Keloid Symptoms | Shinagawa Blog

Keloid Symptoms

Keloids come from the overgrowth of scar tissue. Keloid scars tend to be larger than the original wound itself.

They may take weeks or months to develop fully.

The symptoms of a keloid can include:

  • a localized area that is flesh-colored, pink, or red
  • a lumpy or ridged area of skin that’s usually raised
  • an area that continues to grow larger with scar tissue over time
  • an itchy patch of skin

While keloid scars may be itchy, they’re usually not harmful to your health. You may experience discomfort, tenderness, or possible irritation from your clothing or other forms of friction.

Keloid scarring can form on large areas of your body, but this is generally rare. When it happens, the hardened, tight scar tissue may restrict movement.

Keloids are often more of a cosmetic concern than a health one. You may feel self-conscious if the keloid is very large or in a highly visible location, such as on an earlobe or the face.

Shinagawa Aesthetics offers an effective keloid treatment program. Schedule a FREE consultation with us!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

Did Quarantine Give You Acne And Dry Skin? | Shinagawa Blog

Did Quarantine Give You Acne And Dry Skin? Get A Remedy!

Being quarantined in your house may have enabled you to avoid everyday pollution, there’s still a good chance that your skin might be dealing with some issues, considering we are experiencing the apex of our rainy season.

Getting stuck in the house also means no dermatologist appointments for a long stretch, not much skincare products, and prolonged exposure to new environments that give you all sorts of skin problems like acne, dryness, and rashes.


As we all know, acne is a skin condition that chooses no season.

If you don’t have any proper medication or treatment, your skin might get a needed boost by following these tips:

  • Get some sleep before 10 p.m. so you do not stimulate the hormones that will make your skin
  • Wash your face with a mild unscented soap or facial cleanser twice a day only.
  • Decrease eating high glycemic index food to reduce the inflammation in your skin which is
    contributing to the development of pimples.

Dry Skin

All that handwashing and hand-sanitizing may have taken a toll on your hands and other parts of the body.

Hand hygiene must be continued but the regular application of moisturizers must be done. Here are
some tips:

  • Try applying some hand cream or body lotion after washing the hands.
  • The application of moisturizers every one to two hours may also be necessary to prevent flaking
    and fissuring.
  • At night, a liberal coat of petroleum jelly may be applied as a final coat after applying
    moisturizers to seal in moisture.

Luckily, Shinagawa Aesthetics in Makati is back to help you deal with your acne and dry skin the right way. Book your FREE consultation now!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

Causes Of Keloids | Shinagawa Blog

Causes Of Keloids

Keloids are usually noticeable, given they are unsightly scars, but do you know that not all keloids come from wounds?

Most types of skin injury can contribute to keloid scarring. These include:

  • acne scars
  • burns
  • chickenpox scars
  • ear piercing
  • scratches
  • surgical incision sites
  • vaccination sites

An estimated 10 percent of people experience keloid scarring. Men and women are equally likely to have keloid scars. People with darker skin tones are more prone to keloids.

Other risk factors associated with keloid formation include:

  • being of Asian descent
  • being of Latino descent
  • being pregnant
  • being younger than 30 years of age

Keloids tend to have a genetic component, which means you’re more likely to have keloids if one or both of your parents have them.

According to one study, a gene known as the AHNAK gene may play a role in determining who develops
keloids and who doesn’t. Researchers found that people who have the AHNAK gene may be more likely
to develop keloid scars than those who don’t.
If you have known risk factors for developing keloids, you may want to avoid getting body piercings,
unnecessary surgeries, and tattoos.
Whichever way you may have gotten your keloid, it is still not a good sight. You might want to have it
checked and eventually removed.
Shinagawa Aesthetics offers an effective keloid treatment program. Schedule a session with us! Call our
Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

Preparing To Face The World Again with Shinagawa Aesthetics

Preparing To Face The World Again

As they say, life goes on despite the pandemic that we continue to face. In that case, you should be preparing yourself to face the world with grace and your most beautiful self.

As businesses get used to the new normal, we are all looking to move forward, not just to survive, but to

The good news is that beauty treatments are most certainly one of the most sought after activities following the lengthy quarantine.

Skin Treatments

If you’ve started developing acne during this COVID-19 pandemic, you’re not alone. Also, you’ve perhaps become more aware of pigmentation, sunspots, and other skin discoloration while you’ve been spending extra time at home.

We can help you maintain healthy and clear skin with specialized skin treatments.

Hair Removal

Hair Removal is proving to be one of the treatments that patients are most excited to return to.
Removing unwanted hair can be one of your first steps in feeling more human again! We have an effective and tested Hair Removal treatments as well.

Body Shaping

It’s probably already time to shape up!

For sure, you’ve been a bit too enthusiastic in your serving sizes while at home throughout the quarantine period.

That can most certainly make it challenging for you to be in better shape and condition. If you need to lose a few centimeters around your mid-section quickly, we can help you with that.

Shinagawa Aesthetics offers a variety of treatments that can get you back in shape as soon as possible!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.

Foods That Speed Up Your Aging & Their Substitutes | Shinagawa Blog

Food That Speed Up Your Aging & Their Substitutes

Everyone loves food. Eating is easily one of the most essential parts of life.

However, when it comes to aging, do you know that there are actually foods that can speed up your
process? You heard it.

Although minding your diet is easier said than done, it always helps to have a little reminder of how
certain foods can affect your skin health and the aging process. This list can help you with that.

Every person is unique. Not everyone will benefit from eating raw, clean, or whole only. And regularly
eating one or two of these foods won’t lead to less collagen and totally damage your skin. It’s straying
away from a moderate diet that’s best for you that will change your health, skin, or not.

So, go through this list with a grain of salt Take the information that’s most helpful to you.

1. Sweet potato fries for french fries
French fries can hit the spot — both in the satisfaction department and the age production department,
as they’re fried and salty. Foods fried in oil at high temperatures release free radicals that can cause cellular damage to the skin. Exposure to free radicals accelerates the aging process due to an action called cross-linking. Cross-linking affects DNA molecules and can weaken the skin’s elasticity.
What’s more, consuming too much salt can draw water out from the skin and lead to dehydration. That
may make your skin more prone to wrinkling.

What you can do: Swap french fries for baked sweet potato fries or fried sweet potato. Sweet potatoes
are rich in anti-aging copper, which aids in collagen production.

2. Honey or fruit for white sugar
Sugar is one of the infamous contenders to unwanted skin concerns like acne. As mentioned above,
sugar contributes to the formation of collagen-damaging AGEs. When our sugar levels are elevated, this AGE process is stimulated. It’s sped up even more if sunlight is involved. So, instead of eating ice cream on the beach, opt for refreshing frozen fruit or a popsicle with no sugar added.

What you can do: Reach for fruit or dark chocolate when craving something sweet. Blueberries, specifically, prevent loss of collagen.

3. Second thoughts on soda and coffee
What soda and coffee do to your health have more to do with sleep than skin. First, both are high in
caffeine, which, if you drink frequently throughout the day to night, may affect your sleep. Poor sleep has been linked to increased signs of aging and darker eye circles, wrinkles, and fine lines. What you can do: If you’re concerned about the sugar content, take a look at how much you’re drinking.  See if you can decrease the amount or make swaps, like having golden milk instead of coffee. Turmeric, the main ingredient in golden milk, is rich in antioxidants and one of the most powerful anti-aging
compounds around.

4. Moderate your alcohol drinking
Alcohol can cause a host of problems when it comes to the skin, including redness, puffiness, loss of
collagen, and wrinkles.

Alcohol depletes your nutrients, hydration, and vitamin A levels, all of which have a direct impact on

Vitamin A is especially important in regards to new cell growth and the production of collagen, ensuring
that skin is elastic and wrinkle-free.

What you can do: Drink in moderation. That’s one drink per day for women and two for men. Make sure you’re well-hydrated with water. Try experimenting with some fun and creative mocktail recipes as well.

5. Olive oil or avocados for margarine
Take it easy with that butter knife. Older studies have shown that those who don’t consume margarine
or butter have less skin damage and wrinkles than those who do.

And the science checks out: Margarine is worse than moderate amounts of real butter due to the fact that it’s high in partially hydrogenated oils. These trans-fatty acids make the skin more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, which can damage the skin’s collagen and elasticity. What you can do: Swap butter for olive oil or smear avocados, rich in anti-aging antioxidants, on toast instead.

6. Avoid cooking in high heat
Some polyunsaturated oils high in omega-6 fatty acids, like corn or sunflower oil, can cause harmful free radicals and can increase inflammation levels. If you’re frying or using high heat every day, that adds up. But this doesn’t mean that all oils are unhealthy. When it comes to oils and wrinkle prevention, opt for monounsaturated fats to help keep the skin hydrated.

What you can do: Swap vegetable oils for olive oil. It’s rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, and phytosterols, and reduces inflammation.

7. Stick with poultry for processed meats
Hot dogs, pepperoni, bacon, and sausage are all examples of processed meats that can be harmful to the skin. These meats are high in sodium, saturated fats, and sulfite, which can all dehydrate the skin and weaken collagen by causing inflammation. For inexpensive protein options, swap processed meats for eggs or beans.

What you can do: Opt for leaner meats like turkey and chicken. These meats are packed with protein and amino acids that are essential in the natural formation of collagen. If you read this thinking it’s a sign not to eat any of these foods, we’re reminding you that it’s all about balance. Food is a long game, and there are plenty of other ways to boost collagen formation, like through supplements or injections.

Topical treatments such as retinol, vitamin C, micro-needling, and face acids can help prevent and smooth wrinkles. For more holistic options, you can also consider facial acupuncture or facial exercises.

When it comes to wrinkles and aging, Shinagawa Aesthetics is the right place to be. We can handle your
wrinkles and signs of aging well!

Schedule your FREE skin consultation with us! Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries and appointments.