How Does A Concussion Affect The Eyes And Level Of Vision? | Shinagawa Blog

How Does A Concussion Affect The Eyes And Level Of Vision?

Some accidents can eventually cause a concussion, especially if the head was damaged severely. Several areas of the brain are responsible for vision so it may not come as a surprise that concussions can cause symptoms associated with the eyes and/or vision. Sometimes referred to as Post-Traumatic Vision Syndrome, vision problems following concussions are common […]

This Is How You Can Fade Acne Scars | Shinagawa Blog

This Is How You Can Fade Acne Scars

Dealing with acne is already a problem while dealing with acne scars is yet another. Even if you have fought acne, the annoying scars can take a lot of time to disappear. To speed up the healing process, follow these steps and say bye-bye to acne scars: Don’t skip the sunscreen With sun exposure, the […]

Grace Valencia's LASIK | Shinagawa Feature Story

More Comfort For Grace Valencia Minus The Eyeglasses

Wearing eyeglasses, a face mask, and a face shield most of the time can surely be toxic. Grace Valencia has had enough of that. She wanted to get rid of the eyeglasses for more comfort and she did. “I’ve really felt the hassle and difficulty of wearing my eyeglasses and face shield almost all the […]

Refractive Lens Exchange Why Wait For Cataracts To Ruin Your Vision? | Shinagawa Blog

Refractive Lens Exchange: Why Wait For Cataracts To Ruin Your Vision?

Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) is pretty much the exact same procedure as Cataract Surgery, except the lenses, the surgeon removes from a patient’s eyes are not yet plagued by cataracts. Cataracts, which form with age and exposure to UV light, have to be removed later in life and replaced with intraocular lenses (IOL; a nice […]

The Best Way To Prevent Scarring | Shinagawa Blog

The Best Way To Prevent Scarring

Naturally, we want to minimize inflammation or further trauma to the skin after cutting it open to avoid further damage. Here’s how to lessen your chances of scarring: Clean the wound – As soon as you’re injured, clean the affected area with soap and water to get rid of any bacteria and prevent infection. Keep […]

Barbie Padua's LASIK At Shinagawa | Shinagawa Feature Story

Barbie’s Destiny – Bright Vision From Shinagawa

Finding Shinagawa was like destiny for student and business owner Barbie Padua. “For someone that’s been wearing glasses for over 10 years, I’ve been wanting to have laser surgery for my eyes,” confessed Barbie. “It was destiny that I found Shinagawa during the pandemic and I had my LASIK there. It was totally worth it!” […]

Swimming Pools & Your Eyes | Shinagawa Blog

Swimming Pools & Your Eyes

Our eyes must do a lot of self-cleaning to remain healthy. Tears, lightly spread across as a film, protect the eyes, and wash away dust, allergens, germs, and other contaminants. While this is an effective system most of the time, swimming, especially in swimming pools, can wash away tears and leave the eyes vulnerable to […]

Remove Your Scars, Regain Your Confidence | Shinagawa Blog

Remove Your Scars, Regain Your Confidence

Pigmentation and scars aggravate the problems caused by acne. The dark spots left behind after your acne is gone are caused by an increase in pigment production under your skin. Permanent scarring due to acne may cause a blur on your complexion. A holistic approach is effective in the treatment and prevention of acne. If […]

Celest Flores LASIK At Shinagawa | Shinagawa Feature Story

Achieving Perfect Vision In A Single Day At Shinagawa

Celest Flores could not believe that it is possible to achieve the perfect vision in a single day at Shinagawa. She was in awe that it only took one process of LASIK for her to get rid of the blurry vision that held her back for lots of years. “Getting LASIK was such a life-changing […]

Ways LASIK Could Help Advance Your Career | Shinagawa Blog

Ways LASIK Could Help Advance Your Career

Your vision is easily one of the most important aspects of your everyday life. You rely on your vision to function well and navigate through the day. Having poor vision can hold you back from reaching your full potential. While getting LASIK might not directly lead to your next promotion or land you a new […]