A New, Better Life After LASIK | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

A New, Better Life After LASIK

LASIK gives people with a blurry vision the opportunity to enjoy life more as it is bound to correct their vision problems for brighter eyesight.

After LASIK, a patient’s vision becomes very bright. LASIK patients are bound to see clearly without the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses of which they have become accustomed for most of their lives.

Most patients notice improved vision within 24 to 48 hours after surgery. In fact, some patients can even resume driving after their first follow-up appointment, a day after the procedure. The majority of patients can return to work within a few days of the surgery — with dramatically improved vision.

As a matter of fact, 98% of LASIK recipients are very satisfied and happy with the results, according to the most recent studies and consensus. Those patients share that finally, they no longer need to worry about purchasing eyewear or prescription eye sunglasses to aid in their sight abilities.

They enjoy the ability to just get up and go, as opposed to constantly looking for their glasses or having to put in their contacts to start the day. And, they enjoy being able to just fall asleep, without worrying about breaking their glasses or ruining their eyes or contacts overnight.

Better Eyesight After LASIK | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

Also, wearing glasses or even contact lenses can be dangerous when used improperly. Glasses can break, and, when they are not used as directed, contact lenses can tear or cause infections. Having LASIK surgery helps avoid those types of safety issues.

Furthermore, patients no longer worry about losing contacts, glasses, or having contacts irritate their eyes when their eye becomes red or bloodshot.

LASIK is a life-changing benefit to those who qualify for the procedure and wish to enjoy a corrective lens free life.

If you are seriously considering LASIK to change your life for the better, contact the Philippines’ best LASIK center by leaps and bounds — Shinagawa.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to schedule a LASIK screening and see if you are eligible for the procedure.

Bar Soap, Body Wash, or Shower Gel? | Shinagawa Aesthetics Blog

Bar Soap, Body Wash, or Shower Gel?

Choosing the best cleanser for your body comes down to what’s best for your skin type and your personal preference.

Standing in the skin and beauty aisle at the drugstore store can seem overwhelming. Bar soaps, body washes, and shower gels all compete for your attention. But how do you exactly know what’s best for you?

How can you find the best soap for your skin?

You should consider your skin type, specifically whether your skin tends to be sensitive and dry, or oily. Your bathing habits may actually be more important than the product that you choose: it’s best to use warm instead of hot water when taking a bath and to moisturize immediately after toweling off.

Whether you choose a bar or a bottle, many body cleansers may all have the same effect. These products remove dirt, bacteria, and — unfortunately — some or all of your natural body oils.

The Best Body Cleanser for You

Though oily skin can withstand the effects of most body wash products, all skin types can benefit from these tips:

  • Choose a mild cleanser that does not contain lye.
  • Use cool or warm water when bathing, never hot.
  • Use a moisturizer immediately after drying off.
  • Don’t over-cleanse — this can lead to dryness.
  • Watch out for signs of dryness, including redness, itching, and flaking.

Shinagawa Aesthetics’ very own derma doctor, Dr. Aileen Versoza, M.D, FPDS has her own expert take on the matter.

For her, it really is a matter of what works for a particular patient, meaning it really varies.

“Actually, it really depends on what works for patients,” said Doc Aileen. “For me, when I prescribe, what I always consider first is the ingredients of the cleansing product. So may it be a bar soap, body wash or shower gel, I always base what’s best for patients on the ingredients that can help their skin.”

If you try several products, moisturize after bathing, and continue to feel dry and uncomfortable, you may need to see a dermatologist for prescription skincare rather than switching to another body cleanser.

To schedule your FREE derma consultation at Shinagawa Aesthetics, call our Patient Care Lines (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517.

How To Overcome The Fear Of The Dentist | Shinagawa Dental Blog

How To Overcome The Fear Of The Dentist

If you happen to be someone who is terrified of visiting the dentist, chances are you are not alone.

There are a lot of people who deal with a fear of the dentist and even extreme anxiety over upcoming appointments.

Proper dental care is important for overall health, so even if someone has a fear of the dentist, they will still need to make appointments. Along with finding a good dentist that will work with you and your fears, there are other steps that can be taken to control and manage dental anxiety and dental phobias.

There are various reasons that people may fear the dentist, and being able to identify your fear is the first step in dealing with it.

Here are some common fears:

Pain – Some people deal with pain better than others. If you have a difficult time handling pain, due to any number of reasons, fear of dental procedures can be overwhelming. If pain is causing fear of the dentist, it is important to find a dentist that is gentler during procedures.

You also want to talk to your dentist about what to do if you begin to encounter pain during a procedure. Knowing that your doctor is willing to stop and find a solution to your pain before continuing a procedure may make you more comfortable.

Many dental procedures do result in some pain and discomfort but good doctors will work with a patient to minimize any pain they may experience.

Fear of Having a Panic Attack – People that suffer from severe dental phobias are more likely to suffer from panic attacks and other anxiety-induced symptoms. Some people feel embarrassed by their reactions and therefore avoid the dentist entirely. A good doctor will make you feel comfortable, even when you may be suffering symptoms of anxiety.

Loss of Control – Some fears of the dentist come from being afraid to lose control during treatment. This could be due to a fear of being in distress, or because a person prefers to be in control of situations. If a loss of control is the issue, it can help to discuss any procedures with your dentist, in detail, ahead of time. If you know exactly what is going to be happening, what to do if you are feeling discomfort, and any other details, you may feel more comfortable giving up control and trusting your doctor.

How to overcome these fears

There are many different ways of dealing with a fear of the dentist. Once you have determined exactly what causes your fear, you will have an easier time dealing with it. The most important thing in dealing with dental anxiety is having a good doctor. You should seek a dental professional that makes you feel comfortable, is willing to share detailed information with you about procedures, and is willing to work with you to help you overcome your fear and anxiety.

In addition to having a good dentist, items such as music players, and other technological devices can help you take your mind off your procedure. In extreme cases of dental phobia, the use of a psychologist or psychiatrist may be helpful in overcoming fear and anxiety.

Let us conquer your fear of the dentist. Start by having a FREE dental consultation with our experienced and accommodating dentists at Shinagawa Orthodontics. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 | (+63) 917 862 7454 | (+63) 921 217 0517 to book your appointment.

How Is A Person Considered “Legally Blind” | Shinagawa LASIK Blog

How Is A Person Considered “Legally Blind”?

How is a person considered “legally blind”? That’s actually an interesting question, especially for those who think that they might be legally blind.

A person is considered legally blind when this person has a level of sight deprivation that helps him or her qualify for disability benefits. Such is the case here in the Philippines, where people considered as legally blind as given benefits for the disabled.

This level of eyesight deficiency is 20/200 vision in one or both eyes, or worse, even with the help of corrective lenses.

To break this down in depth, a person is legally blind if he or she must stand only 20 feet away for an object to see it clearly. This same object can be seen by a normally sighted individual at 200 feet away.

The good news is that people who are legally blind are not completely locked out of life. Many states allow a legally blind person to drive, under certain, specific circumstances. Many times a legally blind individual will still be able to enjoy reading a book or even watching television, with specific accommodations.

People can either be born legally blind or develop this impairment over time. Some of the causes of legal blindness include cataracts, diabetes, and glaucoma. Depending on the cause of the impairment, legal blindness may be reversed, especially in the case of cataracts.

Depending on the severity of the case and condition, LASIK may still possibly be an option for a legally blind person.

If you feel like you might be legally blind and is looking for the best possible treatment, we can take a good look at your eyes to be able to provide you an accurate diagnosis and solution.

Schedule an eye checkup with our doctors. Let’s see what we can do. Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517.