Do You Have Yellow Teeth? Know What Causes It

Do You Have Yellow Teeth? Know What Causes It

Do you miss your pearly white teeth? Having yellowish teeth due to discoloration isn’t exactly the best sight to see. Discolored set of teeth can reduce one’s confidence and overall appearance. But how do you exactly avoid tooth discoloration? It starts by knowing what causes tooth discoloration. Here are some factors that cause tooth discoloration: […]

Travel Beauty Essentials You Should Have 1

Travel Beauty Essentials You Should Have

Admit it, you love traveling, right? Come on, who doesn’t want to wander around nowadays? As you travel, it is natural for your getup to be ruined every now and then given all the activities and adventures that you embark on to maximize every trip. Of course, despite that, you would still want to keep […]

Knowing if your Teeth are Crooked or your Bite is Misaligned 1

Knowing if your Teeth are Crooked or your Bite is Misaligned

Do you often feel like your teeth might be crooked or your bite might be misaligned? It’s uncomfortable and irritating, right? Instead of comfortably using and flaunting your teeth, you feel that something might not be right. In this case, it’s always best to visit a dentist to know the real score. A dentist can […]

Nailing a No Makeup Look 3

Nailing a No Makeup Look

In some instances, less proves to be more. Sometimes, that applies in certain instances, including the setup of your face. While makeups help you a lot to achieve a certain glow during special occasions, there are times that a no-makeup look is more appropriate. So how do you exactly pull that off? Actually, this might […]

Reasons Why Adults Should Get Braces 5

Reasons Why Adults Should Get Braces

Aging doesn’t only apply to changes in our overall health and appearance, it also applies to our teeth. As we continue to age in our adulthood, it is quite common for our teeth to eventually shift due to natural growth, health-related issues and physical injuries. Sometimes, having straight teeth can run its course. Moreover, adults […]

Why Your Makeup Doesn’t Look Right

Why Your Makeup Doesn’t Look Right

Sometimes, there are days where your makeup looks off. Despite your best efforts in putting and designing them while allotting significant time for your fix, there are times that you just can’t get it right. There are probable reasons for that. In such cases that you’re doing your face wrong, try to check these wrong […]

The Importance of Finding a Good Dentist

The Importance of Finding a Good Dentist

All of us need help when it comes to our teeth and oral health. However, it is important to entrust your teeth to an experienced and capable dentist. Finding a good dentist that can provide you with the right and effective dental treatments and procedures for your teeth is essential as a big part of […]

Be Like LeBron, Count on LASIK for Better Basketball

The 2018 NBA Finals just concluded and despite falling short of the championship, basketball superstar LeBron James still showed the world why he is one of the greatest to ever lace up sneakers. LeBron continued to dominate on the basketball court like only he can. Aside from his skills and hard work, want to know […]

Preventing Wrinkles the Right Way

Preventing Wrinkles the Right Way

We can’t avoid aging but we surely can fight off some of its signs, including wrinkles. There are actually simple but yet effective ways to delay and shrug off the onset of wrinkles. Here are some of them: 1. Moisturize to Protect your Skin – When it comes to skincare, it’s no secret that moisturizing […]

How is a Cataract Diagnosed?

How is a Cataract Diagnosed?

Wondering if your regressing vision is caused by cataract? Having receding vision is one thing, knowing its cause is another. If you’re aging and aching to know if you have a cataract, it’s always best to know sooner rather than later. But how exactly is a cataract detected? Should you observe signs and symptoms of […]