High-Quality LASIK Service Enjoyed By Oshanna Carandang | Shinagawa Feature Story

High-Quality LASIK Service Enjoyed By Oshanna Carandang

High-quality service. That’s what we deliver.

Oshanna Palacpac Carandang, a recent LASIK patient, was thrilled with the amazing result that our procedures delivered.

“Done with my LASIK! I am satisfied and happy with the result. My eye grade now is 20/15! I am now enjoying my crystal clear vision!” expressed Oshanna.

“Thanks to Shinagawa for being very accommodating and for giving me a high-quality service.”

When it comes to LASIK and eye care, Shinagawa is the only place you should be considering if you want the best results.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

Signs You May Have Presbyopia | Shinagawa Blog

Signs You May Have Presbyopia

The natural lens in the front of the human eye helps keep the vision in focus by filtering light to the retina at the back of the eye. Presbyopia occurs when the lens begins to stiffen and change shape as we age. Near vision is slowly impaired as this lens loses the elasticity that supports crisp, clear focus.

1. You’ve reached 40 years old or older

Presbyopia is one of the most common vision issues for adults between 41 and 60. Near vision loss affects everyone differently, so pay attention to your eye health and see an experienced eye doctor if you notice any changes.

2. More Frequent Headaches

Eye strain from presbyopia can cause headaches. If you experience headaches after long periods of reading or computer work, ask your doctor if reading glasses could help.

3. Rubbing Your Eyes More Frequently

This is another symptom that can be chalked up to eye strain. In the initial stages of presbyopia, your eyes may feel irritated from working to overcome focusing challenges. Frequent eye rubbing can cause dark under-eye circles or bloodshot eyes.

4. Your Arms Suddenly Aren’t Long Enough

As presbyopia progresses, you may find yourself holding books, newspapers, or your phone further away from your face in order to see clearly. You may not even notice at first, but when you begin to use your full reach to hold your phone away from your face, it could be time for reading glasses.

5. Squinting More Often

Many people hold off on getting eyeglasses since presbyopia can progress slowly. However, if you are often squinting when trying to focus, then it is time to see the eye doctor.

6. You Have Unwillingly Scaled Back Your Makeup Routine

There is nothing wrong with barefaced beauty! But what happens when you want to wear makeup but you can’t focus well on up-close tasks like applying eyeliner? Talk to your eye doctor about presbyopia treatment options if you are a cosmetics lover who has started skimping on your makeup routine because vision gets in the way.

7. You See Halos Often

Circles of light can be pretty on holiday decorations, but not when they are impeding your vision while driving. If your vision blurs in a way that creates a halo-like effect around car headlights, street lights, or other objects, then it is time to check in with your eye doctor.

If you feel that you might have presbyopia, we can check your eyes and provide a corresponding solution — PresbyMax.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 to inquire and set an appointment.

Fantastic Pandemic LASIK For Neri Amiel Campos | Shinagawa Feature Story

Fantastic Pandemic LASIK For Neri Amiel Campos

For many, LASIK is an investment they certainly need to make. Neri Amiel Campos was determined to do just that.

“It was last month when I decided to have LASIK. Though it is pandemic, I was firm in my decision to make LASIK a good investment for my health,” said Neri, who wanted to have his refractive errors corrected to reduce constant migraines.

With that, he shared that he only had one choice when it comes to entrusting his eyes and vision.

“I never had any other option for my LASIK. It is only in Shinagawa that I want to have this procedure. I am confident that I will be in good hands.”

True enough, Neri’s expectations were met.

“I had my LASIK done at Shinagawa Makati. Truly, I am satisfied with what has been done to my eyes. One of the best decisions that I ever made. I can see clearly now without any weapon in my eye. It feels surreal!”

You can never go wrong in investing in LASIK and your eyes. You’re a LASIK screening away from changing your life.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

When Glasses And Masks Don’t Get Along | Shinagawa Blog

When Glasses And Masks Don’t Get Along

Wearing a mask and glasses can make everyday activities foggy and unpleasant. We can provide a solution for that.

In these new and unprecedented times, wearing a mask while out in public is a way to stay safer when engaging in everyday activities. In most places, it has become mandatory to wear a mask while on public transit to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Similarly, the World Health Organization has also strongly recommended the wearing of a mask while out in public.

Wearing a mask isn’t always easy, however. It can get even more difficult when you have to wear a mask while also wearing a pair of glasses, especially for extended periods of time. The pairing of glasses and a mask is cumbersome – glasses don’t fit smoothly over a mask, resulting in needing constant readjustment.

You can also find yourself adjusting your glasses on a regular basis, bringing your hands in contact with parts of your face, which is problematic due to the fact that your hands also touch multiple surfaces while out in public. Also, your glasses begin to fog up and become a continual hassle when out and about.

Why do glasses fog up?

Foggy glasses occur due to the way that air escapes from your mask when you breathe. Your warmer breath creates water vapors and travels outwards to the edges of your mask, landing on the cooler surface of the lenses of your glasses, turning into a fog.

This situation adds an extra layer of frustration when trying to get through your day. Fogged-up glasses interfere with everyday tasks like reading text messages, being able to see who you’re speaking to in public spaces, and missing your stop on the bus because you can’t see outside properly.
Our eyes as a means of communication

Beyond the practical inconveniences, making eye contact becomes more difficult when you cannot see clearly. Eye contact is a natural way of conveying meaning (or non-verbal cues) and when that’s impaired, communication can become challenging when interacting with others. Due to a large portion of our face being covered by a mask, the eyes are more important than ever when it comes to conversations with those around you. That old saying about our eyes being the window of the soul means that connecting with others is difficult when those windows are always fogged up.

Although there are some ways that can help prevent your glasses from fogging up such as wearing a tighter mask (which in itself is not super comfortable) or putting soap on your glasses and letting them dry, these are all impractical and will only partially help you out.

Thankfully, a more permanent solution to this issue exists LASIK! It can make activities like trips to the grocery store a whole lot easier by eliminating the very real hassles of glasses so you can concentrate on what’s important.

In these complicated times, simplify your life with our life-changing eye procedures like LASIK, among others.

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.

What Can We Do About Presbyopia? | Shinagawa Blog

What Can We Do About Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is probably one of the most frustrating eye conditions there is for people 40 years and above.

It’s the reason the phone font size goes up as you pass your 40th birthday, it’s the reason you have trouble reading a menu or your bill at a restaurant, it’s the reason your arms don’t feel long enough…and finally, it’s the reason you have to wear those reading glasses.

Presbyopia is not completely ‘untreatable’ but to the common person, the usual option is buying a pair of those lovely readers at their closest pharmacy, or to add bifocals to their existing prescription. We are here to tell you, there are sometimes better options!

What is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is caused when the natural lens of your eye no longer changes shape with age. As your lens becomes less flexible and loses its elasticity, it can no longer change its shape to focus on close-up images. Therefore, the images appear out of focus, and you essentially become far-sighted and need reading glasses to see up close. This usually happens in patients ages 40 and up.

What is currently available for presbyopia?

While there are some options, there’s one particular presbyopia treatment that stands out — PresbyMax!

PresbyMax is a minimally invasive laser eye procedure that treats and corrects presbyopia. Visual acuity typically improves rapidly, especially at a near distance.

If you’re tired of presbyopia and you want another solution, schedule a PresbyMax screening with us!

Call our Patient Care Lines: (+632) 7-368 5238 l (+63) 917 862 7454 l (+63) 921 217 0517 for inquiries, questions, and appointments or talk to our consultants via LiveChat here on our website.