Sleep and Vision

Sleep and Vision Intersects

Does sleep affect your eye health? Getting enough sleep is great for our overall health and our eye health alike. At the other end of things, we can improve the quality of our sleep if we are more careful about what we put in front of our eyes before we go to bed. The Impact […]

Maria "Rein" Soledad

Maria “Rein” Soledad: Goodbye Glasses, Goodbye Struggles

Wearing eyeglasses all the time isn’t exactly the most comfortable feeling, especially if you’ve been at it for the longest time. No wonder, more and more people would want a more comfortable life minus eyeglasses. “Having my LASIK done at Shinagawa was a life-changing decision as I was finally able to bid goodbye to my […]

when to see a dermatologist

When To See A Dermatologist

If a rash or other skin problem covers more than 10% of your body, consult a dermatologist immediately, especially if you have a fever, joint aches, muscle pain, difficulty swallowing or you can’t sleep. It is a must. Talk to a dermatologist for any ulcers that won’t heal after a week or two. These open […]

Mr. Beast | Blindness can be cured

Blindness Can Be Cured: Mr. Beast Helps 1,000 Blind People See the World

Can blindness still be cured? Technology says yes! Millions of people across the globe suffer from blindness and that clearly hinders them from living a full life and seeing the beauty of the world. Popular YouTuber/Influencer Mr. Beast, known as a humanitarian, helped 1,000 blind people around the world see once again! Watch here how […]

get lasik

“Should I Get LASIK?” It’s A Yes!

This is a common question that everyone who eventually decides to get the procedure at one point asks. The reasons why you should are not only numerous but also compelling. “Should I get LASIK?” The biggest (and most obvious) reason to get LASIK is that you won’t need to wear glasses or contacts to see clearly anymore. This means that you will no longer have to pay for contacts, solutions, and eyeglasses.  You will also feel better about your appearance than when you wore glasses, and you won’t have to deal with contacts in the morning and at night Worry-Free Participation in Sporting Activities For athletes, one of the best reasons to get LASIK is […]

Roden Fausto

A Normal, Glasses-Free Life for Roden Fausto

“A normal, glasses-free life” That’s all Roden Fausto wanted and that’s exactly what he got after having ULTRA LASIK in the state-of-the-art Shinagawa BGC. “Thank you Shinagawa BGC for making my dream possible. I had my ULTRA LASIK there. From a high eye grade and astigmatism, I now enjoy a 20/16 vision after!” expressed Roden, […]

skincare myths

Skincare Myths You Shouldn’t Fear

When it comes to taking care of your skin, it can be tough to know what’s really true and what’s just a myth. With so much information out there, it can be difficult to separate the facts from the fiction. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common skincare myths […]

treatment for glaucoma

What is the Treatment For Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is curable if caught early, and the available treatments can stop it from spreading and further damaging your vision. You won’t be able to regain your peripheral vision once glaucoma has affected it and caused some visual loss. If an ophthalmologist recommends it, you could have surgery to lower your eye pressure to prevent […]

can mobile phone harm your skin

Ways your phone is messing with your skin

With demanding job schedules, social engagements, and an increase in phone notifications from apps, millennials’ so-called beauty sleep isn’t really so beautiful. Most likely, you’ll keep your phone in your hand until you fall asleep. The continual use of cell phones, whether it be for late-night surfing or lying on one side of the pillow […]

Retinal Detachment

Symptoms of Retinal Detachment

The eye is complex and can be damaged in so many other ways. Let’s talk about retinal detachment, a severe sight-threatening illness that affects one in 300 people. Patients must understand the early warnings to treat it early. What Is the Retina? The retina is a layer of light-sensitive tissue located in the back of the eye. […]