eyes to the right, then slowly shift your gaze to the left. Continue doing that in opposite directions. Then, move your gaze in different directions by going right to left first, then up and down next. That should ease up your eyes.

3. Observe The 20-20-20 Rule – You can keep your eyes from getting tired at work by simply taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes and focus on a subject that is 20 feet away from you. This exercise is effective in preventing digital eye strain and eye damage in the long run.

4. Palm To Relax Vision – This highly-effective eye relaxation technique can be used every time you feel like your eyes feel worn and dry. All you have to do is cup your hands over the socket of your eyes to create gentle pressure.

Keep your eyes closed and stare into the dark space while staying focused on the distance. Hold the pressure until you see all the residual tones fade to black. This exercise will work to reset your vision, lubricate your eyes and allow your eyes to rest and relax. Do this exercise for at least 30 seconds and relieve the stress around your eyes.

5. Trace An Eight – The aim of this exercise is to increase the flexibility of your eye muscles and improve your vision as well. Visualize a gigantic 8 almost 10 feet away from you and turn on its side. Then, sketch that with your eyes slowly for several minutes, clockwise then counterclockwise. Practice this and it will surely help maintain clear vision.

6. Focus On Objects Near And Far – For this exercise, you need to hold one of your thumbs close up and the other at you arm’s length. You can start by focusing on your thumb held close up, to be followed by the one that’s at your arm’s length, then focus on something that is sitting across the room and finally on an object that is really far away like across the road.

While you do this exercise, make sure that all the four points are situated along the same line of sight so the change in focus is subtle. Spend 2 seconds on every object and try to obtain a clear image of every item.

Now that you know these exercises that can help your eyes, make it a point to practice them habitually for the good of your visual health.

To know more on what’s best for your eyes, consult our experienced eye doctors. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule an appointment.

Underbite Explanation | Shinagawa Dental Blog

The Underbite And Overbite Explained

An overbite and an underbite share similar symptoms but what makes them different is the location of the affected area. The underbite is a condition where the lower teeth are blocking the front upper teeth whenever the jaws are closed. Normally, the lower line is supposed to be behind the upper row of teeth.

An underbite is mostly a genetic problem (due to the shape of the person’s jaw) but children who are exposed to sucking pacifiers for long periods of time, bad chewing habits, and thumb sucking experience it as well – for the motion of “sucking” encourages the teeth to grow or move outward.

It can also be caused by children who have adenoids or allergies because it causes the victim to breathe through her/his mouth naturally.

Overbite Explanation | Shinagawa Dental Blog

The overbite, on the other hand, occurs when the upper teeth overlap with the lower one. In order for your teeth to be classified under this dental problem, it has to exceed the normal measurement of 3-5mm.

Of course, it is caused by genetics and the habits of early childhood, but since children are more prone to developing this kind of complication, overbites are known to be the most common malocclusion in this age bracket.

Because of the misaligned construction of the teeth, one’s smile can become crooked or misaligned. The immediate solution is to go visit a cosmetic dentist.

With the availability of modern cosmetic dentistry technology today, people with crooked teeth can resolve this concern much faster and through painless methods.

Shinagawa Orthodontics presents Japanese technology that serves modern cosmetic dentistry to a tee. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 and do some fixings with your bite with the help of our dentists.

Avoiding Stress Improves Skin | Shinagawa Aesthetics Blog

Avoiding Stress Improves Skin

Stress can be deadly if not handled well. Fact.

Well, it’s not only unhealthy to your overall journey in life, but it can likewise be deadly to your skin as well.

Do you know that avoiding stress also helps in improving your skin?

Avoiding stress is actually a very effective way of improving your skin moisture, color, and overall beauty. Every time people feel stressed or tired, their skin doesn’t get enough nutrients to replenish and develop. So the cells become unhealthy.

But how can you avoid stress? There are tricks, here are few of them:
1. Sleep, sleep, sleep – You hear it all the time. You hear how important an 8-hour sleep is in our daily routine and that’s for a good reason. Even if you have so many projects to do or essays to write, never forget about having a good sleep. It helps replenish the cells and rejuvenate the energy that will help you avoid stress.

2. Managing Your Time and Tasks Well – Always jot down the activities that you need to do. This will help you organize the things that you need to do, and just be proactive in working or studying. Avoid procrastinating because it is huge water of time. Instead of studying, you spend your time in useless activities like playing video games or watching T.V.

Stress Free Skin | Shinagawa Aesthetics Blog

3. Eating Nutritious Food – You should start eating more healthily, too. Vegetables and fruits are very important to oxidize your skin. East many of this food, but do not forget about meat, protein and other staple nutrients that you need every day. Having the right amount of food will help you feel energetic despite all the problems you encounter in school or work.

4. Having A Positive Outlook In Life – Avoid thinking about negative things because it will make you more stressed out. Think about the things that make you happy, and always remember that everything will be alright. Positive thinking also helps you avoid feeling stressed.

With these simple yet effective tricks, you should start changing your approach and outlook in life to avoid stress.

Let go of stress and then, let go of your skin problems. A FREE consultation awaits you at Shinagawa Aesthetics. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book an appointment.

Marlo Mortel’s Easier Life After LASIK | Shinagawa Feature Story

Never Too Late: Marlo Mortel’s Easier Life After LASIK

It’s never too late.

That’s what ABS-CBN actor/host/singer Marlo Mortel recently learned after he had his LASIK at Shinagawa.

After dealing with a blurry vision and the inconvenience of eyeglasses for the longest time, Marlo felt that it was time to end his agony and LASIK got the job done for him, making his life brighter and easier.

LASIK has changed my life already. I can’t describe how happy and grateful I am. I now wake up with a 20/12 vision! Thank you, Shinagawa!” expressed Marlo.

Most of Marlo’s problems went away in under 10 minutes. No more difficulties in terms of his eyes and vision.

“No more hassle in reading my spiels. I can finally see the crowd clearer now whenever I perform, plus, I now enjoy watching at an IMAX theater. Before, I usually need to wear the 3D eyewear on top of my prescription glasses. I’ve been wearing glasses since the 6th grade and it’s been a huge hassle for me all my life! Now, I don’t need my glasses anymore when I’m about to drive or watch TV.”

In a snap, all of those mentioned challenges went away.

“Now, all of that and many more problems are gone because of a painless 10-minute LASIK procedure.”

Amazed with the result that LASIK delivered, Marlo asked himself why he didn’t do it sooner.

“Why haven’t I thought of this before? The LASIK procedure didn’t even take 10 minutes!”

Still, it was never too late for him as he now enjoys an enhanced life with very bright eyesight.

It’s not too late for you as well! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 and let LASIK give you a better and more comfortable life.

Are Dental Veneers A Fit Alternative To Orthodontic Treatment? | Shinagawa Dental Blog

Are Dental Veneers Fit Alternative To Orthodontic Treatment?

There are good reasons why Dental Veneers seem like an attractive option for many. Lots of people can instantly achieve a perfect smile in just a matter of weeks, even days for some.

It’s understandable why it is tempting to follow suit.

Let’s explore Dental Veneers a bit further to see why it is a viable alternative to orthodontic treatment.

A dental veneer is a very thin layer of porcelain which attaches to the front surface of the tooth, disguising any imperfections underneath.

Aside from being natural looking, Dental Veneers can improve not only the position of your teeth but also their shape and color.

So if your teeth are broken, chipped or discolored, Dental Veneers should be a wonderful and fitting option for you.

People consider someone smiles their most important feature – even more so than their hair, eyes, and body. It’s no wonder that everyone wants a beautiful smile!

If you can count yourself in that category, you probably want to correct some of your cosmetic flaws so you can enjoy all the benefits that a beautiful smile has to offer.

That’s what Dental Veneers can most certainly deliver you.

Shinagawa Orthodontics presents the most advanced Dental Veneers in town! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book a FREE consultation.